Of all philosophers, which one could be able to make Rick realize the errors of his way?

Of all philosophers, which one could be able to make Rick realize the errors of his way?

He is completely right though. He is basically Nietzsches ubermensch. His indifference is just for comedic effect

"stop looking at shitty meme cartoons and go outside"

He just needs therapy really.

i wish someone killed the producers of this show



Richard III, Shakespeare play

this show is basically one punch man with INT instead of STR


None. There are times in-show when he doesn't have much to argue so he spouts quips and walks away. He's in-line with the sophists questioned by Socrates in the dialogues; serving not as someone to be saved, but as a bad example of living.

You're supposed to look up to one punch man's main character though, I think but I don't know since I stopped watching it after a point, Rick is a train wreck, more of the kind of character I think the writers intend you to not be like, he tried to kill himself because he got dumped.

Cioran, the only sure thing that shuts down Nihilists is to give them the real blackpill, they can't handle it

Only one philosopher can simultaneously appeal to a nihilist and demonstrate the absurdity of nihilism

Kant happen I'll see myself out


>hopeless nihilist
>whole life revolves around numbing pain
>hedonistic to the core
>stern believer in science and logic
>depressed, resentful, self-loathing
>loathes life in general, suicidal tendencies

Being amoral doesn't automatically make you the Übermensch.

>Nietzsche's Ubermensch is nihilist

Nihilism is an oxymoron

If nothing matters or has any meaning, then neither do the arguments for nihilism or the act of arguing for the veracity of nihilism.


>it's a "i pretend i have read nietzsche but i actually haven't" post n.164813654180725641

Rick and Jerry are two alter-egos of Dan Harmon: the "nerdy" devil that Harmon loves to hate, the "supergenius" demi-god that Harmon hates to love. The show's morality is that of an insecure narcissist, the morality of its untermensch creator. Obviously it's going to emulate and appeal to the untermensch

Jerry the mouse?

No, Rick's son-in-law. Jerry's "impotent" cynical realism is essentially contrasted with Rick's all-knowing cynical nihilism

Very boring

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Veeky Forums. The lovecraftian feel of the book selection is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Stephen King's works, most of the abstract concepts will go over a typical readers head. There's also Veeky Forumss nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his number of sets - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Zyzz's routine, for instance. The lifters understand this stuff; they have the glute development to truly appreciate the depths of these squats, to realize that they're not just below parallel- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike starting strength truly ARE DYELs- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the rep range in Rippetoes day B of squats, which itself is a cryptic reference to Zyzz's initial workout method. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Rippetoes genius unfolds itself on their lowerbody. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a lower back injury. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5kg of my own squat (preferably lower) beforehand.


>And yes by the way, I DO have a lower back injury. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only

Nietzsche's Ubermensch is essentially a nihilist, the only difference is that his notion of nihilism is not as unsophisticated as yours.

Can you actually read Nietzsche before talking about him?

You have to be a nihilist in order to reject it you know

Reading is for the Last Man, Ubermensch don't read

Saying I haven't read him isn't an argument. Try again

Echart Tolle because Rick believes he is his ego.

yeah they browse here all the time for inspiration then market it really well

>never passed life drawing 1

If Rick actually believed in the shit he spouted he wouldn't have jumped down to try and save his grandson or shoot K. Jellybean. I agree with The only difference is that Rick isn't paid to spout his shit and geniunely believes that it would be better if everyone in his family subscribed to a false, poorly conceived set of beliefs in order to live their existence untroubled by their actions.

I think that he could be induced to disagree with himself after a lot of Socratic questioning especially upon the above points I've mentioned.

Rick isn't even a nihilist.


Who is a Nihilist by your standards?

What do you mean by "ego"? The Freudian?

He should just dabble into mysticism do loads of drugs and read Alister Crowley to fry his mind.
Or go eastern and start meditating, yoga and vibrating his chakras