Does anyone have a link to the Veeky Forums user created Land Reader?
"Capitalism as a vampiric manifestation of postcolonial social darwinism, in which a manifest elite draw the life-force into a greater concentration while the atomization of populist ideology draws individuals into greater disparity making any kind of leftist collective impossible. No group cohesion is possible. Even the Marxian commoditization of life-force in which life and experience is predicated on capital ownership such that life has a dollar cost, the cyclical monotony of production is being absorbed by a global elite. With the destruction of labor value excess through the atomation of manual processes, now the very ability for lower classes to create any life force will cause an abandonment of mass sectors of the populous. The only way this could be avoided is through a return to primitive technology, but the love of communistic techno-aestheticism, has made this impossible. The fetishization of technology to free the masses will be the very mechanism of their demise."
Discuss, how can Land say technology will enslave when it has historically raised the standard of living. Why would it change? How could primitivism be superior?
Paper will one day rot And computers break all the time From paper we have digital From digital we will have what comes next Save your files. Share your files. Support the artists.
Ian Howard
Thanks friend!
Blake Allen
Cool to see my dummy account getting shared. I uploaded some more stuff too. Here's a link to the folder Contents: Nick Land- Thirst for Annhilation NL - Suspended Animation NL - Fanged Noumena Mark Fisher - Capitalist Realsim Ray Brassier - Nihil Unbound Reza Negarestani - Cyclonopedia CCRU Archive
anyone have an idea of how many pages land's writings run? 5k? 10k? 20k?
Lincoln Torres
Wyatt Jenkins
Matthew Allen
worse than "idk" posting
Chase Lopez
>how can Land say technology will enslave when it has historically raised the standard of living
It can do both. It's a matter of how much you are willing to trade one for the other.
Ryder Sanchez
Tomorrow can take care of itself >:-)
Brandon Hill
Anyone have the Collapse journals? I only have the first issue.
Charles Williams
share that journal?
Caleb Clark
>It can do both. It's a matter of how much you are willing to trade one for the other.
Wrong, it does both simultaneously. There is no trade off. Good and Evil rise in unison with each other.
Parker Cooper
Thanks!!! You seem to be very familiar with Land, what's his main gestalt?
Charles Diaz
A grey-tribe effective altruist polyamorous MIRI researcher and Harry Potter fanfiction author was teaching a class on Scott Alexander, a known rationalist. ”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Scott and accept that he is the most highly-evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than Mencius Moldbug!” At this moment, a brave, HBD-proponent (r)accelerationist who had read more than 1500 Nick Land screeds and fully supported all economic decisions made by the emergent technocapitalistic inhuman godhead stood up and held up an efficient market economy. ”Who does this market serve, pinhead?” The arrogant professor smirked (((in a high IQ fashion))) and smugly replied “The free market is the most efficient tool every created to allocate resources, you stupid Nazi!” ”Wrong. It serves Lord Gnon (who always has been and always will be) and enforces only his blind idiot will on the universe." The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of Rationality: From AI to Zombies. He stormed out of the room crying those rationalist crocodile tears. The same tears Peter Singer cries for the “suffering” (who today live in such luxury that most survive their first bout of malaria) when they jealously try to claw justly earned wealth from their biologically superior Western betters. There is no doubt that at this point our professor wished he had abandoned his Christian-apologetic "ethics" and become more than a sophist freeloading cult leader. He wished so much that he had a basilisk to memetically coerce the student into unending servitude, but he himself had petitioned against them! The students applauded and all pledged money to James Damore's Hatreon that day and accepted Gnon as their lord and savior. "Fanged Noumena" was read several times, and Moloch himself showed up and showered the lecture hall in oil and stone. The researcher lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died of nootropic overdose and copies of his mind-state were tortured by omnipotent, omnibenevolent machine intelligences for all eternity.
I got them from, but being the fucking idiot that I am, I formatted my HDD after a friend gave me an invite... and I didn't write down the password because I set it as "always logged in".
Adrian Turner
he's complicated. There is a leftist Land in early stuff and there is the right wing NRx Land that posts on Twitter today. And of course there is a Left Accelerationist and Right Accelerationist divide too, which he mirrors in his transformation.
The 'Concept of Acceleration' lectures get into this really well, and his 'Quick and Dirty Guide to Accelerationism' on Jacobite explains the divide well too. He's honest about it, and doesn't try to malign the leftists.
