He's alive, you're dead

> PKD's VALIS trilogy

I don't see Philip K. Dick that much mentionned on Veeky Forums, why? are you guys stupid?

>search Dick
>two entries

brainded normie get out.

Hardly a trilogy, desu. Similar themes.

I see Philip K. Dick mentioned constantly on Veeky Forums, why are you posting this?

in order to talk about VALIS trilogy

explain what you mean
Similar themes? does that make it less a trilogy?

wow, then you're smarter.

>search Dick

I only can see one and there is maybe 3 replies out of it

>Favourite PKD
Scanner Darkly, Ubik

have you
read the exegesis?

UBIK is dope
VALIS is too mind chalenging for the plebs

Then why not say that, instead of what you said, which is wrong?

free will and stupidity, I guess
or occulted truth you fail to perceive

Didn't realize those 3 books belong together. I've read Valis and a lot of his other works but not the last 2, I think.

The Valis Trilogy is the religious rambling of a madman which vaguely pretend to be novels. It's not "mind challenging" - it's nothing but speculative metaphysics of the worst kind.

Does Dick have a specially good prose or can I just read a translation?

the rambling of a madman is not different from the one of said sane man. only it "shoots for the baroque", the grotesque trait of it hides some collective mechanism. maybe you wanna read Jung. also I get what you wrote and don't think that much differently from you, only it takes some deep empathy.

haha, he's actually quite bad, you can go for the translation, imo
eventhough the specific genre of Sci-Fi is usually badly translated

>favorite PKD
three stigmata, ubik
>least favorite
do androids dream?, timothy archer

He's no Nabokov alright. I'd say I liked the German translations better than the original text

That's because fans of Dick spend all their time enjoying his masterworks rather than shitposting