Why devote yourself to ascetic...

Why devote yourself to ascetic, archaic pursuits such as knowledge and values of highbrow when you can do drugs and have sex until you return to the void you were birthed from?

Because nihilism ain't shit.

Why not both?

Drugs make me ill.
Sex is hard to get.
Good poetry is enticing and intoxicating too.

But I don't live an ascetic life.
Also, Gary Wilson is fucking crazy.

Gary Wilson is a genius and a model for living. Sex is literally the greatest thing in life and everything revolves around it on both an esoteric and biological level. If you can't regularly have sex you are a failure. Incels should be federally executed.

>Gary Wilson is a model for living
>If you can't regularly have sex you are a failure

Pick one, man

Gary Wilson regularly has sex. I am friends with the man, he's Ariel Pink levels of successful pussy

Because the second one gets old and then later painful as you pass the 30 year mark.

>not both
>not finding joy in learning and getting completely twisted on mushrooms

Sex isn't all that great and when I'm doing drugs I turn into a lazy piece of shit so that's not that amazing either. I say work out, eat healthy and acquire skills, then start a business and find a way to make passive income. If you're really desperate for sex, use Tinder for pump and dump sex.

leftist hedonism normie cultural marxist PC sjws BS jung life is suffering, man

Where does R. Stevie Moore rank in all of this?

One is clearly superior to the other.

Drugs and sex are limited and subject to the control of various external circumstances. I can never have as much of them as I like whenever I want.

Knowledge and virtue are infinite and unrestrained. I can give myself as much patience, temperance and courage as I want, whenever I want.

Think about those nature documentaries everyone has seen. When a lion chases a zebra or a gazelle, the whole herd runs. But as soon as he makes a kill, they go back to grazing. This is because the lion has a limited appetite, and only eats what he needs every few days.

Man, unlike all other creatures, has a limitless appetite. Always wanting more, what is limited and restrained will never satisfy him. For true satisfaction he must have what is infinite and unrestrained.

I wasn't birthed from a void.

(Cue yo momma joke about holes, etc.)

Lower on the weirdo scale. Ariel gets the most pussy out of all of them

>6.4 = Make Out

well I mean, if your standards are so low then of course you can close all the time.

Start with the Greeks. You'll know the answer.

When you're truly ugly the only thing you have left to live for is art.

True beauty resides in the lover, and not in the belovéd, which only possesses the external appearance of beauty.

>implying that these things are in any way distinguished as stimulants

>implying that drugs, sex, and even the pursuit of knowledge aren't controlled by the same lizard brain centers

>implying these pursuits are incompatible


>tfw people with a broken conception of sex try to convince you indiscriminate meatslapping is ok

You ever see those nature documentaries on the cable?

In some ways those are the same thing

I would have preferred a response to the meaning of my posts rather than a mere acknowledgement of the external similarity they bear to the words of a certain hollywood actor.

I want to make enough money to be able to do both in comfort

Because I can't get sex and drugs, while offering immediate pleasure, provide no long-term fulfillment. Pleasure from literature is accumulative.

You see the one about lions?

why try to better understand existence when you can suffer through the hell that is drug addiction? I think the answer is pretty simple.

Been there, done that.

Do both, and you'll see why.

Because they're not enjoyable without intentionally keeping them fresh, usually through increased frequency. But then you're on the level of a meth addict, a pleasure-fried brain with nothing else to your being, you turn into a fucking animal when you can't retain the "freshness" too. It feels good in the pure sensory pleasure way but nothing else - even then, it's only very brief and becomes briefer the higher your tolerance. Beyond flirting with them, you will only end up feeling like shit and being an actual pile of shit in terms of your abilities and health.

The so-called ascetic pursuits you posit are actually infinitely more enjoyable and fulfilling.

I'm about to stop my drug use (including binge drinking) because it makes me unhappy.
I'm unlucky when it comes to sex accessibility. Even tho, all I truly want is be loved, but no girl has ever gotten to that.

Sex is overrated, and pointless if not an outgrowth of legitimate reproduction.
If your life revolves around it, you have been subjugated by women, and are something less than a man.
Foreskin circumcisors and parents of bastard children should be federally executed.

Enjoying sex/drugs and literature are not mutually exclusive.

Alcohol, weed, shrooms and coke are all awesome. So is fucking African teen butt. Get on my level

I find it juvenile to boast about using drugs. Most of the junkies I knew either quit, died, or are walking corpses after a few years of the lifestyle. Stop pretending to be Hunter S. Thompson, go to an AA meeting.

>not doing both

Why do drugs and have sex until you return to the void you were birthed from instead of just killing yourself to cut to the chase?

Cioran wasn't a hedonist. He lived a quiet reclusive life and was in a loving long term relationship with his defacto wife

Well saying that. Its not to say he wasn't a hedonist, but his idea of maximizing the pleasure principal wasn't sex and drugs. He'd describe that lifestyle as delusional mysticism

>return to the void you were birthed from
incest thread?

>do drugs and have sex
It's just empty stimulation with no real purpose beyond the mechanic stimulation itself. It will break most people over time, and at that point they're not only broken but astray in general.

That's actually a popular misconception. If you try to live that lifestyle, you will just fuck yourself up, get weird health issues, lose your friends, and be miserable. American WASP tight-assedness, Christianity, and tennis are actually the keys to total lifetime happiness.

>Sex is overrated
t. virgin

>sex isn't overrated
t. virgin