I've decided to off myself in the next few weeks

I've decided to off myself in the next few weeks
What books should i read in the meantime?

Journey to end of teh night

Write an autobiography instead. Try to analyze yourself

Are you a frogposter?

Unironically this.

Unironically, don't off yourself.

read Carl Jung or Nietzsche.

Don't do it dummy. Everything passes.

Do a five year plan or something, then reevaluate at that point. You have thousand of ancestors whose lives led directly to you. You're the end result of evolution up to now and you want to off yourself? Grow up.

Don't read try searching for your testicles you mental eunuch then maybe you won't off yourself like a bitch.

the unconsoled

I second this. Have a bit of patience.

Fuck off with your tribalist bullshit. There are better reasons to live than "muh heritage".

I think you have misread the message user. Learning that you're part of something bigger can help you get perspective on things. That's what a lot of people lack nowadays.

Do it right now you waste of carbon


whats the point of reading books if you're about to end it? go climb machu picchu or walk around your country and reflect on the beauty of things

Before someone says a depressed person can't do that: they can. It sure won't be tempting to get going, but even if it feels impossible, it's not like someone is keeping them physically shackled.

It is immoral to condone suicide.

Atlas Shrugged

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. He might change ur mind champ

>I've decided to off myself in the next few weeks
Why? You can always postpone it. Life will take care of itself in the end. The only exception is that if you have a condition that destroys your brain like Alzheimer's. In that case it may be just better to get it over with while you still can, but then again, once your brain shrivels it's not as if you're going to remember how you used to be anyway. Other than that though, it's stupid to kill yourself. Just get a job, no matter how unglamorous, and live.

>You have thousand of ancestors whose lives led directly to you. You're the end result of evolution up to now and you want to off yourself?

There are billions upon billions of bugs that died without reproducing and plenty of humans, males especially, go without "adding to the gene pool". Shit happens, you aren't just something reducible to a medium for genes to replicate.


Or just think about trying to justify your actions to a person in India who's only job he will ever be able to have, due to the caste system, is cleaning shit out of the sewers.

I guess the counter argument is that the act of being alive is painful. Regardless of the situation someone who is suicidal is in pain all the time.

Start with the Greeks, then read everything from the Germans and Russians. Read the canon of American literature and read the works of all included authors.
Branch off into South American, some African and finish with some Japanese and Chinese.

>There are billions upon billions of bugs that died without reproducing and plenty of humans, males especially, go without "adding to the gene pool".
they don't do that willingly like op does though

Does anybody have personal experience with this? I've been unhappy for a while, and I'm running out of options. Should I just pick a day to go out and do whatever I want?

Don't do it, user ;_;

why not
