What is wrong with Americans?
What is wrong with Americans?
Thats an impresive keish.
garbage chicago shit. Midwesterners trying so desperately hard to be like jew york
Where are you from shitposter?
Bit early for Australia.
this is a better pizza than the bland italian one
>What is wrong with Americans?
What's wrong with it?
>those holes
doesen't it mean that it was gangbanged by insects?
Chicagoans aren't american
I heard Americans don't have Cadbury chocolate. Is this true?
Quiche, you philistine
Chicago pizza is completely different from NY pizza. Its basically a casserole dish with a bread shell. The dough often has butter in it which is also different from NY pizza. Its quite tasty.
They're trying to be like New York by making pizza that is the polar opposite of New York style pizza?
no, cadbury eggs are sold around easter time
newsflash, no one wants to be like new york. new york and california are garbage states that should be removed
yes and no. There is chocolate sold under the Cadury brand but its made by Hershey using a different recipe and does not taste the same. Its kind of stupid really.
It's owned by Hershey's so technically yes we have it. I think it's a different formula than used in the UK.
>newsflash, no one wants to be like new york
minneapolis, seattle, austin
>chicago pizza anything like new york pizza at all
>seattle wants to be like new york
im going to assume you are an east coaster, i live in bellvue mate, seattle in no way tries to be like new york. if anything seattle is trying to be a new tokyo
Looks like a round lasagna.
pic related """"""pizza"""""" is really grinding my gears. How can you even call it a pizza? It's just cheese and some sausages on a crust
That looks amazing for a quiche
hello r*ddit
>see pic
>oh I remember seeing that on reddit
>google image search
hey reddit
How many calories in one slice?
yes, i love how it is filled with eggs, cream or milk. fucking retards thinking they are hot shit when they dont know shit about shit. go back to Veeky Forums and pretend you know shit there please
>this is what retard Jew Yorkers actually believe
>What is wrong with Americans?
I have lived amongst them for 40 years now (born here too!) and I feel qualified to say this:
Americans worst flaw, is being human.
Humans are vile, disgusting animals that think that because they stare in front of mirrors for hours at a time, they are somehow entitled to run this planet into the ground.
Kill them all, I say.
I'm probably going to eat this for dinner tonight. You guy's jealous?
BASED MODS fixing /tv/ again
I live 60 miles away from Boiston, you fajets
>chicago pizza
>it's not really a fucking pizza
haha Bane am I right?
based Veeky Forums poster
Agreed, this is SO much better. I love the l'italia