>My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
How will Christians ever recover?
>My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
How will Christians ever recover?
Christianity is undercover atheism. This quote is the core of it.
The genius of the western Christian tradition is precisely its role as a transitional philosophy to mediate the flawed aspects of the greaeco-roman worldview. Western philosophy and science fully utilized Christianity until it could overcome it.
Before the intellectual revolutions of the 18th-19th century, Christian theology was the single best explanatory synthesis available. It gradually reconciled itself with non-biblical thinking and presented its ethics in a secular manner. As new fields popped up to explain previously inaccessible evidence, such as evolutionary biology, awkward remnants of Aristotelianism and Platonism could be phased out. Christianity may still hold a cultural beauty and mystique, but its role as a common intellectual endeavour in western thinking has been carried out.
The correct stance towards Christianity s one of gratitude and wistful longing for a coherent worldview rendered impossible by modern discoveries, not vicious triumphalism.
Thanks, doc.
>Before the intellectual revolutions of the 18th-19th century, Christian theology was the single best explanatory synthesis available
Jesus Christ are you retarded
>carrying out gods great works
>faggots tell me that it isn't gods works they are mine and mine alone
>so I start the modern pharmaceutical industry
cristianity, and all religions is just community bonding over a shared mythos.
god is the glue that bonds us together
now its slowly being replaced by money, and the amount of hits you get on your youtube videos.
it is a beautiful and mysterious expression of Christ's dual nature, though
Anyway, off-topic:
Do you think if people in the 1500s realised they didn't need to make the a priori assumption that the Bible is true and inerrant we could have avoided this whole Neo Ultra Double predestination Calvinism Bonarpartist Reformed AShithead nonsense. Literally millions of years worth of mental gymnastics devoted to figuring out how to act on the knowledge that the Bible is the only source of truth in the universe. I MEAN, COME ON
>Jesus was quoting Psalm 22, a messianic psalm that vividly describes the agony the suffering servant would endure.
>By quoting this psalm, Jesus shows that he is the fulfillment of that prophecy and that he will be vindicated, which is evident in the psalm’s triumphant ending.
That may be correct, but you are naive to think that we can turn back the clock and return to an essentially medieval worldview after everything modernity brought us. For sure, modernity is a contradictory state of being, it brings a myriad of difficulties and tragedies to the human condition inconceivable to a medieval mind. But is your answer to contemporary social problems really going to consist of "let's return to traditional Catholicism, the new stuff doesn't work", which many conservatives on Veeky Forums advocate for? These simply are not adequate and realistic solutions.
By all means, let us abandon religious dogma and strive boldly into the terrifying horizons of global capitalism. But it would be childish to think of whatever philosophy, either social liberalism or traditionalist conservatism, as competent to rein in its worst aspects. We are all already on this ride, friend.
The OP quote - it was Jesus' humanity, crying out on the whole race's behalf.
I wish I could be Catholic. To retreat admirably into that womb. I could be Catholic, and it would probably enrich my life and spur real charity and intellectual vitality - but I would be betraying some innate, truth-seeking conscience. I guess I feel like what Simone Weil might have felt. I want to chase after God, after Truth, not settle comfortably.
Jesus is quoting also another excerpt from the Old Testament: namely "I called you 'gods'" when the accusers attack his alleged deity.
Yes, I relate to this as well. There is something immensely attractive about the Catholic tradition, taking part in two thousand years of common human striving, philosophy, art and seeking virtue. It is, unlike contemporary forms of Christianity, genuinely a complete and compelling worldview that one could adopt and follow. But, as much as I've tried, I find it impossible to fully believe in it. Once one exits the cathedral, most of society simply doesn't care about Catholic norms. There is no implicit Christian teaching in all aspects of life that may have once existed. It's a very pretty framework, but not really equipped to tackle the modern condition.
>Christianity stopped being relevant after science outgrew it
you are on Veeky Forums son
It's a simplified answer, but essentially yes. There is much more than individual ethics required to make a religious tradition genuinely hang together, as a social category. Religion is a complex interrelation of customs and views that fundamentally determine your daily life and thinking. Today, one can be a Christian only part-time. One has to ignore the Christian worldview in economic activity, much of social interaction and even education. To me, when religion becomes a distant third choice that requires consciously picking it anew, it has already lost its discursive power. We already have to assume a liberal outlook before we can, as it were, decide that Christianity is the consumer choice that we like. This is a poor version of genuine belief and a culturally cohesive Christian narrative.
