Sewer Orgy Scene from Stephen King's IT

Okay you know what? Someone just post the excerpt of the sewer orgy scene from the IT book. I've been hearing it everywhere ever since the new movie came out and it's getting on my nerves because I never intend to actually slog through the book.

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Please tell me they at least kept the blowjob festival in the new adaptation

I've read IT several times, but i've never actually read the sewer orgy. Just seems too cringeworthy. I just skip over it.

The second I heard about it, it pretty much confirmed Stephen King was a pedophile.

It's actually (unironically) the most well-written scene that King has ever produced

post it

the best you get no spoilers is one kiss. On one hand I have artistic integrity etc etc etc , on the other the actress is 14 and i'm not a sick fuck

Stephen King is kind of a monster, if you go by the stuff he's written. It makes it even more hilarious that he's now this big progressive icon on Twitter spouting anti-Trump stuff.

Someone post the scene where Pennywise licks Beth's clit and says "Yummy in my tummy"

Someone post the scene where Pennywise shoves his arm up Billy's ass and uses him like a puppet

You're aware that you can write fiction without advocating what takes place within it, right?

Someone post the scene where pennywise fucks Bill's dog and sings that jingles bells barking song.

Yo, never read this book because it's a fucking door-stopper.

Can someone just point me straight to the action?

Someone post the scene where pennywise takes the form of the nurse at the kids' school on penis inspection day

Here it is you perverts. Enjoy:

e poi chiude le braccia intorno al collo di Eddie, appoggia la sua guancia
liscia alla guancia liscia di lui e quando Eddie le sfiora con mille esitazioni
i piccoli seni, lei sospira e pensa per la prima volta: «Questo è Eddie
» e ricorda un giorno di luglio - possibile che fosse solo il mese scorso?
- quando l'unico a scendere ai Barren fu Eddie che aveva con sé un gran
mazzo di fumetti della Piccola Lulu e avevano letto insieme per quasi tutto
il pomeriggio della Piccola Lulu che andava in cerca di bacche e finiva
nelle situazioni più stravaganti e della Fattucchiera Nocciola e di tutti gli
altri personaggi. Era stato divertente.
Pensa agli uccelli; in particolare agli storni e gli itteri e i corvi che tornano
in primavera e intanto le sue mani gli slacciano la cintura e lui dice
di nuovo che non lo può fare e lei gli dice che può, che sa che può, e quello
che prova non è né vergogna né paura, adesso, ma una specie di trionfo.
«Dove?» chiede lui e quella cosa dura spinge con urgenza contro l'interno
della sua coscia.
«Qui», gli dice.
«Bevvie, ti cascherò addosso!» esclama lui e lei sente che il suo respiro
si fa sibilante.
«Credo che sia giusto così», gli dice lei e lo prende con delicatezza e lo
guida. Lui spinge troppo precipitosamente e le fa male.
Lei trattiene un rantolo, si morde il labbro inferiore e pensa di nuovo
agli uccelli, gli stormi di primavera, in fila sui tetti delle case, li vede spiccare
il volo tutt'a un tratto sotto le nubi basse di marzo.
«Beverly?» la chiama lui con voce titubante. «Stai bene?»
«Vai più piano», risponde lei. «Ti sarà più facile respirare.»
E lui si muove più lentamente e dopo un po' il suo respiro accelera, ma
lei capisce che non è perché si sente male.
Il dolore si assopisce. All'improvviso lui si muove più in fretta, poi si
ferma, s'irrigidisce, e fa un verso... un verso strano. Lei intuisce che gli è
successo qualcosa di importante, qualcosa di straordinariamente speciale,
qualcosa come... come volare. E si sente forte: si sente gonfiare il cuore
da un'emozione trionfale. È di questo che aveva paura suo padre? Aveva
ragione! C'è potere in questo atto, una forza profonda, capace di spezzare
qualunque catena. Non prova piacere fisico, bensì una sorta di estasi mentale.
Sente la vicinanza. Lui le appoggia il viso contro il collo e lei lo tiene
fra le braccia. Lui sta piangendo. Lei lo trattiene.

There's more where that came from. If you want I can post the rest.

Wait is this actually a scene

Because I seem to remember this happening in a film

What the fuck publisher read this book and thought
>Yup, nothing weird about this scene. To the best sellers list we go!

I have to wonder what they made him take out.

Why would a publisher be concerned with something "weird" in a horror novel? I get that it's pretty out of left field and stranger than anyone probably expected, but it's still a genre with a purpose of making people uncomfortable.

I have it on epub, but you sound like a perverted ass hole so I won't post it.

It's shit anyway, gal lies and they take turns pumping her for 'friendhip' only amusing thing is fat kid packing a meat packer of epic proportions.

I read somewhere he's got a scene where some nazi guy fucks a kid for twelve pages for no apparent reason.