I guess, Accelerationism, boiled down, is the belief that Technology* is alive, that another species is evolving. Accelerationism challenges the anthropocentrism of philosophy, but also attempts to treat Technology as an equal subject/agent alongside Humanity.
*Technology is an impercise term, you'll hear other words used like Techno-Capitalism, Techno-Commercialism, Intelligence, Nyarlathotep, Moloch, or other demons, also GNON (God of Nature or Nature), and concepts like AI Singularity also are decent substitute.
The exact nature and name of this Entity is the core debate among Accelerationists. All of the theory is essentially trying to get at this question.
Is land pessimistic about humans future then, or does he think we'll be enslaved?
Is he racist like people say?
Carter Price
> Is land pessimistic about humans future then, or does he think we'll be enslaved?
I don't think you'll get much from reducing his thought to mere pessimism or slavery, here's a recent quote of his:
> In socio-historical terms, the line of deterritorialization corresponds to uncompensated capitalism. The basic – and, of course, to some real highly consequential degree actually installed – schema is a positive feedback circuit, within which commercialization and industrialization mutually excite each other in a runaway process, from which modernity draws its gradient. Karl Marx and Friedrich Nietzsche were among those to capture important aspects of the trend. As the circuit is incrementally closed, or intensified, it exhibits ever greater autonomy, or automation. It becomes more tightly auto-productive (which is only what ‘positive feedback’ already says). Because it appeals to nothing beyond itself, it is inherently nihilistic. It has no conceivable meaning beside self-amplification. It grows in order to grow. Mankind is its temporary host, not its master. Its only purpose is itself. >
>Is he racist like people say? probably more racist. like, acceleratingly racist
Joshua Russell
>humans enslaved Possibly, but he thinks that will be a good thing. He thinks that whatever replaces humans will be morally "worth" more.
>racist He endorses HBD stuff, but it's not a major part of his philosophy (he generally only uses as an example of what the "Cathedral" covers up_
Ayden Campbell
I THINK I count as a left-accelerationist so I would say that the difference between the left- and right- variants is that the left hangs onto the anthropocentrism that the right rejects: we want technology to be our slaves.
>Is land pessimistic about humans future then, or does he think we'll be enslaved? (I'm only new to him so someone can correct me if I'm wrong but) he thinks the "human future" IS to hand over life to technology*, and this movement is unavoidable so should be embraced, but also because that's the natural movement of "desire" (
Isaiah Evans
>raised the standard of living It hasn't, you only think it has because you've been already enslaved.
Brandon Hernandez
>He thinks that whatever replaces humans will be morally "worth" more. Hey this is what interests me the most--how does he derive this line of reasoning?
I'm rather curious as to how one would argue that an economic system that has discarded humanity necessarily includes anything really interesting from an ethical perspective, or any other perspective really.
What I'm saying is, capital may currently be directed at humanity, as this is still a p fucking huge source of value, but once humanity is discarded, it can become not just post-human but something that would be totally worthless in every sense, including moral, aesthetic, and intellectual, to humans.
Nolan Brooks
Yo, what do you mean by counting yourself as a left-accelerationist, are you active in some sense or merely expressing agreement?
Jayden Bennett
Anthrocuckery is a 'right' status. the 'left' overlaps with deep ecologists. It means he just an anthrocuck.
Jordan Long
Merely expressing agreement. I've only discovered it recently so I'm still not sure if I want to fully commit to it ideologically >Anthrocuckery is a 'right' status. the 'left' overlaps with deep ecologists. >It means he just an anthrocuck. Wait so is anthrocuck left or right?
Adrian Morgan
It's 'right'. You think you are 'left' but you are not.
John Carter
>will cause an abandonment of mass sectors of the populous
But where will they go?
Caleb Brown
Well it probably depends on what's meant by "left". Maybe I'm not left in Landian terminology, but whatever. I have no allegiance to the word.
Ryder Wood
Irrelevant. All you are and all you ever will be is a smelly little anthrocuck.
Aiden Rivera
Xavier Brown
Adrian Richardson
>but once humanity is discarded, it can become not just post-human but something that would be totally worthless in every sense, including moral, aesthetic, and intellectual, to humans. From an anthropocentric perspective.
Logan Cox
>anthrocuck calling for suicide Ironing
Carson Peterson
Go back to reading Neuromancer kid
John Jones
I've never read it. I'm not a kid either. Oldest one here by far.
