New fee from Pizza Hut. Are you fucking kidding?

New fee from Pizza Hut. Are you fucking kidding?

>eating pizza hut when literally anywhere else exists
Honestly, the only pizza place worse than pizza hut is papa johns

>New fee from Pizza Hut. Are you fucking kidding?

Gotta pass the cost of the increased minimum wage somehow.

As soon as they start losing customers, pizza hut will start using robots for ordering.

fuck you entitled unskilled & greedy labor.

Agreed, even Little Caesar’s is better.

even gas station pizza is better

>fuck you entitled unskilled & greedy labor.
is wanting to be able to pay rent and shit really greedy though

nah m8 you could pay the rent if you were living within your means. want more money? a better life? then learn a fucking skill

Go to school and get an education or start work in a trade. Either of those will net you better pay at a better job


All of you have points. Just wanting to get by with a semblance of comfort is by no means greedy, but a person should recognize how to live within their means. At the same time, the kind of life a minimum wage job worker’s means can afford is hardly comfortable. I make $3 an hour MORE than minimum wage, I live in a 2 bedroom apartment that I share with two other people(for a total of 3 tennents in an apartment with only 2 beds, the third man sleeps on a mattress in the living room), and I don’t have any major expenses besides food and a little alcohol. At the end of the month, I rarely have any money left over to put in my savings account. So clearly minimum wage can barrly afford a person a semblance of comfort, while said jobs usually take up the majority of a person’s free time. This makes it quite hard to attend trade schools or universities while working, so it is difficult to get better jobs. Lastly, we have automation becoming increasingly common. Menial jobs like pizza delivery and retail are quickly becoming things of the past, lost to efficient machines. This is good in genera because it frees us as a species even more than the agricultural revolution did. On the individual level, it makes it even harder for people working these jobs. In light of all these problems, I believe the best solution is a universal basic income, or a UBI. Essentially, the government sends a check to every citizen of its nation twice a month. The amount of this check is the same for every single citizen. It isn’t much, in fact it’s less than the current minimum wage. What it does is it makes minimum wage jobs more tolerable for those who are stuck working them, makes it possible for the homeless and unemployed to feed themselves a meager diet and maybe get their shit together, and allows people who are employed to take a little extra time for education or training. Only at the cost of a slight tax hike!

Maybe if you weren't trying to live in California with no skills or money, you wouldn't need to be spoonfed.


Im a Califag,
Rent is so expensive here and public transportation sux.
I make 18 bucks an hour and I'm barely over poverty status
Anyone working for 12 dollars and hour cant make it here...
lets have all the minimum wage workers get out of California.
We only need high skilled people working here.
The low skilled services are unneeded. oh w8..

OP is just poor and shouldn't be buying pizza if he can't afford it

You can pay rent at minimum wage in any state

hahahahahahaha @Commiefornia

Living in California was the first mistake.


that's on you m8

meh, you can get training for most trades paid for by the trade union if you qualify for an apprenticeship. as for putting the public on the dole, very bad idea. it'll breed a sense of entitlement that will be forever demanding a raise in their stipend which ultimately can't be supported. it also diminishes the work force because people are lazy fucks and if they don't have to work to survive comfortably then they won't. so the tax paying workforce that supports it would be continually shrinking

>living in california

You're not supposed to try and pay rent by being a pizzaboy

You realize that moving is very expensive, right? Kind of hard to save up money to move to another state when you can't even afford to live in the state you're in.

if you van't afford to live there then you don't have jack shit to move, all you need is skip a meal a day for a month or so and get a bus ticket to anywhere but there

>Bus ticket
Okay, neat, so I'll be homeless in another state. That's way better. I don't know where you live, but I had to pay first month, last month and a security deposit when I got my first apartment. Kind of hard to save up three months rent when you can barely feed yourself.

