You've heard of TERF now get ready for KERF
You've heard of TERF now get ready for KERF
Something new everyday.
I am here spreading the truth.
I want a TERF gf to bully me!
This message was paid for by Monsanto.
Monsanto: make sure to eat 18 servings of Monsanto certified Organic (tm) fruits and veggies daily.
Usually I hate vague crosspost in jokes like this but in this case TERF jokes made me giggle, well done.
I'd like to go vegetarian, some of the vegetarians I know though aren't the healthiest bunch of people.
Still my meat consumption is down to maybe 20% of my overall food intake.
>tfw no TERF-KERF gf to bully you and flush your hormones and tasty snacks down the toilet
Why live
>Monsanto: make sure to eat 18 servings of Monsanto certified Organic (tm) fruits and veggies daily.
One of my friends is vegetarian and he's made some good as hell food at his house, I've never had tofu cooked to be so tasty ever. Im not completely vegetarian, however I have stopped eating pork and beef.
Thanks Alex jones for keeping us informed
Why do people always stop eating pork and beef? I never understood that. Just that you like cows and pigs better than other animals or what? Genuinely curious.
they turn hebrew
you don't have to exclude entire types of food.
you can just be more mindful of the types of animals and plants you eat, as we all should be doing if we want to feel good without so much extra fucking work.
look for animal and plant farms that feed both the animals and plants well. the small symbiotic farms work best because the system is closed, animals produce byproducts for the plants, and when both aren't poisoned, they can't poison each other.
look for animals that are pasture fed, free range, and fruit and vegetables that are not grown in plastic or sprayed with excess chemicals. This way, you will not have hormones and chemicals transferred to you, and the animals will be happier, the small farmers too and the environment.
This moderate approach achieves all the goals that a radical vegan approach claims to want to achieve. But it works.
Oh, that's how that religion hasn't died yet.
I believe it's because pork and beef are considered wasteful and unhealthy. Pigs live in utter filth and are squeaky bastards, cows live in utter filth and are hairy bastards. Also, there is a lot of leftovers from processing cows and pigs.
Chickens live in utter filth and too are bastards, but there is less waste with a chicken. 2 breasts, 2 thighs, 2 wings. Livers and gizzards are eaten more commonly than beef cheek, pig's feet, etc. At least that's how I see it.
Pigs and cows require more land per animal than a chicken, which is good because 400 head of cattle need 1,000 acres whereas 400 chickens need 1 chicken coop kek. Chickens reach maturity faster than cows, so you can get more to slaughter in a shorter amount of time.
Pork smells like asshole.
yeet, if you can purchase meat raised and slaughtered locally you are supporting farmers and your local economy, more than when you buy from Tyson.
Have you ever been near an industrial chicken farm? shit fucking stinks.
yeah i live in a super agricultural area and have like four small chicken farms (20-100 chicken tier) on my block alone. I know my town is a not a city, but many of the farmers here go to the city and sell their foods to survive, so it's totally possible to find actually ethical food, if you prioritize it.
the chickens here are happy AF. duck egg sized eggs, and the chickens keep the pests down on their farms. Vegans make me sad because i see so many happy animals and kind farmers, i wish they could see them too.
> VEGANISM: Bored, rich, white people problems.
Holy shit you white people sound stuck up as fuck. Take your racist veganism "were not savage niggers" virtue-signaling and shove it up your ass.
I'm drinking like 90g of sugar in the form of chocolate milk on 4 days every week.
How bad is it for me?
I work manual labor and I don't have enough time to eat properly, chocolate milk is a quick and easy way for my calories and protein.
I guess I can understand it from the wasteful perspective, but then I would think going vegan would be better at that point. I think modern meat packaging makes it so you don't have to worry about eating animals, so I don't think you can say it's unhealthy to eat pigs and cows.
I usually just hear from vegetarians that they don't like fatty meat, which perplexes me.
Sugar is linked to disease. There is nothing healthy about sugar or milk. It's fine if you get all your other nutrition in, but just not efficient for your body.