Julian Evans
hang up your spurs right before you cut your throat with them
Aaron Price
Howdy doctor Pavel... I'm U.S. marshal
Jonathan Evans
>Is he racist like people say?
I admittedly don't know as much about Land as others, but I've read most of the Land reader and I can't really say race is in any way relevant to his core philosophy I mean.. he's not concerned with humans is he? that's the whole point. the singularity doesn't notice race, we're all equally hosts to techno-capitalism
but maybe I'm wrong
Carson Bailey
>techno-capitalism >Lord gnon
What is this Lord Gnon and how does it tie into the Lovecraftian element of Land's though?
Chase Johnson
I think he only got into recently. I've heard him imply in interviews that he thinks different "peoples" have different tendencies, such as modes of organisation, so he's playing the "equal but different" card - that is to say, we're all equally worthless. Seems as if he's just assuming the reality of race as a given and attributing its denial to leftist egalitarian deception or whatever.
Hunter Allen
Yeah, I mean, you _could_ technically create a 'perspective' that valued nothing but production of paperclips for no purpose but itself
But like
Jose Reed
He posts all the time about how great scientific racism is on his blog. Some people say it's "performance art" or w/e, still stupid.
Christopher Hall
>Some people say it's "performance art" or w/e, still stupid. That's my view of him in general. He is a fascinating figure, but still, ultimately, a crazy man. He needs a therapist.
Luke Reed
>but once humanity is discarded, it can become not just post-human but something that would be totally worthless in every sense, including moral, aesthetic, and intellectual, to humans. It wouldn't though because "worth" is determined by techno-capitalist machinic-desire, or whatever. It's like Schopenhauer's Will.
Sebastian Sullivan
I think this is the point where Nick Land expressed a problem he couldn't solve, a point where he cracked and said: well, if all seems to be going awry, might as well abandon all attempts at mental resistance and embrace nihilism.
It might be that this is what truly made the DE, or the fusion of Moldbug and Land thought, possible. "If we truly find this destruction inescapable, then lets succumb to it."
This is an intricate instance of the "all is permitted" corollary of the nihilistic perspective gone awry: it is the (in this case literal) deification of destruction as a subconscious coping mechanism.
I feel really sorry for Land that he had found himself in such company as Moldbug and the neoreactionaries. If you aren't brave enough to face these realizations, at least you have suicide as a better alternative than that.
Sebastian Gomez
>download his lecture series on Accelerationism thinking it's gonna be great >literally 50% of the lecture is taken up by some mentally challenged snooty 12 year old talking about his "woke" manifesto
Does that guy keep talking after the 1st one?
Joshua Brooks
I think Land would consider enslavement to be laughably optimistic.
Yeah, so they're seminar classes. The #Altwoke people don't attend/talk in all 8 sessions. They're essentially Afro-Accelerationists, they've got a serious beef Land, NRx and HBD but also the #cavetwitter Unconditional Accelerationist crowd.
There has been some speculation that they were their as part of the No Platform for LD50 group, but I don't think that's actually the case. They seem to want to engage in good will.
Anyway, give it a listen, you won't agree with every single person talking, but this is contemporary philosophy being made in real time. It's ugly.
Carson Price
>but this is contemporary philosophy being made in real time god I hope not
James Mitchell
>I THINK I count as a left-accelerationist so I would say that the difference between the left- and right- variants is that the left hangs onto the anthropocentrism that the right rejects: we want technology to be our slaves.
My sympathies lie closer to the Left Accelerationists like Srnicek, but probably more so with the Unconditional Accelerationists, Vincent Garton being the most serious among them. But I think Land has a point about 'Fully Automated Luxury Communism', it's hard to imagine that it'd be anything other than a Human Zoo, the way we keep lions and penguins in closed, sanitized, perfectly cared for exhibits.
Anthony Howard
How might we worship GNON as the representative of modern capitalism? How do we ride the waves of decline in Western Civilization to maximize our pleasure? How does a hedonist libertine use the acceleration of techo-cap for onesself?
Mason Hughes
It's fairly obvious as to why. If you aren't (well enough) conditioned to respond emotionally to the possibility of objective findings of a racist worldview, you might as well explore it. That's what he does. And he realizes most races are incapable of running this thing. Whites were good at launching it, but Asians in the end, and their both figurative and literal Mandarin habitus, will carry the thing to its completion. Whites, Land realizes as a Han-supremacist, are too easily possessed by.. let's call them Stirnerist spooks. Too prone to fanatacism. Middle Easterners aren't just prone, but are incapable of organizing a society around anything else but a slave morality. As such, the least likely to allow capital to flourish fully. Asians on the other hand, when engaged in an (originally) Anglosaxon system of production, become ferociously effective agents with little ideologically editting in the whole process.
