>browse Veeky Forums
>haven't read his books
Explain yourselves.
>browse Veeky Forums
>haven't read his books
Explain yourselves.
Sorry but I'm a Neil degrasse Tyson man myself when it comes to Afro American lit
>reading black authors ever
We wuz not financial burdens n shiet
Sowell is too precious for this lot
Dr. Sowell is my nigga!
i welcome discussion all discussion of his works
Race and Culture was the book that got me into him. What about you guys?
For me it was my diary desu
buzz osbourne from the melvins likes him.
just seems like pop-politics/economics to me.
I prefer books about these subjects that have more of an academic tilt
>afro american lit
Stop pretending this is a thing, those two authors are nothing alike. Either you're reading socioeconomics, or pop science.
Far too precious. Here comes the brigade who haven't read anything except his wikipedia page
Basic Economics. I was looking to understand some theory before my first year of econ, at his writing turned out to be more useful.
Weak stuff.
I have Wealth, Poverty, and Politics. Haven't read it yet, it just came in the mail a couple weeks ago whilst I've been finishing the Bible. I'll make sure to post on my blog again once I've read it to let you know what I think of black economy man.
I only come here to call people high school and shitpost in the criticism threads.
For anyone's that's read his works with an open and critical eye, what would you say about the longevity of his works? By that I mean, will they still be read a century from now?
Wealth of Nations was
His reader is what hooked me in. It's a very good introduction to TS since he talks about a little bit of everything you will find in all of his other works.
I'm not a liberal Tbh
Sowell is based though. Imagine the blackest SJW ghetto author ever. Now Sowell is the antithesis of that. Give it a try. Guy is redpilled af.
What about reading him prior to posting your super opinions?
I hate republicanism/liberalism, so no
>ugh, I'm not going to read anything that could challenge my fallacies
i'm just a tourist, i'd rather watch alex jones and peterson videos than actually read.
Back to plebbit
>it doesn't matter that my ideology may be wrong, what matters is that I rly like it
>anyone who disagrees is plebbit
According to what redditeriffic metric?
>he doesn't even understand why he's being mocked
he has great videos too.
but seriously try reading something
there's nothing redditerrific about T. Sowell
i'm sixteen and i like to write, fuck off
No, but liberalism and republicanism are. And by extent, so is le intellectual black man.
He's just a political NGT
See by yourself. No one knows what you believe so I can't answer. But Sowell generally makes fair and reasonable points, and he's a good read for anyone with differing opinions.
>he cares about being mocked and/or mocking other people
Grow up.
>fair and reasonable
So, redditeriffic.
Sowell is just a Republican house nigger, you silly nonce. I have never read anything by him that has turned a single cog in my head. It's all completely by the book. You know everything he has to say before he's even started saying it.
>le dwebbit nbwebbit hahaha XD
Looks like you have superior knowledge of what happens on that fucking website. Personally I never go there and I don't care. Maybe you should do the same.
I am not American, I don't care about the Republicans, and yet what he writes is relevant for a foreign audience.
Sowell isn't even a republican.
read something besides his newspaper columns.
pretty sure that guy was joking
Shame someone who was able to summarize Marx so well has to resort to ad hominem attacks as his only retort ...
Libertarians are so inconsistent.,
>ad hominem attacks as his only retort ...
what are you talking about?
This guy is FREE MARKET CAPITALISM but from a black guy so we know the system is just and infallible? Like when the news puts a black newscaster on a race related story but he's representing the white side? Do I really have to read the books or can I just let people know he's black?
Read his book 'Marxism' recently ... The entirety of his response in the final chapters falls flat
Not to mention he contradicts himself fucking 90 times
I liked his collection of essays Black Rednecks & White Liberals. He relies way too heavily on Du Bois though.
Part of the appeal is what you just said, then you read the book and discover it's better than expected.
Why did you think that posting this libcuck shit on the most Hegelian board would garner any positive replies?
>the white side?
the fact that you even think in such terms reveals how much of a racist you are.
Shut the FUCK up!
Yes, I'm quite a redpilled individual myself
I don't read books by women or darkies
Most of Veeky Forums knows who Thomas Sowell is. Basic Economics is recommended here fairly often. Those of us familiar with contemporary history know to avoid Chicago school economists.
So did Marx
>Those of us familiar with contemporary history know to avoid Chicago school economists.
Because they're hacks. Look at Chile
You mean one of the few countries in South America that isn't a dump?
Basic economics is an incredible read and it isn't uniquely the Chicago school. Most of it is rudimentary economics. Supply and Demand, elasticity, utility. etc
It's a large insightful book , I recommend reading it in doses and taking the time to reflect on it/absorb all the information
Does he offer any unique insights or are his books just mainstream economic opinion distilled? That's the impression i have of him.
Mainstream economic opinion? It's factual.
Let me put it another way. Why should i read him for some basic economic facts over any other economist?
I don't waste my time reading conservative authors.
Good question. When I was reading Basic Economics, I was amazed by the conciseness of the writing. It's better than any Econ 101 textbook because the concepts are outlined in plain english. The writings are very relevant to the world we live in and the problems created by unsound economic practices. He also does not give equal cadence to unsound and sound policies, like some high school classes which teach Keynes.
t. leftypol brainlet.
I like that Thomas Sowell doesn't need to teach the definitions of economic terms to explain their concepts. Basic Economics is truly "A Citizen's Guide to the Economy." I hate when economists use a bunch of esoteric words as though understanding the economy is some mystical impenetrable science.
Don't exist
You don't exist.
thats - uh.. like your own opinion man..
Sowell hates Trump. If Rand were alive today she would REVILE trump.
his writings on ethnic issues are very unique and interesting
I've read The Vision of the Anointed, Basic Economics and quite a bit of the Thomas Sowell Reader
p. based my g
which of his books should i start with
>A Jew and a her pet negro would be pro ad infinitum immigration meant to flood labor markets and drive down real wage for the 1%
You don't say
Overrated desu. I don't mind too much because I agree with 95% of what he says, so whatever gets the word around, but it's largely distilled stuff from long traditions.
His muh race essays are probably his most original thoughts also the ones I largely disagree with.
Vision of the Anointed is the most Veeky Forums.
Heh, how are we to confront people like this, Veeky Forums?
We had this exact thread a couple of days ago.
Reading Basic Economics and then replying