



Is there any truth to the idea that Shakespeare was a collective of playwrights or is that just a marxist meme?

Could be possible but its most likely he was a real person who wrote plays. Most of his work was done in collaboration with other people.

Just read the wikipedia articles on him

You know the thread doesn't actually end right? Did you even remember to sage?

Was he the John Green of his time?

he's properly rated

Shit thread, shit board. Not sure what's to blame for the recent flood of bullshit.

>Just read the wikipedia articles on him.


Only some of his later works were written in collaboration before his retirement. It's pretty obvious when you read Pericles, for example, that the beginning was not written by Shakespeare. None of his major plays were written in collaboration.

Probably just some newfag who doesn't know how to sage.

Remember to add a little sage in all fields.

Global rule 7: Submitting false or misclassified reports, or otherwise abusing the reporting system may result in a ban. Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.

Any sufficiently great writer is at once overrated and underrated

That poster didn't say whether he "saged."

Saged. Note: I'm also not exclaiming that I've "saged," rather I'm spontaneously exclaiming the word "sage" which has no meaning, and you can only assume the intent. Likewise, I could say "I'm saging here" and that could be a spontaneous phrase, even if I did sage my intention could've been anything, so again it's you who makes the assumption. And you know what they say when you assume...


Shakespeare is to overrated as Mozzart is to underrated...

His plays do differ wildly in style. Compare Hamlet to As You Like it to Titus Andronicus.

No, not nearly.

Could have been all that DUDE WEED he was smoking?

titus andronicus and many other plays were collaborations with other writers.

you clearly don't know dick about Shakespeare you salty old fag. good luck with that crippling autism

Studied him for 3 years you retard


the updated versions of his work are great, definitely underrated

Kek. That guy who replied to you wasn't me. For the record, I've studied Shakespeare for about 7 years now. By the way, when you lose arguments, do you usually call the winner an autist? It's kind of like calling the guy who cucks you a "shameless prick" but everyone knows who's the real loser, the cuck.

So what? I didn't break the real, my sage cious friendo.