Reality is so beautifully Lovecraftian.
Brandon Morales
Nick needs to improve his writing skills.
Also, this just boils down to "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer," which everyone knows already. Rules of nature.
Zachary Thompson
Cameron Roberts
AI and the encroaching Singularity has me down tonight. I'm not even STEM, I should be enjoying these last few decades if the future is truly going to be so awful, but it's hard :( I am scared.
Angel Powell
Baudrillard has it right, nothing to be sad about. A species that has evolved out of something else is destined to disappear over time. No divine creation means no divine rapture. Whatever we are, we were always temporary. The future will always be something else. If you are sad, it's because someone lied about the universe.
Cameron Rogers
the singularity and all this ai shit is overrated, but total information awareness is a world i don't want to live in, where every you've ever done has been recorded and logged in a database, they already have systems in manhattan that can track anyone where ever they walk in the city, in 100 years some satellites or drones will record everything in anyone does on earth, and future people will be used to it and live with it like its nothing, and hell, maybe it will add security, and help us solve problems with all the big data for social science calculations n shit, but the idea of having my whole life recorded by the government and/or private corps seems very unplesant
Brandon Lopez
I can see this, but my fears are not about obsolescence purely. I am afraid of a future where humanity is lost to an overwhelming, global-scake existential crisis of meaning. If we solve almost all of our problems that we have now, I hope we have some things to fret over still so we don't lose our meaning.
Dominic Robinson
I doubt it. I think Baudrillard's concept of Good and Evil rising unison makes a lot of sense. Every technological advance is a potential cure and a potential weapon. The more we exorcise violence out of our culture, the more it hyper-realizes in cinema or as terrorism on a TV screen.
Entropy will always be a problem, the question of how to keep the fire going. Heat Death arrives before we run out of problems I'd guess.
David Clark
Land has said that Right-Acceleration is essentially an anti-praxis. Just let things go on as usual.
Left-Accelerationist praxis would revolve around pushing for 'Full Automation Now' as the slogan goes.
I'm not sure either side would encourage libertine, hedonist behavior. The NRx crowd will see you as bad-meat that probably doesn't pass on any genes because of a lack of traditional footing. The leftists will accuse you of not sympathizing with the alleviation of suffering in the less fortunate.
Michael Harris
Anyone else using Nick Land's writing just as an intro to other philosophers? The only other philosopher whose primary work i read was Nietzsche. Anyone before him like Schopenhauer or Kant, or anyone after like Heidegger, Deleuze, Lacan or Badiou i only know about their philosophy from YouTube videos, Zizek's lectures or from following discussions here on Veeky Forums. Nick Land uses philosophical jargon with reference to cyberpunk or SF concepts the way Zizek uses film analogies. But Nick Land is much better since cyberpunk and SF are more robust tools of explanation and avoids all the confusion that comes with film and TV. Am I the ultimate pleb? Or have I transcended the starting-with-the-greeks cathedral spook?
Landon Wright
You're the ultimate pleb.
Jonathan Davis
>Land has said that Right-Acceleration is essentially an anti-praxis. Just let things go on as usual.
Real talk. How much of this do you think is just laziness? Or laziness mixed with defeatism. The NRx are happy to talk the talk, but don't have it in them to actually walk the walk... whatever that would even entail.
I mean, the concept of accelerationism is inherently defeatist, he makes that clear ever single time he discusses it. Accelerationism itself seems very of-its-time, so far as we've all collectively (on the left and right) lost the optimism that inspired the revolutions of the early 20th century and prior.
Logan Harris
Why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Christian Sanchez
Basically my greatest fear. Technology is already a binding power. Big Brother isn't a fiction, it is an inevitability beyond Orwell's wildest dreams. At least Huxley was also right and we can enjoy the oppression because we live in the West.
Cooper Brown
However, if we look at the unlikelinees of Left-A and the human destruction in Right-A, a rational response would be to please GNON as much as possible to increase personal wealth and enjoy the decline.
Jaxson Baker
I am not optimistic about the advance of info-tech. It will be the ultimate tool of human suppression, and there's nothing that can be done about it. The only way it will change is if everyone collectively starts practicing empathy.
