Sex with children was completely normal in the past and it will be again in the future

Sex with children was completely normal in the past and it will be again in the future.

'Sex with children is evil' is a rehash of the old demented Christian notion that 'Sex is inherently evil', which is mostly overcome, but survives in
relation to children by inertia. It is poor philosophy and bound to fail eventually.

Other urls found in this thread:"average age of marriage"&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q="average age of marriage"&f=false"average age of marriage"&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q="average age of marriage"&f=false

She is very cute as a minimized thumbnail

literature board

go to

stop trying to defend pedos you pedo

Your granddaughter will be my gf, get over it

>Sex with children was completely normal in the past
No it wasn't. It was considered just as atypical then, only it's more widely criminalized now. "Christianity is why I can't be an edgy deviant" is babby's first Nietzsche tier.

No, "poor philosophy" is dogmatically accepting this silly libertarian impulse of modern society & taking it to its end without questioning it. If you are being unironic here, literally drop Neechee and read Kant

pick up a history book moron

Okay, but that still doesn't explain why he included an underage gangbang in the book.

i think the more pertinent question is the definition of maturity.

i think sex with someone who's immature is abusive by nature, but with laws (in US) varying from 14-18, theres an obvious discrepancy. how can you tell? where's the line?



incidentally OP kys pls thx

mods plz torch this thread. I just told my birthmother about Veeky Forums and she's dropping by to check it out. Please don't let her think her baby boy browses a site for pedophiles. I talked you all up as today's intellectual elite, please post like it. Thank you.

The Bible dosent consider sex evil, but its very particular on what type of sex is sinful or not. (What your average Christian says is another matter)

We need not look far to see how much pain and neurotic bullshit has been caused by premarital sex, but that's not to say marriage is an automatic path to righteousness either.

Also OP good luck with your rhetoric when the girls father is smashing your teeth out.


The speech of Aeschines against Timarchus shows us that, in classical Athens, "it was not acceptable for a man

To enter public life after having hired himself out for sex.

To hire out one's citizen son or legal ward for sex, or pay such a boy for sex.

To pimp (or "pander") for a free (i.e., non-slave) boy or woman.

To commit "outrage" (hubris, which can include rape) against any man, boy, or woman, free or slave.

Laws existed to protect boys from predatory teachers, to protect freeborn boys from being prostituted."

Plutarch's "Life of Alexander" has the following passage: "Moreover, when Philoxenus, the commander of his forces on the sea-board, wrote that there was with him a certain Theodorus, of Tarentum, who had two boys of surpassing beauty to sell, and enquired whether Alexander would buy them, Alexander was incensed, and cried out many times to his friends, asking them what shameful thing Philoxenus had ever seen in him that he should spend his time in making such disgraceful proposals."

And in the "Customs of the Spartans":

"Affectionate regard for boys of good character was permissible, but embracing them was held to be disgraceful, on the ground that the affection was for the body and not for the mind. Any man against whom complaint was made of any disgraceful embracing was deprived of all civic rights for life."

The average age of marriage from Shakespeare's day to the Victorian era was about twenty-five. Marriages with young people were so rare that, in the year 1839 (to take an example at random) there was not a single marriage in England contracted with a person of either sex under the age of 15. Read it for yourself here:

"... According to this table there were under 15 years, none for either sex.""average age of marriage"&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q="average age of marriage"&f=false

In other countries the average age of marriage was even older. For example, as to Prussia:

"Thirty-five is the average age of marriage in Prussia, and, where the land is much divided, the peasants never marry before 32. Nor does the habit of late marriage increase immorality, for, apart from the larger towns, Prussia is among the states of Europe characterized by fewest illegitimate births.""average age of marriage"&hl=en&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q="average age of marriage"&f=false

Fornication was absolutely morally forbidden (you will see in the book Pride and Prejudice for instance that the girl Lydia is considered as good as ruined unless she marries the soldier she runs away with). Join that fact with the other that marriages with people under the age of fifteen years were so rare as to be non-existent in the particular year I happened to select, and the conclusion becomes that sexual contact with children was never ever sanctioned by society.

commit sewerside op

Shakespeare worshiped a kike on a stick

When child prostitution became known to the public owing to the writings of William T. Stead in the Pall Mall Gazette, the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885 was passed, "an Act to make further provisions for the protection of women and girls, the suppression of brothels, and other purposes."

I have spoken of the customs of the Greeks; Tacitus tells us that early marriages were severely discouraged among the ancient Germans, and that the average age of marriage among them was 25 years of age for both sexes.

The conclusion therefore is that paedophilia, or even ephebophilia, has never been normal in Western civilization. In the comparatively fewer number of cases where a man (say) in his twenties did have relations with (say) a fifteen-year-old, it was only legitimately done in a marriage contracted with the consent of the parents; whereas the people who incessantly make threads of this kind are advocating that older men should be able freely to seduce and use young girls with impunity. It is simple paedophile and ephebophile propaganda, and antithetical to everything decent and good.

Most literally guys was pedo


is this way, friend

i want to drink cirno's piss so bad

Maybe in the very distant future when sexuality is normalised, so there will be minimal danger of downside for the kids, but the consent question still remains.

It gets even more tricky given how power imbalance beyond maturity still exists even with adults.

>on my bed she is always eighteen

2D > 3D and aren't the same thing unless you live in a shitty place like Canada or Britain where their stickfigure has the same rights as them
Take this pedo shit to /co/ or /tv/

On the contrary, if some of us have our way, sexuality is going to get reeled back in again. No more free love for you fuckers.

Bitter virgins are pretty bad at getting their way, and lack the numbers either way.