Is the simulation argument the peak of philosophy?

Is the simulation argument the peak of philosophy?

No lol


that's just modern religion basically, nothing specially new about it, "god" still occupies the same position and we still know nothing about "god's" nature

just because you call this world a "simulation" instead of a "creation" doesn't structurally change anything about the idea

fuck off kurgleblat; keep that shit on reddit or find something new to talk about

bostrom isn't reddit

i like the owl cover

This. A thought experiment abused by the Musks and Tysons of the world so they can be fawned over more.

normies love to think they are deceived by being real in a fake world. in fact, the personality is fake in a real world.

The Vsauce3 video is funny because of how the guy goes WE ARE living in a simulation to add effect.

>Theists say that world was created by God
>Atheists say that world is a simulation
Really makes me think

Except all theists think the world is a creation by God but not all atheists think the world is a simulation

where can I watch more stuff like this
im not smart enough to read books
im a brainlet
but I love shit like this
like the one about what if there was absolutely nothing not even light or darkness just absolute emptiness, that really mindfucked me .
and every time i think about it makes me feel like im going to disappear.


Solipsism is, for it is the black hole of philosophy.

search for any youtube channel with "philosophy" or "science" in the name and press play

avoid anything that has a university name or anybody who has "dr" or "prof" before their name

There's just something about this video and the brainless comments that makes me angry

>immortal machine
>drowns in a bit of water
who invented this low quality meme chip?

Not really, just a modernized allegory. Of the cave for pseuds

Why am I seeing owls everywhere these days?

owls are a symbol of wisdom that is widely used

Kurzgesagt is the embodiment of reddit, you're not alone

Saddest post I've ever seen on this board

It's just as likely that the universe is the fart of a giant turtle, perhaps Stephen King was right all along.

Simulationism is the height of religious literalism since it's the closest one can get to factually explaining why a bunch of things that didn't happen actually did. Although many-worlds + simulationism is even better for potentially exhausting every possible variation of this, right down to literal discordianism.

>gets to the part about simulating consciousness
>without context states that consciousness is generated in the brain
>starts shitting random numbers
>rest of the video is nonsense and science-fiction, and logical fallacies

I refuse to give youtube channels about philosophy with fancy graphics views.

Why would reality be a simulation?

Because atheists have come to terms with the fact a clock has a clockmaker but refuse to call it god so instead they call it simulation

>thinking the hardware is the machine in question

Foolish mortal

Because the word "god" is long out of style and the word "mind" is next to go. Instead we talk about "brain" and act as if it were the same thing as a computer.
I'm pretty sure it's not an actual philosophy channel, otherwise they wouldn't try to prove that there is a 99,9% chance that we're living in a simulation. It's just religious scientism.

>The virgin Kurzgezast vs the Chad Isaac Arthur

where's the machine then? and don't pull one "it was in your heart all along", please

Why do you always start a new thread when a new Kurzgesagt video is released? Maybe you'd prefer to read about the topic instead?

Its called software you moron.

>calling software a machine
wtf, that makes no sense, machines are physical

also if software is not instantiated in a physical support it's just as abstract as human ideas, so you are still saying "it was in your heart all along", but in a roundabout way


unironically this

It's a quote from a videogame where a rogue AI takes of the entirety of a massive space station. Stop thinking about it.
