Three Applebee's employees have been fired amid allegations that they racially profiled two African-American women dining at a location in Missouri over the weekend, company officials said.
St. Louis resident Alexis Brison was having dinner with a friend at an Applebee's in Independence, Mo., on Saturday when their feast of buffalo wings and mozzarella sticks was interrupted by a police officer, a mall security guard and a restaurant manager. To Brison and her friend's surprise, the trio accused them of "dining and dashing" at the same location the night before.
"We have not been here before. We're just trying to enjoy our dinner," Brison can be heard saying in a video of the encounter that she posted to Facebook.
"This is what black people have to deal with," she added, as the officer continued to ask them questions.
Kevin Richardson
>Three Applebee's employees have been fired amid allegations that they racially profiled >Three different employees were wrong about the customers leaving without paying last night
They totally did it, didn't they?
Noah Rodriguez
Do they have no security cameras at Applebees? It'd be pretty easy to check if it was in fact them or not.
Jose Johnson
You can't tell Black people apart. That's why they just claim they did nothing when accused of a crime in hopes that white people can't tell them apart enough to secure a conviction.
Angel Gray
Former line cook here: We do profile niggers. Waiters will prioritize them last, and we'll give them the lower quality food. They're notorious non-tippers, complain over the dumbest and nonsensical things, and are loud and disrupts the rest of the guests. Most restaurants would ban them if legally possible.
Benjamin Reed
This is completely true. They want the highest quality experience but wouldn't even know it if they went to culinary school. They're a complete blight on the food service.
Leo King
Why do you think that is?
Jaxson Foster
My best guess is mimicry. They aren't genuinely aware of what they're trying to do, they see things in media with people having the best time and looking incredible and they want to live like that. But instead of using logic and doing research, they just show up and want to skip to the good part since tv shows have no in-between. This seems to be a common trend among low-education black people. It literally is "monkey-see, monkey-do."
Jordan Wilson
Low intelligence? Their massive victim complex? Who knows with them.
Colton Bailey
>They're notorious non-tippers, complain over the dumbest and nonsensical things, and are loud and disrupts the rest of the guests. Most restaurants would ban them if legally possible.
Owner of a small Chinese restaurant here. Blacks are basically the worst customers you can imagine.
They are rude to other customers. Obnoxious even towards each other. Yells at other people for no reason.
And they will play the race card for anything. I was once called racist when a black customer didn't tip and I asked her if anything was wrong. She started yelling at me at the top of her lungs and just made an embarrassing display.
American blacks are just rude and hate filled people.
Adrian Bell
Surely even niggers wouldn't be dumb enough to go back to a place they'd ripped off literally less than 24 hours earlier?
Ethan Martinez
very common. I work the line and serve and when I get Indians, white trash, black people, europoors, or asians I am almost guaranteed a 10-15% tip max. I don't treat them poorly, I just don't hold any conversations with their table really. Give them great service still.
Jacob Powell
Low educated white people are the same way, though. I grew up in a town with only one black family, and they behaved much better than the white trash. It's all in how you're raised and educated, really.
Brayden Murphy
They say the criminal always returns to the scene of the crime. And by they, I mean cartoons say that.
Isaiah Gonzalez
>be black >Go to Denny's for all you can eat pancakes >Sit at table but no one seems to want to serve me >White guy waiter comes up visibly uninterested >Tell him I want all you can eat pancakes and to keep them coming >Could tell he was upset >Eat about 4 plates worth of pancakes and leave a $5 tip >Immediately his demeanor changes as I walk out of the door tells me than you >Tell him "yep" and leave
This is the crap I will have to deal with my whole life. White women giving me half smiles and weighters treating me poorly because they think I won't tip. Wish we could just move past all of this bullshit.
Luke Cooper
Oh, I've seen and read niggers do similar things so it's possible. Like one who went back to the same convenience store he robbed the previous night, thinking he wouldn't be recognized.
Nathan Walker
>Why do you think that is?
Because white liberals keep telling those ignorant niggers that nothing is their own fault. Niggers actually believe them and blame every one of their own failures on Asians, Whites, Indians, etc, etc. They take responsibility for none of their own actions.
When you've been taught to hate and blame others all your life by liberals, you will turn out to be a hateful person. That's what american blacks have become.
Samuel Sanders
If they could go every hour, they would. There's no shame involved in this, they think they're playing the system.
I worked at Denny's for a year in Indiana and this is somewhat true, but not entirely. The degree of expectation is vastly different, and the behavior isn't nearly as shameful.
Isaiah Reyes
>This is the crap I will have to deal with my whole life
You 1000% deserve this for supporting your nigger criminal buddies and blaming every one of your own failures on others; instead of working to improve your own community.
