Lets get some alt-leftist thinkers and books in here

lets get some alt-leftist thinkers and books in here

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reminder /pol/ tard don't want you to know this


is this a thing now?

are people describing themselves as "alt-left" or is it a /pol/ boogeyman?

why would I want to have 5% of what I have now?

the sad part about this post is i bet you think youre really smart

it was a genuine question.

I'm a bit out of the loop.

However, I seem to have hit a nerve.

I'd be interested in your opinion

>witch hunt

what's alt-left?

Stop trying to make alt-left a thing

Russian shills trying to start a new meemee

It's absolutely a boogeyman. Nobody thats mentally sane really takes antifa seriously and pol has gotten bored after winning the election so they created a new enemy. So be sure to put the appropriate text in the options box when replying to this thread :^)

One definition is pseudo-socialist tankies from /leftypol/ who simultaneously "took back" the term "manarchist" and are to be taken about as seriously as you'd expect.
The other definition comes from trump calling anyone further left of the democrats "alt-left" which also should be taken about as seriously as you'd expect.

Don't take it seriously it's not a real thing.

Joe Rogan sure let himself go.

caring about politics when you don't actually participate is pathetic. And no, voting once a year and image board shitposting doesn't count

Having a job, or not having a job, are both participating in politics.

Lol you do know that you can geolocate anywhere from anywhere? People that feel for that are bunch of fucking idiots...

>People that feel for that are bunch of fucking idiots...

I feel you.

Centrists picked it up when they decided that hillary was a person of color and that everyone who was on the left of Chait was a racist misogynist (not transphobic because all centrists are terf re chelsea manning)


this is hilarious

The Invisible Committee, maybe. That's the only thing where "alt-left" maybe makes some kind of sense. Their influences are pretty well known thinkers which are mostly ignored by the mainstream left.

The alt-left is not a thing. At least not in the way the alrt-right is a thing. The purpose of Antifa is to protect the people, not to bully them.

>B-but Antifa is fascist too because they want to protect us from the fascists

But Theryn Meyer told me fascism is when people use violence for political gain.

>have you ever thought that maybe those pocs want to be beat up by fascists? you fascist.

I kid you not someone

Michea is good and deserves better than this thread.

Also, Christopher Lasch is sorta alt-left, you could say, but both thinkers argued that, reached a certain point, left-right labels are useless and must be surmounted.


Good thing Antifa is apolitic.

>6 months from now plebs will take "alt-left" as a self-evident political descriptor

This post is literally taken directly from the front page of r/socialism btw


I've seen enough lucky idiots burn through millions to know 700k aint shit

You might not be interested in politics, but politics is interested in you

Dude my choosing to post on this board instead of another board is likely political in nature. What isn't politics honestly.

American leftists are colossal retards who are too stupid to realise they're the Democratic party's brownshirts

Useful idiots through and through


We all know the Alt-Left is just a bunch of Mama's boys who think burning down Christian Church because is a step in "equality".


I'm not sure you want to call attention on where the idiots are you know, it wouldn't bode well for the right...

I got it from /pol

Well may this teach you the average accuracy of /pol/