You're following nothing but lies. Fuck off, Satan.
He's quoting the Old Testament Psalms 22.
> A seed shall serve him; it shall be told of the Lord unto the next generation.
> They shall come and shall declare His righteousness unto a people that shall be born, that He hath done it.
>implying modernity can't be reversed
Read Psalm 22 you fucking morons.
>implying entropy can be reversed
Jesus Is ALIVE!!!
He Is Risen!!!
>When Christ says ‘My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?’ is he bluffing or not?” If he is in fact bluffing–and by bluffing I mean that he is simply saying this aloud but secretly knows that he is God–then the crucifixion is not serious. It is just aspectaclestaged for humans. But if we take Christ’s statement seriously, then the implication is extremely radical. We must not forget that in Christian theology, Jesus Christ is not thought of in the same way as messiahs in other religions. Christ is not arepresentativeof God; heisGod. This means that God is radically split. A part of God doesn’t know what God is doing. There is a kind of inconsistency in divinity itself, which is I think the crucial insight of Christianity. This is why I ask: how can we rejoin God? In other religions God is a simple transcendence: We are here in our sinful, terrestrial life, but if we purify ourselves, it’s possible for us to get closer to and be rejoined with God. In Christianity, when it’s said that the only way to God is through Christ, I think what’s implied is precisely this Christ at the moment of doubt on the cross. This is why for Christianity you can, paradoxically, reach God only through this moment of doubt. As Chesterton put it, God himself becomes, for a moment, anatheist. The idea is as follows: We experience the utmost despair and alienation. We are here, God is there. We are totally abandoned by God. How then in authentic Christianity do we reach God? Not by somehow magically overcoming this gap but just by means of a shattering insight at the very point when we are abandoned by God. There we occupy the position of Christ. What was thought of only as alienation from God is the position of Christ himself: God abandoned by God.”
Thanks, source?
Not late friend, you can buy your way into heaven.
Zizek is wrong about that one. Chesterton's orthodoxy chapter 8 mentions the same exact thing, that God became an atheist etc. The difference arises in the last chapter, and particularly the last paragraph, which I'm almost certain zizek does not even understand.
People like this piss me off the most acting like Christianity has been obsoleted and even taking the effort to be somewhat sad about it despite not knowing anything. Christianity is still around you dipshit, the Church and its theology is just as vibrant and contemporary as secular philosophy, but just because you are separated from it (as the state is separated from it) you think it has been left in the dust, when in reality the church will go on like it always has and you will be the one fossilized in the dust for future Christians to marvel upon.
Secularism is nothing else than the world trying to keep up with Christianity whilst remaining separate from it. It is not obsoleting Christianity, it may perhaps destroy Christianity one day, but Christianity will always remain the central well of dynamism and progress. Always.
Orthodox Church clearly isn't people have no interest in it, the priests are well known to be corrupt and in for the money, the atmosphere inside churches is that of a money making machine, 0 good effort.
Only place where Christianity is practiced and you feel a compelling authority in its followers is in monasteries, but not even all of them - the most secluded ones, where life is the hardest for the monks there.
Hell frome time to time here in my country - a hermit came out of woods after decades, just to gather huge communities around him, preaching on how to live internally, how to deal with your mind that was so contemporary it was shocking.. such insight coming from people that spent decades in complete isolation, living in caves.
While monks in city monasteries, or public ones highly advertised just serve the purpose of producing goods that are then sold, monks or priests there have no "time" to talk to you neither have anything interesting to say.
I feel like it's just dead man, maybe you don't even have to be Christian to reach the spiritual aura around you such as the one of the hermits I described, simply cleansing your mind everyday focusing on the Absolute does that.
Orthodox Church is obsolete, I mean ffs priests SING in OLDCHURCHSLAVONIC
reading this in Zizek's voice
are both the links for the same collection?
The biggest problem with this interpretation is that he doesn't complete it through the ressurection. He stops too early.
Recover from what? That line is just one of the many instances demonstrating Christianity's literary and spiritual superiority. Nuanced and anguished as fuck, how can 'folk' traditionlets and secu-plebs even take themselves seriously? Christianity blew open entirely new existential vistas while saving mankind, you absolute faggot.
but its true, tho
we didn't have an alternative explanation for origins until Darwin
I think you're the retard, user