How do people eat this shit? Literally the most disgusting fish I've ever tried...

How do people eat this shit? Literally the most disgusting fish I've ever tried. Even when I take it off something that a restaurant puts it on it still ruins anything it touched (e.g. salad).

Fucking tasty on bread or pizza. Or cooked with onions and garlic when making a tomato sauce.


Absolutely essential for a great tomato sauce. OP, sorry you have such shit tastebuds.

how much you want to bet the only salad OP will eat is a ceaser. dummy.

go eat a rock of salt on its own. its pretty gross. add it to food and its very good. replace 'salt' with whatever 'gross' ingredient you want.

Just don't be a pussy

I don't mind them, though I'm more of a /deenz/ guy myself.

I eat that shit straight out of the can.

Fucking little nu-males can't take something that isn't sweet.

Try some over some scrambled eggs on toast. It's a god tier breakfast.

also how about go eat some flour. are you telling me you dont like bread? this is stupid logic. i mean i personally will eat anchovies basically strait (with a cracker more likely) not that i expect anyone else too which is why it is used as an ingredient. you even seen a dish with anchovies as the main protein? no its just a seasoning kind of, think about it like a herb.

To be fair, caeser salad is pretty okay compared to other things.

Anchovies are incredible. I get a craving for them almost every day.

Though I bought a jar of anchovies, I haven't been able to get it open. Think it's sealed shut by the salt or something. Any tips for this?

to be fair, the reason that is the case is because of anchovy. i agree that caeser is lovely but if you like it, you like anchovy, see

run it under hot water for a couple minutes, if that doesnt work whack the lid with the back of a tablespoon, or get that dope ass jar opener from the infomercials, it just closes it arms until it gets to the sides of the jar then turns with like 9 million psi

Thank you user, I used super hot water to get them open. But they taste fishier than I like them. Guess maybe I don't like them enough to eat them straight.

Oh man that reminds me of deenz. I got a big craving for them deenz.

When you open a can of sardines are all the heads and bones supposed to be in there? I only bought one can and it really turned me off of them, couldn't even try it.

Muh /deenz/bro, where our thread senpai?

We use them in potato gratin in sweden during the holidays. Look up janssons frestelse if you want a recipe.

I like anchovies, but I've never eaten them much. The last time I ate anchovies however, in some kind of pasta dish, the bones were really noticable and very unpleasant. They were like little glass fibres and they got stuck in my teeth, and I'm pretty sure they got stuck in my throat too and left me with a very unpleasant sensation in my throat for a day or two. Is this normal for anchovies, or was there something wrong with the ones I had? I do like the taste of them besides this and I'm pretty sure I've had them before without this issue.

Buy a can of King Oscars double layer.

When the sardines are large enough, you can feel the bones. With the tiny brislings it is not so.

You cook with it you don't eat it straight. People who eat it straight acquired the taste.

Tap the edge part of the lid all around the jar with the blunt end of a butter knife or something.

I could sit and snack on an entire can of those things. Just put them on some crackers or something.

>How do people eat this
usually on cracka ass crackas with hot sauce

I was born with this taste my man. Then again, I've always loved canned fish of all types.

-t Gulf coast born

I don't know, I think we need to make one to gather /deenz/ fans

Thought that was a corset at first

Nah, just a reminder of when our navy actually had balls.

Tattoos are degenerate no matter who gets them

I will literally fight you, post your address fag.

>ctrlF no /deenz thread
where's my /deenz thread bois


Fuck sardines, eat anchovies only anchovies

Fuck sardines

I put five on a saltine, try that

I just ate some kipper snack on gouda cheese cracker. Pretty good desu

You should reconsider your life.

GOD tier pizza topping. I always order double anchovy if I can on my pizza. I also add pepperoni, black olives, Parmesan cheese, onions, YUM.

Sometimes I eat anchovies straight out of the can if I'm really hungry for something salty. Though I generally prefer to eat it with something bready.

Add it to every meat dish and sauce.

tats are just cattle branding

You can't feed anchovies to toddlers. They'll recoil. So that's what's happening here.

These people have barely graduated from hot dogs. Give them time to grow up.

It helps if you body is craving salts and minerals and oils and fats that all are conveniently in this single food item. When you need it, you'll understand, but most people don't crave for it because everything is so salty and fat already.

Beer helps.

rinse, rinse, rinse. Then put on pizza

Fuck off

If you don't like anchovies you're not going to like pussy, user. Assuming you ever get to taste it.

>ceaser salad
A salad that stops something? Or do you mean Caesar salad, you pusillanimous popinjay?

What does degenerate mean?

Whatever Alex Jones tells the sheeple to dislike each week.

el abominacion

That's a dude, my dude

caesar dressing literally has anchovies in it you fucking cooklets, leave this board

>reading comprehension

They're not so bad. I like sardines better as far as canned fish goes.
I guess they are kind of an acquired taste though as most "fishy" things seem to be.

Literally the Reddit of fish.

How so?

>asking someone to explain what they mean when they call something reddit

Fuck me this board is autistic sometimes.

pierce the lid with a blade


david icke tells me all i need to know

I'm in Japan and couldn't find sardines packed in water here. Then I realized my import site might dock them. Jackpot!

They also have Mediterranean style and mustard. I'm hype for some new flavor experiences.