Thoughts on this book?
Thoughts on this book?
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>(((Bejamin Noys)))
There's my thought
Really makes you go damn
If it sounds trite its because this shit is trite. I sincerely do not need another mediocre rat faced kike telling me how Western Civilization and European Enlightenment is a lost cause
Fuck him and his ilk
Have you even read the book?
As if I need to, its all the same shit. Let me guess he came across Nick Land once and thought this would be a good platform to sell the same old warn out Frankfurt School spiel.
Fucking not enough time in life for this garbage man
I don't know but this one seems cool
>As if I need to
The fucking state of this board
Then seriously fuck off Chaim, seriously consider doing the world a favor and gassing yourself, go on amazon buy a can of helium and gas yourself
hahahahahah you stupid twat. christ you're an embarrassment.
You clearly know little about accelerationism and less about intellectual history.
(Why does every illiterate reduce 20th century Marxism to the Frankfurt school?)
>Why does every illiterate reduce 20th century Marxism to the Frankfurt school
Because that was the last point in time something actually novel came out of the school. Everything else has just been regurgitation
L/ACC follow your leader!
His turds were more intelligent than you, gwailo.
Why does he look and talk like such a gross queer though?
If he's so intelligent, why is he burning in hell
Read his interview about the book instead of listening to these bozo
>As if I need to
>Let me guess
You are what's wrong with modern right-wing politics.
Noys is anti-accelerationism, retard.
Btw the book isn't that good, OP. It just gives a general layout of accelerationism as an idea in different periods of time and his attempts at critiquing accelerationism are shallow as fuck and not insightful.
Can someone give me the basic gestalt on Mark Fisher?