Al/ck/ thread

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I really wanted this set when I was a kid. Love looking at old toys/games when I'm spiraling down.

Anyone else get sharp pains in their right side?

Probably liver or pancreas. My liver pains are very dull

Sacroiliac joint, left kidney, right kidney, liver, head, eyes, neck and large intestine.

Define "sharp".

funny, you started drinking to kill the pain, look how good it worked.

How are people allowed to be this stupid?

The opposite of dull, Fucking retard.

There is a clear difference between sharp and dull pain.

Still works as long as I don't sober up

It feels like a rat is chewing through my ribs

I can't have any reflective surfaces in my room when I drink. I just caught a glimpse of myself reflected in my lamp's base and it made think of how much a loser I am. Probably why I hate bars that have mirrors behind those display bottles.

That's actually the perfect reason to have mirrors in your room, when you think about it.

You're probably right.

I don't know where to ask so I come here for your knowledge. Do you drink certain brands of alcohol, or do you just drink whatever is in your reach and hope to sleep forever until you wake up next day?

At my local store I've found a beer with moderate cost, great taste, and high Acl/vol. So that's all I really drink unless they run out, then I switch to cheap red wine. You would think they'd order more beer seeing as I buy it every single day.

I have my preferences, but ultimately I'll drink anything. Except beer, I just can't handle it anymore for some reason, the stuff actually just makes me sick.

My local store would totally stock their sections based off what I was drinking. Their selection of Rossi wine got huge when I was pounding one or two of those jugs a day. Same with their cheap tall boy sparks hard lemonaid malt liquor skunky type stuff.

When I quit drinking, the stopped stocking that shit all together. That was kind of an eye opener.

what do you recommend me for starters, besides beer?

Starter alcoholism? I dunno, whatever agrees with you the most. go find some cheap wine and see if you enjoy it.

>besides beer
Can't really help you there m8. What do you normally like? If you like wine try some cleanskins (is that a term outside of Australia?), they're really cheap gets you smashed.


Carlo Rossi jugs are what my roommate used to drink. He would carry one of those huge fuckers by one finger at parties

how's kraken rum ? I've seen it and wanted to try it sometime

I was thinking more of pic related

I went through so many phases of my alcoholism. For one, Sake was always my favorite, if I could drink nothing else besides that I would have, but it's fairly pricey and hard to find near me.

I think I started out on really cheap beer, like Genesee, I'd buy a 30 pack and do nothing for a few days but pound those and play videos games. Then I moved to wild turkey....I don't remember a lot of those times. Then I switched to that 120 proof smirnoff vodka, I spent a lot of nights just laying in the shower, with the water running, literally all night.

Then I moved to cheap wine jugs and boxes for some reason. I always puked out my window for some reason on those.

Then the stores started stocking Sake more around here (maybe just because of me because I'd buy any the second I got it) and I got back on that fucking hard. Mixed quite a bit of Jack daniels with that occasionally, and I was a total fucking mess. I almost killed myself one night and quit after all that.

It's a spicy rum. Nice mixed with cola or ginger beer. The price would prevent it being a daily drink for me.

what the fuck led you to such extremes senpai?

You're going to have to learn to keep it simple. No spiced anything, no top shelf nothing, just straight up booze.

No idea, It might not be a shock that I don't remember the exact thought processes.

I started drinking when I was 18. I vividly remember the years when I was 18-21, but since then I basically have no memory of anything. I'm 26 now.

I'll probably buy one to try it. It's not expensive for a one-time

watcha recommend? I have zero knowledge. is 160 proof and above too hugh to begin with?

what do you do now? are you even functional members of society?

Have a girlfriend for close to six years, 5 years living together.
She knew right form the beggining the fact that I'm an alck, didn't mind at first years. Then came few bad years, when I became abusive with her when I was drunk, but only when SUPER drunk. Once a month. Not physically, but emotionally. Shit like saying get out of my house and so on. Didn't leave because she really loves me. But it stopped, and all is well.
However, I think I am about to loose myself soon.
When my girlfriend is home, I drink 2-3 times a week, 4 beers or bottle of wine at time, for just a slight buzz. Occasionally get fucked with friends when she's around.
When she's out of town I drink every single day she's gone.
And now her job requires her to move around a lot, a week there, a week here, sometimes more time away.
And as I've said, I drink everyday she's away, 90% of times alone. But I don't drink til I get tipsy or drunk, I drink til I get DESTROYED. Last night I drank 12 beers and 3 wine bottles. the day before it was worse. And I had no off days from work, and my collegues didn't even notice, because I am in constant state of being hungover, they think that is my normal state of being.
I think I'm digging my own grave, and digging it super fast.

You summed up my last few years accurately. The key difference is she did leave me because during those periods when she'd be away for work for days at a time, and I was getting proper hammered, I couldn't cut down my drinking when she was home. I don't mind that she left because I was only using her for money and sex - never considered marrying her. It will happen eventually to you user unless you get your shit sorted.

mild groin, right side neck/shoulder area and spleen pain.