>tfw am italian

ahhaha bamboozled again

There's unnerving scenes and there's loli/shota fap material.

there's a lot of stuff in the book that could be edited out, just because it's pointless and boring, much less offensive. I dunno, i guess at some point they got it in their heads that King was editor proof

damn. I knew I should've posted the finnish version!

someone post the scene where pennywise is drinking at the local bar, complaining that his son only has two light bulbs and won't stop spinning in figure 8s and shitting all over the dimensional tube, and then that one fag guy who dies in the beginning goes into the bathroom with him and gives him a jerk job.

so what?

yes, which seems to still be unnerving people decades later.

Gosh, /lit...
Noone seems to have the slightest clue what this scene adds to the book. Embarrassing.


Absolutely nothing of value.





Eh, better than I expected of King.

>11 year olds gangbanging their friend to soldify their friendship and bond, also to get out of the sewers for some idiotic reason
>muh coming of age
>"The sexual act connected childhood and adulthood."
he created this mess because he can't write endings for shit and wanted to get some controversy points.

I dont know about you guys, but to me its just grotesque to read about it, let alone comment.
Its just senseless, sure there is some story, some wisdom even..
But on the otherhand its just disgusting, perverted products of the mind that ruin an otherwise good horror.


I love how she doesn't even feel physical pleasure until the kid with the big dick has his turn, then suddenly it's a porno with her biting her hand and screaming "yes!". That must really hurt some guys to read about.

Well, it's supposed to be a metaphor but it doesn't realy make sense plot-wise/logically, it's disgusting and unnecessary.
It's like arranging a literal threesome between Katya, Ivan and Dmitri in TBK. Sure, it makes some kind of sense metaphorically but it would ultimately serve no purpose outside of the shock factor.

Stephen King is obviously a size king.

I think it would be totally fine if he didn't go into such erotic detail. Once he starts talking about how she gets excited feeling the bigger dick with her hand, it's awkwardly obvious that he's getting some kind of sexual pleasure out of writing this, and it's no longer just for the story.

It would still be a stupid and pointless scene desu senpai
what's the merit?

>Pensa agli uccelli

I'm saying that the purpose of it purely as a story point, which has been elaborated on endlessly, seems fine to me. I'm not commenting on it beyond that generalization because the scene ends up being ridiculous, so that conversation is moot. In other words, I don't think the fact of the orgy is all that perverted or pointless, but the actual writing of it totally betrays any of that potential reason for existing.

fuuuuuck I'm reading people commenting on the scene and its making me consider the condition of our world
>I would at least like to see it ”tastefully” illuded to. It is a rather important connection for the group and helps make their promise to return that much harder to break. I wouldn't want to see it completely graphically done because there are always those that would twist the material and use it out of context of viewing the movie as a whole. However, to at least nod to it in a way they readers would know why a cut scene was placed or even a suggestion of what was about to take place before a fade out would be a respectable way to stay true to the source material.


Anybody have any recs based on this scene alone?

Obviously nobody except your moronic brain read that pointless book.


Yes I said yes I will yes

It turns the whole novel into an allegory about the development of children's sexuality, as you can see pretty clearly if you look out for the keywords "fly/flying" and the explanation of "it". "Flying" is used by Pennywise (It) throughout the whole novel ("We're flying down here" says it / "Show me how to fly" says Bev in that scene).
>Now she realizes that for many of them sex must be some unrealized undefined monster; they refer to the act as It.
I mean, you can't be less subtle about what you're trying to say.

I don't know about you, but my closest friends i had as a child were the gangangees and gangbangers I enjoyed a gangbang with. We all still write.

Hello Stephen

That's the way of the patricians.

The exact same thing could've been accomplished if they all kissed instead of fucking. It would have been nicer no? Pennywise is the one doing all the gross shit to them and ruining their childhood, it would have been appropriate if after they defeated Pennywise they did an innocent, childhood kiss as if to say "we're still children, you didn't turn us into perverted fucked up shells"

I think it should of degraded into this total violent rape fest where everyone shoved sewer and old shit into bev's mouth and made her eat all their asses, then penetrated all her orifices until she was bleeding, then stomped the shit out of her and left her for dead.

Then like, as adults, they would remember that and think..."Oh shit, we forgot about everything because we raped and tried to kill bev and blocked it out! Oh damn, it wasn't that clown shit at all. Man....eggs on our face huh?"

the clown was their psychotic tendencies all along. woah, what a twist bravo king

That would actually be pretty nice and serve the purpose even better. (Maybe it's not meant to be a solution but part of the traumatization they suffered from It.)

Btw. I always wondered how he got the scene through censorship. Isn't there a censorship in the US when it comes to books? They seem to be really uptight considering movies.

Americans don't read books so no need.

What a lot of filler text. Is all of his writing that boring?

Some yeah, The Stand is worse.

I laughed, haha.

This is my first time reading King. It kills me to think of all the >reddit morons who say, "you don't have to be pretentious and say your favorite books are classics! We can read sci-fi and kid's books, Stephen King rules," is that this is some of the most pretentious - in the actual sense of the word - bullshit I have ever read.

