Do English speaking people realize that English is very far from any given definition of beauty?

Do English speaking people realize that English is very far from any given definition of beauty?
It cannot describe, writing English is awful, its complexity lies within its sounds.

It can then work with music or light characters for fantastic adventures, pirates, or anything wacky.
Aside from this, it's ridiculous.

The literature is ugly, you have no deep culture, the only exceptions are singled out artists who became polyglots.

op is a roux de poux

Is this what Veeky Forums is about? Trying to look intelectual in front of your friends?

>it cannot describe
fuck off, fr*g. Shove a fucking cigar up your ass and smoke it deep like you do with those school boys, pede.
Hey fucko its better than sounding like an autistic goose choking on a duck's dick all while inside of a pig's asshole.

Pretty much yes. Nobody actually reads literature on this board.

English literature is a greater accomplishment because of it. It requires more talent to create it.

u mad lol?

Go back to admiring wall scratchings based on vocal clicks, you filthy Abo.

Who cares, also stop being so pretentious.

pay debts southern euro shithole


Continentards lol

you just made this thread a raging success you retard. its 2017 and you still dont understand trolling?

Native English speaker here. Honestly agree. We should all speak at least one of Spanish, Russian, or Persian.
Struggling to think of any non-Indo-European language that deserves to be taught to multilingual poetry students.

Nabokov thought English was a pretty great language

Japanese, because haiku.


Applied linguist here.

You're a massive fuckwit mate.

Is there a word for 'ethnocentric', in your shitty little speech community?


>learn nihongo
>realize how much context a single word is capable of in japan
>realize english is a language relying on context delivered by sound.

it's why one of the rules they tell you is to never use an exclamation point in writing. we leave our writings purposefully absent and we hope the reader will create the context for the words in their head.


that's also the reason why British music is only about sound and not about context. German music is the opposite, as the language

Check 'em

English has one of the largest vocabularies of any language, despite being a much less structured language

do you not know counter-trolling you cuntlet?

>Do English speaking people realize that English is very far from any given definition of beauty?

and yet, it dominates the globe

So you'd rather what? French? Sounds like someone gargling their own phlegm with an added dose of condescension
Spanish? Fucking lol
German? Literally takes the Lego approach to creating new words, tacking words onto each other to get its point across. No elegance there

Somewhat related. You know what I've been wondering? Why can't we have fun with word order these days? Sometimes it's absolutely necessary for context, but why does an object pronoun have to be in the same place each time? The whole point of an object pronoun is to let you know who the receiver is, and you'll already know who that is just from its presence.

is it the act of making a random thread that you didn't even make get more replies?
Sounds productive like your shit life.

That's a natural and intuitive way to do things though as it's memorable and composed of familiar words. English thrives on this too when it's not stealing words from Latin, and I wish we did it more often. A compound noun with

You're spouting so much bullshit here.

>pleasure isn't productive

This took me a second.

>a much less structured language
So much this. People always say, "English is the hardest language to learn," and this I hear either from monoglots like myself (at least I'm learning German [sadly, in my free time]) or eastern peoples. They have no idea what they're talking about.

Cool story bro

The incredible capacity of English is evident to anybody who has spent enough time online. Countless words, distinct vocabularies, new structures, and so on, have been developed here alone. It's like a polis of millions.
Even just recently, usages of the English diminutive suffix ('-let') have skyrocketed. In its history, most notably, a new suffix ('-fag') has been developed. I'm not even able to explain the meaning of the suffix despite using it often. It's ridiculously abstract, and completely absent from all other languages. Like a post-modern development of the '-ist' suffix for describing followers of an ideology.

Even just 'lanklet' is genius: its diminutive, yet implies greater height rather than lesser. What is diminished is status by consequence of height.

And English isn't even a popular language. What developments have occurred in more popular languages, such as Spanish and Arabic, besides hybridization with English (which piggy-backs developments in English)?

>My personal preference is objective fact

Can't help it, m8. Brian Eno is so fucking based.

Zee English, eet ees, ow you say, sond like le languache du vache, ouee much prefer to speek in a languache zat sound vurry naize, and can exprezz les concept in ahs littel variete as possible.

In le Frencaize, ouee have onlee won uerd for won concepp, but yeu English ahr very sille, ensofarr as eu laike to avv a mennie word for jus wan concept... franklee, zis is le ridicule.

wee zink zat eur booques ahr verry rouhh to za earre, ahhnd wee dunt zink zat yeur coultoure izz vehrry geud... pardonne moi, zut alors

bonne nuit

So you're saying that English is a great language because in the 21st century its users found a way to make diminutive nouns? Are we going to start using augmentative too by the 31st? Fucking lel

That's an example.
Are you illiterate mate? I said that extremely complex diminutives have been developed, and a post-modern suffix has been developed. While other languages are just now being globalized, English is developing totally unique elements.

English is the perfect blend of Greek, Latin, French, and Germanic language. It is a synthesis of every great literary language in the world. Truly unbeatable in descriptive power.

All natural language is incompetent and messy dogshit, Take the Ithkuil pill or some other constructed language.

>realize english is a language relying on context delivered by sound.
All language is like this, that's the primary flaw when delving into higher thinking and conceptualisation...except Ithkuil.

Are you the same guy who keeps making posts shitting on various languages literary traditions and justifying his faggotry with vague bullshit about how languages (that you admit you dont speak) are incapable of expressing certain ideas.
Because if you are that guy, Stop it.

well yes except for the part about friends. What friends? lol

Do you have to be so obvious with your superiority complex? Do you realize when you're being so obvious its the aesthetic-intellectual equivalent of being smelly?

This. Also English has more words and thus more variety of ideas to express with those words