>apply for jobs
>end up getting drunk a couple days later for like a week
>check phone, bunch of missed calls
don't think i'll ever become employed again at this rate
oh well debt ahoy

What about friends? because I think I am loosing them too, by choosing to drink alone and watch a movie instead of going to bars with them. Why is this happening? Why do I conciously choose a life of a shut in?

>watcha recommend? I have zero knowledge. is 160 proof and above too hugh to begin with?

Bicardi 151 is a little harsh, but if you can handle that then you definitely show a lot of alcoholic potential.

I am I have no friends and live alone. Lost them well before my ex left.
>Why is this happening? Why do I conciously choose a life of a shut in?
Sounds like you need a change of environment. That's what I'm doing anyway, moving interstate to start my life over.

Uh...some would argue with how functional I am. I don't drink anymore. I basically act like a handyman for my family and such, I still can't find any jobs because I've been unemployed for over 10 years. Still trying though, sending out apps and stuff.

Other than that, I write books and short stories and stuff. Have had a few SS published, no luck on the books yet but maybe one day.

I'd say your analysis seems correct, user. Your girlfriend knows the difference between sober you and drunk/hungover you, it's only a matter of time before this comes to a head. At some point, the desire to get fucking loaded will outpace the desire to work and/or generally function effectively. You're in the honeymoon phase of abuse acceleration.

you write shota, user?
but good luck with that m8o

but it's been discontinued and it's sold at $150+

I had one girlfriend who wasn't quite an alcoholic, but drank quite a bit. I remember I could tell if she was drunk just by the look in her eyes, just by the first three words she said to me. She would always try to hide it, not because she was ashamed but to just see if she could trick me. She was always amazed I could tell. No real trick to it though, drunk people just act differently than they normally do, even though the drunk people themselves think they're acting totally normal.

Oh fuck, I'm behind on the times then.

>even though the drunk people themselves think they're acting totally normal
I always have this thought in my mind when I'm absolutely plastered, trying to walk and act normally, while going shopping for food or more booze.

My work is very directly connected with alcohol, so I dunno.
If I were to quit alcohol per say, I'd loose my job and years of training for that. What a stupid loop.

I remember i was in a big chain grocery store at like near midnight, buying wine. No idea why I chose that store, but I was hammered.

I remember I walked up the checkout, set my wine bottle down. The checkout girl took a step back, and said something like "Uh, we got a tener five doubble 7" or some shit. Then she like really quickly rang me out, and I started walking away and somebody started talking over her radio and she goes, "It's ok, he's leaving,"

So I'm walking out thinking, "Man...was she talking about me? What the fuck was her problem?"

Wasn't until I got to the exit, where there was this huge mirror and I notice I'm kind of stumbling as I walked, I hadn't shaved in like 2 weeks, and I had bright bloodshot eyes.

Totally felt like I was normal until then.

So...your job basically says, ok you NEED to drink ON THE JOB, or you WILL absolutely loose your job? just happen to have a job where you're around tons of alcohol and you can't help yourself?

Yea, right there at the last rib bone. Been like that for a year or two now. Viva la vi.

Doesn't matter. I have nothing to live for - nothing to die for.

>I have nothing to live for - nothing to die for.
You're supposed to find something. Nobody just gives it to you.

Think 10-577 was their lingo for robbery or something?

I've been around the sun 30 - something times and haven't found a damn thing. No career calling, no personal calling, no motivation.

I have a girl that puts up with me and a kid on the way. I'd love nothing more than to leave them and my job and live in a shack in the middle of the woods.

Oh God, my job. Almost beat the shit out of several cunts today. Dunno how I've been employed the past 4 years.

>I've been around the sun 30 - something times and haven't found a damn thing

Then you're not looking very hard, there's tons of shit.

The problem with finding a purpose in life is you now have responsibility, you now have to be devoted to something bigger than yourself, you can't be a selfish little kid sitting a corner refusing to talk to everyone else. It would mean maybe you have to drop all the bullshit, and grow up a little. A lot of drunks aren't really prepared to do that.

Second day detox here. 18 hours since last drink.
Sweating like a pig. Over the initial Jesus is but still have the runs like an absolute champion but that was nothing uncommon the past 10 years lol.
I'm gonna make it Veeky Forums.
All the best to you all. Don't turn out like me at 40 with only $5k in the bank and a great job I quit last Friday basically bc I was still half-drunk arriving at 7am and had had enough of the state manager so just left at 11am. :/

Does your liquor store cashier know who you are?

Do you ever buy stuff while already drunk?

Have they ever laughed at you?

I think I just shit out like pure fat. Part of the shit was like real shit, and part looked like fuckin squash or mashed potatoes, but yellower

At the one liquor store the girl there kept trying to make conversation with me, I think she might have been hitting on me. She was cute, but seemed a little weird...i dunno, I honestly think she was working at the liquor store in order to find a new abusive bf she could be co-dependent on.

The other chick worked there was a literal bearded lady. I liked her because she was a such a miserable cunt that she never said anything, never seemed to recognize me, just rang my shit up and let me get out of there.