>How many weird pedophiliac Stephen King sex scenes are you on?
>like, a full on gangbang
>you are like a little baby, watch this

pg. 725-730

Reading the Wikipedia summary:

>Bill enters the monster's mind through the Ritual of Chüd and discovers that It's true form is a mass of destructive orange lights which It refers to as the "Deadlights". With the help of Maturin, Bill is able to defeat It and send it back to its slumber. After the battle, the Losers get lost in the sewers until Beverly has sex with all the boys to bring unity back to the group

What in the fuck

I always have group sex after I send temporal demons to dormancy. It's kind of a no-brainer bro.

This is just child porn, Jesus Christ.

Uh, no. It's serious literature that adds a layer of artistic merit to the piece.

Quit being such a pleb and get your cock out.


Holy shit

go to a Chicago gay bar and try to track down Peter Sotos

I remember reading that when I was like 14. It's about a repressed fear and it creeped me out pretty bad desu

Seriously though there is basically no censorship for books.

The train is THE most important scene in the novel and without it the structure wouldn'f have worked.

The works of VC Andrews.

IT was nearly banned from being sold.

Something heavy and hot presses itself against his bottom. Little White Walking Sam jerks again.

Thdeady, the Library Policeman says. He is panting harder now; Sam feels hot blurts of breath on his left shoulder and smells Sen-Sen. He is lost in terror now, but terror isn't all that he feels: there is shame, as well. He has been dragged into the shadows, is being forced to submit to this grotesque, unknown punishment, because he has been late returning The Black Arrow. If he had only known that fines could run this high -!

The heavy thing jabs into his bottom, thrusting his buttocks apart. A horrible, tearing pain laces upward from Little White Walking Sam's vitals. There has never been pain like this, never in the world.

He drops The Black Arrow and shoves his wrist sideways into his mouth, gagging his own cries.

Thdeady, the Library Wolf pants, and now his hands descend on Sam's shoulders and he is rocking back and forth, in and out, back and forth, in and out. Thdeady ... thdeaady ... oooh! Thdeeeaaaaaaddyyyyy

Gasping and rocking, the Library Cop pounds what feels like a huge hot bar of steel in and out of Sam's bum; Sam stares with wide eyes into the Library basement, which is in another universe, an orderly universe where gruesome things like this don't ever happen. He watches the janitor nod, tuck his clipboard under his arm, and walk toward the door at the far end of the room. If the janitor turned his head just a little and raised his eyes slightly, he would see a face peering in the window at him, the pallid, wide-eyed face of a little boy with red licorice on his lips. Part of Sam wants the janitor to do just that - to rescue him the way the woodcutter rescued Little Red Riding Hood - but most of him knows the janitor would only turn away, disgusted, at the sight of another bad little boy submitting to his just punishment at the hands of the Briggs Avenue Library Cop.

May you verify that by a quote - I'm really interested.

No kidding. I'm almost halfway through.
>scene where man dying of cancer is finally telling his son about an tragic event that happened in his younger days that culminates in something spooky
>the whole recollection could literally be published as a novella


>Losers Club finally meets as adults, getting re-accquainted before Mike gets down to business
>chapter ends up being about how Ben lost weight

>Beverly, I..

Beverly realizes that girls always refer to sex as "It".
Was the hole book an excuse to get to this point?

Pretty much exactly, funny though I literally just red the chapter in the asian restaurant with that scene. The book does this all throughout, it just drifts into these really irrelevant detailed stories that have nothing to do with the main plot really, and aren't even interesting.

Though in fairness, I do think the old guy telling about the black spot was pretty interesting and relevant to the story.

The Black Spot story was admittedly interesting on its own merits (though I have to wonder if racism was really that bad in the military back then) and the wtf way it ends was pretty cool.

Incidentally I actually liked the resturant portion when they get down to talking about the murders. First time I felt legit spooked. Read like a small collection of creepypasta.

Is this thread a troll? The symbolism of the sex scene is elementary and obvious.

/lit is just retarded, and none of them as actually read a book ever...

dubs says the truth

I hope it's a troll. Otherwise Veeky Forums comprehension and analysis isn't even good enough for airport novels.

Veeky Forums is about collecting books, not reading them. That's why there are bookshelf threads. That's why book hauls are for battered used copies, they want people to think they read their decorations.

In a general sense

my favorite is the 2 pages King spent describing Eddie's medicine cabinet.

Bukakke. It adds bukakke.

Huh, OP here. That was actually really boring. It's like he's afraid to say the word vagina so he just says 'he put his thing in her thing... BIRDS."

Anyway, thanks m8.

>Stephen king writes kid getting punished for delivering a book past the due date
>"he is a pedophile!"
>Japan writes a family of a single mother and 2 daughters getting gangraped because the deceased husband left a large debt
"yes you deserve it, whores."
Puts my almonds on activation mode.

No, but seriously, I haven't watched anything about IT and the orgy really disturbs me, i don't know why. I don't even mind shotaxloli that much.