4 times a week is a lot. Once a week or less probably wouldn't be a big deal because moderation or whatever, but if you're concerned about the impact on your health it really is best to cut out refined sugar entirely.
yea i was vegan before i went keto just because im not confident in my ability to only eat meat/dairy from animals that are eating their proper diet (not an ethical dilemma just seems gross to eat sickly animals whose meat is treated so ridiculously between butchering and the package) but since ive been keto i had to bring back shellfish and occasional fish (i know it has similar issues) and think that in an ideal diet you would eat plenty of meat.
that being said, having done vegan, vegetarian, vegan keto, and now shellfish/vegan/keto, and i gotta say the only thing that really affects how i feel day to day is keto - less tired, no hunger pangs, mental clarity, no yawning - and dairy - just fucks up my GI tract - but not eating meat isnt helping you or any animals.
thinking of signing up for a delivery service from local farms where you buy a portion of the cow or get sent boxes every month but honestly at this point im really not appetized by most meat, occasionally ill try a bite and it always looks and smells good and the taste is like how i remember but its just not satisfying i get 2 bites in and im good.
idk what my point was but whats clear is white bread and sugar is poison, if you eat bread it should be FERMENTED sourdough, otherwise you are really doing your body a disservice, and the rest of high carb foods can be easily replaced by other lower carb foods to the same nutrient content in the end.
frankly the only answer is VERY. im not saying these things are particularly good but certainly better than 90g of sugar but why not try some choco flavored protein drinks? again not that this shit is good but this 1 is 25g of protein, 2g of carbs per serving.
also since i do a crazy diet i 100% of the time have almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, pistacio, and macadamia nuts in my car. if i know i wont have food options ill bring some or all or some mix and i never really have issues. if i included dairy or meat, then you got a thousand options. bring a bag of beef jerky or something. i mean im not going to sit here and lay out every healthy on the go option but i think you get it.
what the actual fuck is vegan keto?
well its kind of impossible, i mean you can do it but i dont really see a way you could do it in a very healthy manor even with massive supplementation. i quickly started to integrate seafood and eggs as my compromise because its easy for me to just grab hippie no hormone free range eggs, and wild seafood from the awesome fish monger at the local shop rite.
also if your doing that i imagine you probably include IF - which i did - but you run the risk of essentially having an eating disorder as it is difficult to get a proper amount of protein let alone calories.
i would highly recommend a keto diet, vegan diet is ok but your kind of missing the point if your eating sugar or bread with every meal, vegan keto is just pointless imo, keto doesnt effect my lifestyle so much - restaurants arent the best ofc - but vegan keto makes your life wildly inconvenient, the punishment isnt worth the results which arent especially different from regular keto.
i think at some point i was like 'who am i trying to prove how restrictive i can make my diet too' so i kept the parts making me feel better (no dairy, no carbs) and said fuck it with the rest although i dont really eat meat but im not opposed to it
>i would highly recommend a keto diet,
this thread for KETO HATERS, hence KERF. begone!
veganism has benefits, plants are for cleansing, they don't necessarily restore the body but they do cleanse it. which is why most new vegans sing praises because they're cleansing literally years of disgusting processed shit from their bodies. But ultimately a non-animal inclusive diet was intended to subdue and weaken the practitioner, in early forms it was meant for monks living next to other monks in close quarters to reduce sex drive and test levels.
Modern day long term veganism is equally as harmful to the body. If you wiki you'll see that the term was coined by a young (soy)boy who had to stay at his uncles farm and was too much of a pussy to see the pigs slaughtered.
Veganism is the modern invention of a boy who didn't want to face death. Which is pretty accurate.
and yeah sugar is bad for you when its fructose (only able to be processed in the liver) and when that fructose sugar has been separated from its natural fiber casing. In nature the sugar content is proportional to the fiber of the plant (see: maple trees, sugar cane, beetroot).
This is why refined sugars are very bad for our livers and also why eating whole fruits and extra fiber can help with sugar spikes and absorption issues.