ITT: Books that exist in alternate realities

>Kafka makes it through his sickness
>Gets taken to a concentration camp with the rest of the Jews
>Survives the Holocaust
>Returns back to a life of freedom
>Starts writing

>writes book about the holocaust.

I think there's enough of those.

did the holocaust happen in this alternate reality?

>Timeline where Borges actually wrote a full length novel.
What would it be Veeky Forums?

>timeline where Nietzsche got laid

>timeline where DFW killed himself before he wrote infinite meme
yes please

>he goes to America
>dates your mom
>you become a promising author, but after the first failure is unable to keep with the pressure of the name and, as a result, you commit suicide
>some of your manuscripts are found
>you become a phenomenal
>Harold Bloom considers u top 1 of the Canon, you are on his cover

Now, what do you, OP, need to accomplish all this?
just be yourself, baby

A bunch of extensive commentaries on a novel that doesn't exist within the universe of the novel, both written by characters called Borges (though they're two different people)

If Kafka didn't escape from Germany before being taken to the holocaust, he surely would have killed himself there. Anyway, even if he had escaped, the knowledge of the holocaust would have made him kill hinself. BTW, his whole family was killed there so... He probably wasn't making it either.

>this narrative
>having the internet right in front of your face in 2017

critics would consider it an anti-novel
the two Borges are the same, but each represents distinct traces of Borges personality - one was a sceptic individual, the other was a sufi.

>alcoholism doesn't kill Malcolm Lowry
>he completes his reworking of the entire Divine Comedy instead of just Under the Volcano as Inferno
>he creates a beautiful story of redemption ascending to Paradiso as his own life mirrors it and he pulls himself out of depression and drinking into happiness instead of dying alone

Not a book but Mozart in an alternate timeline where he had not died would have set all of Goethe's Faust I to opera and would have decidedly convinced all up-and-coming Romantic era composers to just give up and kill themselves.

That's some real shit you just spit. The only thing I would want more is de Quincey's lost Suspiria.

>But if I submitted with Resignation, not the less I searched for the Unsearchable — sometimes in Arab deserts, sometimes in the Sea

in for this.

It's a particularly miraculous alternate reality, man. Just roll with it.

DFW never commits suicide
decides to pursue his true dream
becomes a pro wrestler
makes ryback look like Shawn Michaels

>By Leo Tolstoy
>ft. F. Dostoevsky

Honestly its probably better that he died before knowing that all his family was killed

>Gogol doesn't destroy the sequel to Dead Souls
>Writes that books sequel
>The trilogy is completed

>doesn't kill himself
>gets to see the golden age of anime
>writes more books
>realizes Marx was right
>dies at age 107 in 2032

No one has brought up the fact that The Brothers Karamazov was simply a prelude to a main book Dostoevsky had planned out?

>gets his ulcer sores treates ASAP
>doesn't die in his 50s
>lives to see the 60s or even the 70s getting to read Nabob coffee and Pynchon
>writes less complicated stories now that Finns Wake is done
>experiences the golden age of porno mags


>many of the director's projects remained unrealized, including Hoffmanian, My Dostoyevsky, Shakespeare's Hamlet, Goncharov's Oblomov, Ivan Tolstoy's The Death of Ivan, Dostoevsky's Idiot and Teenager, Gorky's Life of Klim Samgin , "Essays on the Bursa" by Pomyalovsky, "Steppe Wolf" by Hesse, "The Fifth Gospel" by Rudolf Steiner , "The Magic Mountain," "Joseph and His Brothers," and "Doctor Faustus" by Thomas Mann

Too bad he died from making Stalker

>DFW survives depression
>Finishes TPK
>It's 1300 pages
>Critical acclaim
>best book since Infinite Jest
tb h getting bummed out thinking on what couldve been

It would be interesting to wonder how the music would be handled for an adaptation of Mann's Doctor Faustus. Original soundtrack? Composer would have to be a genius or a hack. I suppose they could just use Schoenberg's works, but it wouldn't be the same.

>Trump loses an election
>Publishes "That Happened", a two-thousand page doorstopper that walks the edge between infantile and prodigiously wise

>Yuki Mishima is fascist lesbian gymnast
>'Confession of the Mask" are even easier to masturbate to

Didn’t he already do this? Or maybe that was Calvino, they are similar.

NEETzche blopped prozzies all day all night.

oh god please no. though i suppose Kafka holocaust would be quite a novel. That being said there is no way he would survive.

yes please. Also love how Lowry is getting a lot more attention here.

Beethoven wanted to set the entire Faust on stage, and he could have done so while being aboe able to ask direct questions to Goethe, who respected Ludwig immensely. Unfortunately Beethoven died before being able to do so.

>tfw you don't get to live in the reality in which Beethoven composed 40 sonatas, 15 symphonies, 30 string quarters, 8 piano concertos, 4 missas and the Faust opera

>starts writing
>writes 50 books, actually finishes them all
>he even finishes the process and the castle
>on his deathbed he burns the books himself instead of asking a friend to do it

Your alternate reality wasn't that great, was it?