Believe me, it's a lot easier to get a place to live in states where they actually build homes. I'm paying $175/month

The service fee is $4 fucking dollars here in maryland. It's why I never order Pizza hut.

dude if you're making min wage then you can't afford a place of your own anyways, stop trying to live beyond your means and hit up craigslist or some shit for roommates

>if you qualify
stopped reading here

>WOW you want to live on your own and not with fucking randos that steal your food and don't flush the toilet? you're so fucking entitled and shit, try living within your means asswipe

exactly, like I've already said, don't like it, then get a fucking skill

There is a practically infinite number of ways you can deal with the problem. Move, get qualified for a better job, move in with people, do fucking something. But, more likely, you'll just whine.

qualification is usually just be able to speak, read, and write english, do basic math and be able to follow directions

>Can barely afford to live
>Can pay to learn a new skill

they already charge 3.99 per delivery here in texas. thats before tax and tip. also have a 20 dollar order minimum.

not to mention their pizza tastes like sponges covered with glue and tomato soup

Federal student loans are piss easy to get, scholarships exist, companies often pay for their employees to get trained if you actually bother to check their benefits, and free training programs do exxist. Be honest, you've never even tried.

>Yet another fee for commiefornia.

Kek, stay salty you stupid fucker.

>tfw poorfag
>tfw only live in California because I was born here
I want out. I don't think I can handle any more $5/gallon gas and neutered guns.

I've already explained you can get your training paid for, hell you can even get college paid for if that's the way you want to go. so stop bitching and go build a better life

>trade union
Good luck getting in unless you already know someone.

still haven't heard a reasonable argument as to why people who do unskilled labor and fuck that up half the time, deserve more money. either learn to live within your means or do the legwork to acquire the skills necessary to have a better life

All the idiot replies....fucking hell you people are stupid.

Sure, I agree. But everyone acts like getting into a trade is so fucking easy when it actually isn't.

Budgeting is literally 3rd grade level math. Are you dmber than an eight year old user, or are you black or Mexican?

This is what open borders gets you, no jobs, no homes and a country full of soycucks that can't into basic bitch math whinning about muh libin wayje.

What goes best with anchovies on pizza?

>Why should people who do necessary jobs be paid a living wage

What the fuck? It's $2/gallon elsewhere.

but they are paid a living wage, but lazy stupid fucks wanna live like millionaires working for burger king



As a pizza boy I make $500 a week. I have a second job, but I could live off being a pizzaboy

It's not $5, it's $3.20 where I live. Higher than usual for where I live and on God higher than the rest of the country

>Jobs literally meant for teens and retirees
>tammie lynne has four kids all different babby daddies which are nowhere to be found. She has two felines and a heroin habit and dropped out of HS.
>does this cunt deserve a living wage?
>she did this all to herself

These are the kinds of people that screech the loudest for a living wage.

>would you like fries with that?

So what you’re saying is that you want me to be taxed more because I went to college and got a useful degree in a field where jobs aren’t scarce so I can provide more money to the people who didn’t? Go fuck yourself.

I walked out of my parents home the day I graduated high school and haven’t seen them since. I worked my ass off and had high interest student loans from a bank to pay for my college. If people choose to do nothing with their lives, they deserve nothing in return.

>Living in California when literally anywhere else exists

>Soviet Californiastan
But of course.


>wants liveable wage
>wants to live like millionaires
Pick one, you dumb cunt.

Just because you're a selfish, self aborbed, narcissistic asshole doesn't mean the rest of the world is or should be.

Just because you’re a lazy faggot who decided to be a fry cook and smoke weed instead of going to college doesn’t mean I should pay for your horrible life choices.

Agreed, we should all be selfless, and stop asking other people to just give us stuff for free

>californian mentality in a nutshell

the min wage is livable but bitches be spending shit on iphones, rims, trying to live places they can't afford and all kinds of other shit, so don't even try to talk to me about a liveable wage

I'm not from California, dumbass.

No one's asking for anything for free, idiot.

You don't live in reality. That whole post was garbage.


>this much projecting
I guarantee I have a better career than you.

you're the one who doesn't live in reality, that post was accurate as fuck

You're a moron and should be sterilized.

Service Fee +tip

In what fucking way was it at all accurate? Brainless turnip.....