Austin Ramirez
So when the digital demon summoning begins
Nathan Ortiz
Josiah Rivera
Accelerate the old to its end; for, what is old must die for something new to emerge.
Christian Lewis
First sentence: totally misuses the words 'manifest', 'populist', somehow thinks that capitalism came after colonialism, invented meaningless jargon...good lord this is depressing.
Kayden Jackson
Land is an open sinophile precisely because the chinks are so uncaring of race realism while also recognizing it. They work very well with inequality and do not tremble in face of hierarchical structures like our XYZ generations. Be it socially, racially or anyhow, most Asian populations do not care about such pitiful individual claims to freedom.
So yeah, he will sound pretty damn racist to anyone who finds racism to be the original sin to begin with (as he expanded on his Dark Enlightenment essay), but he won't sound racist at all if you don't have the muh race mindset to begin with.
Asher Sanders
Can't pinpoint your definition of capitalism from your post alone; his definitions are just fine on context, as well as what populism actually is in practice, to the current generation. But I'll concede to the jargon, he loves this shit, and honestly, it's very entertaining too.
Caleb Young
here's the issue you have; you don't know anything. YOu have to accept this and just read for years before trying to form your own opinions. Zizek (though not my cup of tea) is an actual real Professor. Nick Land is a (probably half retarded) blogger. Just stop trying to have a opinions on shit you dont understand. Thats this generations main handicap; being raised to think so highly of yourself that you can overrule entire disciplines after 3 mins on youtube
Isaiah Parker
Uuuhhh pretty sure that Land was also a professor until he started doing speed
Christopher Davis
>implying you cant overrule entire disciplines through hypercondense refutation aiming at the practice itself contradicting the theory
Zachary Gomez
Any of you know anything about Speculative Realism? Basic gestalt?
James Russell
>why does the sun take so long to die?
wow, the dudes dumber than I thought
Robert King
Metaphysical Realism but in the continental tradition. Draws on people like Heidegger and Deleuze. Begins with Quentin Meillassoux's critique of "correlationism" - the idea that we only ever have access to the correlation between mind and world. It's interesting but kind of silly on an analytic level, and "correlationism" is a total strawman
Hunter Campbell
Jesus, why do people like this pseudo-intellectual? He writes shit that sounds cool but he has no fucking idea what he's talking about.
Christopher James
Why is it silly from an analytic view? Is correlationism somewhat correct? If it's like Kant, it sounds like we can only know truth that conforms to human ways of knowing, which seems accurate.
Mason Evans
>He writes shit that sounds cool but he has no fucking idea what he's talking about. not le argument, mon pede.
Carson Rivera
>but this is contemporary philosophy being made in real time. It's ugly. Lol. Its pseudo-intellectual circle jerking made in read time, and its ugly because its only value is sounding cool and making people feel intelligent.
Justin Reed
Why does it need an argument? Some of his statements are simply patently false: >No group cohesion is possible Tell that to Mexicans and African Americans. Even whites are having a resurgence of group cohesion now.
Other are conflating things that began at widely divergent times: capitalism and postcolonial whatever. Like I said, it sounds cool, and it probably feels cool to believe in this banal pseudo-intellectual nihilism, but its silly.
Landon Kelly
>false *rasts a pede*
Hunter Martinez
What is the source of this?
Gavin Peterson
it was a copypasta from the /ratanon/ board on chan x2, and it's becoming a forced meme here.
Levi Barnes
Joshua Carter
>"M-Moldbug, flip me over"
>"BOOM! Gnon is Cold!"
>"I accelerated myself into a pickle!"
Jeremiah Morris
>If you aren't (well enough) conditioned to respond emotionally to the possibility of objective findings of a racist worldview, you might as well explore it. That's what he does. And he realizes most races are incapable of running this thing. Whites were good at launching it, but Asians in the end, and their both figurative and literal Mandarin habitus, will carry the thing to its completion. >Whites, Land realizes as a Han-supremacist, are too easily possessed by.. let's call them Stirnerist spooks. Too prone to fanatacism. Middle Easterners aren't just prone, but are incapable of organizing a society around anything else but a slave morality. As such, the least likely to allow capital to flourish fully.
Land just completely ignores the Jewish Question here. Understandable since I think his wife is Jewish, and so his kids would be as well, but to say that Westerners are uniquely prone to self-destructive Stirnerist spooks isn't quite right - more like they're uniquely susceptible to Jewish parasitism due to individualism.
I'm still not holding my breath on Chinese world domination.