You constantly hate and blame others. So others will hate you in return. That's the way the world works, nigger.
Nathan Kelly
Fuck off back to /pol/ with this shit >No racism outside of /b/ l That is where this conversation belongs, those three women probably did it but here isn't the place to talk about it
Mason Smith
>those three women probably did it All you needed to say m8.
Hunter Hernandez
>this trolls me That never gets this behavior to stop, you know.
Grayson Evans
>"improve your own community" This is how you find the racists.
Henry Rogers
That's actually true. There is no improving the lot of the lower class black American. They refuse to change or accept that there is any fault in their behavior.
Hudson Powell
The average IQ of black people is 85. Only 15% of black people have an IQ of 100 or higher.
Adam Reed
>You 1000% deserve this for supporting your nigger criminal buddies and blaming every one of your own failures on others; instead of working to improve your own community.
This is why Chinese, Japanese, Indians are all much stronger and more successful in America. We actually have some sense of SHAME and police our own communities when we act like idiots. Not blacks though. Blacks will always find a way to blame others.
Sebastian Watson
lol this has lost all meaning when coming from sheltered white sjw kids
Jose Morris
Spotted the racist.
James Williams
Not all blacks act like this. I know you're trolling out of the hope to derail this actual constructive and objective discussion, though.
Evan Johnson
Saying a word has lost meaning doesn't make it true. Spotted another. Also, I was half wrong. Using the phrase "improve your own community" can mean your racist AND/OR bigoted as well.
Zachary Martin
I once had a white liberal kid, with zero self awareness, try to explain to me:
> "blacks can't be racist, only whites, asians, and latinos can."
Nicholas Allen
No trolling and no derailing, simply a true account of the use of that phrase.
Ryder Kelly
Anyone can be racist, of course.
Alexander Bell
While we're on the subject, why do they want well done steaks?
Camden Smith
To be honest, tipping culture has caused more problems than they help fix (arguably none), and I'd love to see it done away with in the US.
Chase Fisher
Blacks don’t even want to serve blacks. They don’t get tips.
Ryan Morgan
>your racist AND/OR bigoted as well.
>> "blacks can't be racist, only whites, asians, and latinos can."
I've learned that white enablers are actually a bigger problem than the blacks themselves. blacks only behave and act the way they do be cause liberals keep telling them they don't need to be responsible for their own actions.
Aiden Myers
>Improving your community
Impossible, you can't change something that doesn't want to be changed. Rap culture and the glorification of drugs and crime prevent changing anything. You would soon catch a bullet before fixing anything in these communities. However the first step towards fixing things starts at the government level and involves leagalizing and regulating hard drugs.
Nathan Taylor
Oh, you robbed a store and shot a clerk, black man?
Well, it's ok because that store is probably racist and the asian clerk is probably racist so your crime isn't really a crime. It's just your reacting to those evil "racists."
Logan Sanchez
I don't know for sure, but I'd imagine it coming from the history of eating long stewed/braised/and fried meats. It's put a taboo on rare or raw meats in case of food poisoning. But that's just African-Americans. They eat lots of rare/raw meats in African countries. Just go to a good Ethiopian restaurant, and try some Kitfo. It's a tartare-like dish of ground raw beef, clarified butter, and spices, usually served with homemade cheese and greens, and it's fucking amazing.
Sebastian Thomas
>You would soon catch a bullet before fixing anything in these communities.
Remember Bill Cosby made the mistake of telling blacks to take responsibility for their own actions? Bill Cosby got grilled and destroyed by blacks in the media. Bill fucking Cosby was even called a 'racist' for daring to suggest blacks take care of themselves. lol
Blacks don't want to hear any of it. It's all YOUR fault they do what they do.
Caleb Taylor
Nothing to laugh at, that just means you're one of them.
Evan Gonzalez
>I'd imagine it coming from the history of eating long stewed/braised/and fried meats That actually makes a fair amount of sense.
William Myers
Sticks and stones buddy
Elijah Barnes
I'm black so I can't be racist. White people told me so.
Jaxson Watson
And you're juvenile to boot. Racist and infantile, what a disgusting combination.
Blake Moore
>racists are the only ones willing to give the black community the hard truth wtf I love racists now??
Ayden Rodriguez
Anyone can be racist, and anyone can be bigoted. No matter what color you are.
Owen Baker
Found another racist.
Landon Campbell
I wouldn't know I drive further away if I want to go to a chain restaurant if I know there are no nigs there
Gavin Cruz
Found another soyboy.
Brandon Hall
> Anyone can be racist > thinking blacks can even be remotely racist