>Sterilizing a picture

>all these bitches whine about service fees and raising minimum wage
>failing to see the irony
If you can't afford your pizza, fatties, don't fucking order it. Live within your means, faggots.

in what way isn't it accurate? have you actually met anyone working min wage jobs?

You really are fucking retarded, aren't you? You must be underage b&, you have to be over 18 to post here.

Niggers are gonna starve!!!
Black lives matter!!! C’mon!! Black lives matter!! Black lives matter!!

The burden of proof is on you, gaylord.

>Muh projections
You're funny, kid.

that's like having to prove the sky is blue, open your fucking eyes and look around

Or you could do a spectural analysis.

If you live in some ghetto, that's your own problem. Not every minimum wage worker around the country is like that.

yeah, I'm not wasting my time with a libtard who can't see the truth in front of his eyes

yeah, and it's those living within their means who aren't bitching about needing more money

If you went to the top of our atmosphere and looked down, you'd discover it isn't actually blue up there.

>can't spell a fucking word correctly when it's in the post you're responding to

When did boomers discover Veeky Forums?

>Global warming doesn't exist cause it's cold, Cleatus
This is what you sound like.

You don’t have a career. If you did you wouldn’t want to support faggots who didn’t go to college.

Of course I would, and do, because I'm not a self-centered retard living in their own little bubble of ignorance. And yes, I have a career, and I worked my ass off to get it, put myself through college, and never got help from anyone. So, fuck off you useless cunt.

No you go fuck yourseld. The majority of taxes should be payed by the extremely rich, as in those who have taken the most from society, not the middle class like yourself. You think you got where you are by yourself? Yes, you put in plenty of work and you got what you earned. But none of that is possible without the government and society you live in. The bank who loaned you money, the professors who taught you, the farmers who grew your food, the factory worker who built your car, the contractor who built your house or apartment, they all contributed to your success. Like it or not, we’re all in this shit together and we’re all contributing, however small of a contribution it is, to each other’s success or lack thereof. That’s the nature of civilization. If you don’t like it, go off the grid and live as a subsistence farmer in the middle of fucking nowhere. Those are your options. Contribute or fuck off. It’s called a social contract, I thought they taught that in university but maybe you were sick that day. You already pay taxes that feed into social programs, fund the military, and pay the salaries of government employees. This includes liberal lawmakers you probably fucking hate, and my own taxes go to conservative lawmakers I fucking hate. Living in a civilized society is about making compromises, so what’s one more? Hell, your money isn’t going to nothing! Some of it goes directly back to you in the form of the UBI! The rest would be invested in your community, effectively going right back to you. Like I said, if you don’t like it then you can get out.

You know some big words, for a nigger. Made some fine pasta though.

>fuck you entitled unskilled & greedy labor.
>I care more about the worst pizza chain on the planet than my fellow humans

Really? That's the best you can do? Call someone a "nigger" like the trash you are? I see critical thinking isn't in your wheelhouse.

Nigger detected

You can lie all you want, but you’re just a nigger who wants free money.
Fuck off commie. Capitalism is the reason I’m where I am, not free handouts. You try to sound smart, but you’re really just a lazy retard.
How the fuck am I a nigger? Because I work and don’t want to give my shit away to actual niggers? You’re a faggot.

Keep living in that echo chamber of lies, misdirection, and bigotry, you dumb cuntbag.

Funny thing is I have a white trash t-shirt coming in the mail next week. Own your shit man, stop being a communist and trying to share it.

If you still live in that shithole California then you deserve it. If California did break away from the US it would go the way of Venezuela in 10 years.

Get out now or keep getting fucked in the ass by bureaucrats.

I work for what I have, I honestly don’t give a shit about anyone else. You act like it’s my fault for busting my ass when I was young to get where I am today. I’m not rich, I’m just comfortable. The welfare system is the reason why niggers are so miserable, and it only exists so liberals can get the nigger vote. But you won’t blame the Jews, because that would make you a bigot. Better to just blame people like me, right?

> doesn't realize most welfare recipients are white

mushrooms and garlic

relative to their population sizes, there are more blacks on government assistance than whites