How do you feel about the rise of the "creative plating" trend?

How do you feel about the rise of the "creative plating" trend?

It's just a stupid gimmick to appeal to people who are more interested in Instagramming their food than eating it.

I don't feel like digging a mini-burger out of a brandy snifter.

I really like how it's a glass that closes up at the top. A big martini glass would be a lot more reasonable

Apparently something 5-10 years old is on the rise now.
At least use a more recent picture.

That image isn't even that old, you faggot

these are great
and yeah it's all for instagram i'm pretty sure

I mean I got served food on a stone back in 05 but that's not nearly as weird as what passes now

Don't really give two shits as long as the food is good.

>A big martini glass would be a lot more reasonable

I mean it made me smile at least. I sort of think that’s the point, food isn’t normally art. So when a chef gets total freedom sometimes they just like to make jokes and have fun. And let’s face it, Instagram and stupid shit like this is good for business.

This is from Jose Andres' restaurant Jaleo. If it's good enough for him I guess

looks soggy

Gives me vibes of those big ass novelty margarita glasses that held like half a swimming pool.

I don't mind the whole trend as long as it is more things like and less like . Burgers in a snifter seems like they would be a hassle to get out and actually eat.


>t. uncultured swine

It's either gone too far or it hasn't gone too far enough

Posts cherry-picked pictures from a Google search for “dumb food plating” or similar search terms
>”It’s a trend guys I swear everyone is doing it. Fucking Millenials amirite?”
Actually kill yourself.

>getting upset over meme food images
Calm down. Breathe

I guess I am.
That looks like that fucked up way of leaving the tip in a glass of water upturned on the table. In short trying way too damn hard.

For some reason I like this, probably for the sheer absurdity of it. Also it does not impair your ability to actually eat the food.

I went to a restaurant in Chattanooga, TN who's idea of fancy plating a shrimp dish was to turn wine classes upside down and hang the shrimp off the edge of the base in a circle. Eating off the bottom of a drinking glass didn't appeal to me.

Satan confirmed

This one made me laugh

that totally seems like a gag. I'm like 95% sure the shtick is that it's trash food plated all "postmodern"

When will this meme go full circle and go back to putting food on a normal plate?
Will hipsters implode?


ive never heard of this before. must be something you mystery meat mutt millenials trapped in the big cities with niggers and muslims do at your restaurants.




>I want to play a game

at least the japanese toilet restaurant commits to their theme and the plating isn't physically difficult to use

Trolling the blind and hemophiliacs.


lol butthurt

its time to bring back Auschwitz. is that clear enuf?


Looks like somebody DID, bro. Now all you need is guys in uniforms screaming

>"JUDEN!!! JUDEN!!!"

And barking German Shepards on leashes as you try to eat it.