How do I get better at debating?

How do I get better at debating?

>inb4 by debating

Is there a book that'll teach me how to BTFO people on the internet?

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Just shitpost, jackass. You're not convincing anyone online

This, "debates" are only meaningful in person and with a certain amount of good faith on each side, otherwise you're just wasting your time.

don't make logical fallacies and have a comprehensive understanding of the history of the topic

Now, I did tell you to shitpost, but if you wanna really fuck with people you have to get good at trolling. Remember: trolling is a art. Get to know your enemy and use their posts/personality/ideology against them. Intentionally misconstrue their intentions and beliefs. Don't fall for the pit of ad hominem, be obtuse, be dense, and be silly.

>scream cunt really loud
>opponents have no recourse
>flawless victory

if you naturally suck at it and you don't want to try you should find someone else you don't suck at

don't try to "win" the debate

read Adorno to rid yourself of that tendency

change your pursuits. instead of seeking to be better at debate (you fucking sophist), learn how best to seek and reveal truth. when truth is your goal, often reconciliation can quickly be found, and debate is realized as just a byproduct of its pursuit.

really, if you want to learn about debate, watch debates. good ones, of course.

There's basically no such thing as a good debate on the internet. No one ever changes their mind based on a post they read, they just use fractally more complex versions of "you're wrong and bad".

>tfw for a second I read this as "how do I get better at dabbing?"


All you have to do is ask them why they believe the things they do and don't let them change the subject. Most people think they know what they're about but they really don't, and once they start to realize it they'll get angry.

He may be a protestant but he knows his shit

Schopenhauer, The Art of Being Right

pic related helped for me. now i BTFO libtards all day

be able to explain why you think something is correct, then listen to what they have to say. you might not win often, at first. but youll defiantly be respected.

Arguing on the internet isn't debating. It's also a huge waste of time. Find something productive to do.

Reminder that this cover was chosen, approved and published like THAT.

Whenever I debate online I get nervous and sweaty

prove it


this, embrace the molymeme

How exactly is this book saving western civilization?

with arguments

This. If you are polite during the argument and listen to what the other person is saying and actually admitting defeat when it is obvious then you will win. You will come out knowing more because you accepted the other person's superior opinion and come out being respected by that person as someone polite open to new ways of thinking.

truth is like a lion, and so forth.

to truly learn to debate you must debate to defend a point that you believe to be wrong. the less you know about the argument, the better

>tfw the fucking socpsych teacher made me argue in favour of plastic surgery
It is so much harder to debate something you don't believe in than you'd imagine.

end all your posts with things like baby, smoochums or sweetie
it drives them insane

I don't imagine, I know. that's how i got good at debating. sometimes I argue in favour of blatantly retarded shit for kicks now