Why do restaurants have salt shakers with such tiny little holes...

why do restaurants have salt shakers with such tiny little holes. you pretty much have to take the lid off just to get near enough.
it would be even nicer if they added enough in the first place

When I was a little kid I'd loosen the tops so the next person to use it would get the whole container of salt.

so you use less because they're tight for money.

just walk out because you know your drinks will be watered down, the food will be stale leftovers, the fridge be running on minimum power and they probably don't wash their hands/utensils/equipment/etc.

you know how when you go to a thai restaurant and they ask you how spicy you want it, on a scale of 0 to 5 stars?

they could the same thing for salty. "i'll have a hamburger, 4 stars salty, with a glass of milk, 0 stars salty."

It's a bad restaurant if there are salt shakers on the table.

If you need to put that much salt you're doing it wrong.

Just eat some salt if that's what you want it to taste like.

Why the fuck would you have milk with your burger


>milk with a burger
not kosher at all friendo

You were a patrician

>Drinking milk after the age of ten years old

Good lord man, what would you do if you went to an upscale restaurant where they don't even have salt on the table?

No normal person needs to put that much salt on their food. Enjoy dying from a heart attack by age 50

>heart desease
Read a book.

Why are you putting massive amounts of salt on food that's already been seasoned?

where are the sip threads

i want energydrinks

He'd likely blow a salty load onto the food to correct the situation.

OP said restaurants so it's likely not properly seasoned in the first place.

go to /b and get onto the dick rate threads.

that's not possible

Some of us are white.

Drinking milk doesnt make your skin whiter