Here's a question for Veeky Forums: how to eat as a poorfag, without a refrigerator or a proper oven: only a microwave

Here's a question for Veeky Forums: how to eat as a poorfag, without a refrigerator or a proper oven: only a microwave.

Potatoes and scrambled eggs in your microwave

cheap frozen garbage and canned food

You're not making sence but you can get ramen noodle packets and eat them dry maybe go extravagant and sprinkle some of the flavoring packet on the dry noodles.

i think OP means how can one eat on a low budget with only microwave to cook food in and no refrigerator.

The best bet is rice, beans and ramen. That's all I've got.

he doesnt have a refridgerator


Buy an ice chest. And some ice. Get a double boiler and a hot plate. Maybe a toaster oven down the line.

He could buy a small pack of eggs each day to try pad things out as well

Dried goods. Go to your local dollar general and peruse all the dried goods. Cereal, minute rice, crackers, that kind of stuff. Also be sure to get some fruit and veggies that don't need refrigeration. You can up your options by going to a goodwill and buying a hot plate or a used george foreman grill but your biggest priority should be getting some way to store cold items if you can.

You can cook ramen in microwaves, you know.

a cheap ass fridge is like.. $100
save your pennies nigga

It's too bad that OP didn't specify the budget. This seems like a bait thread.

hey and if you really wanna scrimp get a small chest freezer and convert it into a refrigerator.
you basically attach a temperature controller to maintain the temp above freezing. the bonus is the cold air settles in the bottom of the freezer instead of rolling out when you open the door, so it costs less on your electric

go to the market every day buy what you can eat

If you're actually that poor and you aren't just being a retard spending all of his money on cam"girls" and Steam sales, check out a soup kitchen if you need a hot meal.


>waaa waaa what about a fridge

$20 electric skillet


Putting eggs in the fridge is a meme. They can be left out for a bit. If you want a lot at once and need them long term, get mineral oil and cover the outside of the eggs. You can store them for a good while.

Everyone except you

Canned beans, canned pasta, canned soup, canned chilli, canned vegetables, canned sardines, canned tuna, canned ham, canned chicken, canned corn beef hash, canned meatballs and gravy, canned Irish stew, canned beef stew, bread, and steal condiment packets wherever you can.

You're pretty much limited to tinned or dried food.

You should save up for a cheap fridge and some kind of electric grill, or even a slow cooker.

You need to buy a hot plate burner in order to cook anything microwaves are not intended to cook food. You could also buy a small toaster style oven for some things.

This, sell your microwave to buy one

Could you make hashbrown waffles like that?

do you have at least natural gas? if you do you can make simple soups, like
>a little oil in a pot
>chop an onion
>drop it in the oil and put the lid on, leave it on low heat
>chop carrots
>drop them in too
>peel and cut potatoes
>chop garlic
>put them in and cover with water
leave to boil for a bit, ready when potato is softer