Also I think I was fucked up already like 100% of the time I went to the liquor store.



lol, ya done goof'd

I go to different large box stores bi weekly or monthly and stock up. I've had cashiers ask me if I'm having a party before when I buy 6 handles of vodka at once at 11am. I usually just make them feel very uncomfortable by saying "oh no, this is all for me. I'm a crippling alcoholic. I'll drink this all in 2 weeks" then they shut their fucking mouths and mind their own business. I hate when cashiers think it's fun to talk about my purchases or question me about what I buy and when. Do your job your job and mind your own business you fucking whore

>"oh no, this is all for me. I'm a crippling alcoholic. I'll drink this all in 2 weeks"

What's really sad, is we know for a fact you don't actually say this, it's just a fantasy.

anyone have any idea what could cause you to collapse? i have clear memory up till i collapsed then i just woke up in my bed

Uh...being drunk?

Lol okay.

Like a real alcoholic gives a fuck what a 22yo Walmart clerk thinks lol

Calm yo tits.

I pop in to buy a handle way too fucking often and rotate between stores to hide my shame; but I'm friendly with them and mention the change in weather or laugh about how the city won't order them to trim the hedges at the blind intersection despite 4 crashes.

For all they know you are buying for a restaurant, or work at a venue, or they don't give a damn. Chances are they see plenty of drunk people and aren't as judgemental as you think. You shouldn't give a damn either. Try to get your shit together.

not tapering at all?

Kys you stupid soccer mom. No one buys 1 handle at a time while joyously talking about the weather like life is grand

Wouldn't hurt to get on ebay and pick up some Liv52. Meatheads use it to protect their livers while taking oral steroids - much more taxing on the liver.

alcoholism is just addiction, and it doesn't need ridiculous aestheticizing like it's the sign of some inner pain like a fucking Bukowski poem. Tons of people have drinking problems without acting rude to everyone around them.

Get some antidepressants and CBT

welp, I shit out blood today.

Well no, Alcoholism is just a symptom of the real problem, which actually is some sort of inner pain right out of a fucking bukowski poem.

But yeah, not all alcoholics are rude assholes to people just trying to do their job.

Meh, call us when you're bleeding shit

I got a date this weekend bros but I need some help. I've got a weak ass dick and basically ED, was going to pick up some yohimbe from gnc to see what its all about but online I see some weird stories about combining it with alcohol.

I literally cannot socialize without alcohol what do?

prolly just hemorrhoids or a little tare. I've had that. Woulda shit my pants seeing blood drip out my ass ... but thankfully I was still on the pot and had emptied bowels.


Just ron jeremy and danni daniels it, choke the base so it looks hard.

Fucking LOL

It's not that big

>choke the base

Not him but kys

Normies memes are mean :^(

I've had multiple grocery stores say they can't sell because I'm shaking like a shit and ask them to use my card for me lol

>Does your liquor store cashier know who you are?
I'm a regular but they don't know my name.
>Do you ever buy stuff while already drunk?
All the time.
>Have they ever laughed at you
At least not in front of me.

>IRC doesn't work


>brothers wife makes me a nice hot meal once or twice a week because she's always concerned about me

God damn that's a good feel.

She can cook like there is no tomorrow, and there is something about a woman who genuinely cares about your well-being making you dinner and making sure you are OK once or twice a week that makes me feel gud.

Too bad I can't fuck her.

It does on my computer :^) I'll PM you the fix.

I think you're taking entirely the wrong message from her gesture.

I just appreciate she cares about me so much, I would never ruin the relationship with my brother just to fuck her once.

That doesn't change the fact she's a literal 10 and I have fantasies about her.

I just don't act on them, Even at my drunkest.

Shes worried about you because you are pathetic and helpless. That shouldn't make you feel good.

lol, I make more money then her and her husband combined. How is that pathetic?

It makes me feel good she is caring and family oriented. An that she takes the time out of her busy week to make sure I'm eating and have a hot meal from time to time.

yeah, she's also trying to uplift him, give him a brief glimpse of a better life. She's probably also tiring that you don't take the hint.

>lol, I make more money then her and her husband combined. How is that pathetic?

What the fuck does money have to do with anything? Obviously nothing, seeing how you yourself feel as if you have nothing. Man, you're actually a huge fuckhead, stop talking.

You're a fucking moron. The assburgers is eating you alive bud, Time to see a doctor before you Lanza somebody

Lol k. Well stay happy with all your money and alcohol, sounds like you're really living it up bud.

even very rich people can be pathetic drunks.
>she takes the time out of her busy week to make sure I'm eating and have a hot meal from time to time
as one might do for a homeless person. she pities you, in my honest and unironic opinion

>pathetic drunks.

Are you forgetting where you are?

I'll cry myself to sleep tonight while I try to forget making 182k a year from my couch and being a "pathetic drunk"

>I'll cry myself to sleep tonight while I try to forget making 182k a year from my couch and being a "pathetic drunk"

It sounds like you kind of already do that though...

You know AA is also filled with tons of ex lawyers and such who begin their lead with, "I used to have it all..."