Is this true?

Is this true?


literature is a second rate artform compared to music and visual art anyway

Your a faggot ass brain

When I read that I had lisa frank 420 play in my head

Who's the idiot who wrote this shit?

It's pretty funny until it hits you that they might be serious.

>Modern people who multi-task with so much bullshit in day-to-day life have such ADHD-like difficulty focusing on things that all the world-renown people in the 19th century and prior who didn't have all this tech shouldn't get as much credit as they do
No, it's not true, now fuck off.

Someone who shouldn't get credit for writing it because in 150 years all people will be morbidly obese and hooked up to head-mounted alternate-reality computers with machines connected to the ass/groin to deal with waste and tubes connected to the mouth for feeding/hydration. They will be in alternate-reality 24/7, unable to focus on literally anything, so we should not get any credit for anything we do because we don't spend our entire existence in a single room thus we have an unfair advantage to those in the future.

I think the person who wrote that nonsense is an unhinged socialist.

You don't have to be hooked up to your electronics all day, you know. You can go into an empty room with just a desk in it or shut the door. Or to your cousin's house in the woods with bad reception. Or to the library or park while living your devices at home.

No that's not true idiot.

Visual/Audio has allowed writers to half-ass because their audience is distracted by images and music, and can't pay attention to the actual writing beneath it. A novel is pure story-driven, and requires and incites thought, especially because novels are intrinsically more vague than videos. You can't "see" it so you have to think.

It is the ultimate medium for story, because it is purely story, unlike visual representations of a story.

>novel is "pure story-driven"

Veeky Forums, everybody.

>Now that TV's so good

No, just obnoxious self-adulation.

>I stay all day using internet so i cant write
Also fucking watching tv
Its the worst excuse i've heard


T. Dedicated 30 years of my life to painting. Waste of time.

lol pretty funny but he's just kidding why does everyone on Veeky Forums have the sense of humour of cranky old man?

What fucking hack cunt wrote this? I'm not even big on literature but I'm flustered.

first part about it being hard is true, distraction is everywhere
second part where he shits on writers of old is retarded though

yes, only because I think dickens is a boring penny pinching wordy cunt, if it was anyone else, no


Is this from On Writing by Stephen King? I read it many years ago but it had a chummy, jokey tone to it.

>Modern TV
>Not good
I don't watch actual television but I've watched TV shows online. Pretty fuckin' high entertainment value, in spite of the retardation going on with Walking Dead firearms. Seriously, even in the first episode they talk about a manual safety on a Glock, and the guy twitches his hand as though turning it off.

There's no manual safety on standard Glock models.

Then of course there's the way Rick handles his revolver, seemingly holding it up high in the air and wishing to rain the boolits down on whatever he's shooting at. Then there's Michonne. GREAT character, but that katana?


Still an enjoyable show though, I'd say it's about on par in terms of quality with most movies made 10-15 years ago or so. We're talking about TV show here; that's pretty impressive in my opinion. Helps that they have a man who worked directly with George A Romero, God rest his immortal soul...

You could cut 200 pages from any Dickens novel without consequence.

TV is just a horrible medium. I don't know how people watched it for centuries, but surely it should die.

Movies are only slightly better.

Alright, so it has existed for less than a century. Still, it would be a frightening thought if it continued being popular. I don't want society to become dumber as time goes on.

>he's just kidding
Wouldn't be so sure about this.

>I don't know how people watched it for centuries
Fucking millennials.

No, its a fairly ridiculous excuse for laziness. It assumes that since distraction exists, you have to be distracted.

>Charles Dickens didn't have the internet that why he could write a lot :(
No, its because he had work ethic.

>There were no distractions before the internet and tv.
Okay bud that whole thing in the bible about "Idle hands" was just predicting the Internet fucking Nostradamus woah.

That's Gen Z shit right there, not millennial. Millennials watched the History Channel.

>A novel is pure story-driven
If you assume formulaic bestsellers are exemplar novels. The novel form is one of endless experimentation.

David Foster Wallace

Using either of these, besides some occasional things that require Internet access, is still optional in the modern world. If they distract you too much it's your own fault.