Chinese and McD's

>have Chinese roommates
>they collect every happy meal box

Do chinks actually do this?

no different than frat boys collecting empty liquor bottles

Are your roommates children?

One of them is. The other is about to be a doctor.

No, OP, chinks do not do this. Your roommates are probably gooks, or possibly flips.

Does the kid belong to the doctor?

Does the kid pay rent?

Not an actual kid. Just a man child.

Does the man child belong to either of you?

While some chinks can be organized and clean a lot of them I notice are hoarders in some way in their life. Especially when it comes to cars. It's like being on a white trash property when it comes to cars.

>a lot of them I notice are hoarders in some way in their life.

When you grow up in real communist tier poverty, you try to hoard anything you can.

My parents still keeps shit they haven't used in 10 years in the garage because "it's still valuable."

...Where do you live that they're rich enough to horde cars?

Same culture that gives us bottle ladies wandering the streets of New York in the fucking cold, packing in cans and bottles into carts despite owning million-dollar properties they return to every evening.

Why do white people always have to use racial slurs when they discuss people of other races?

>criticize others for using racial slurs
>uses a racial slur in the same sentence
every time

because subhumans don't deserve respect

>go to China
>they have a better McChicken
>tfw you will never have a McSpicy again

>White people is now considered a racial slur.

Oh my God, how whites have fallen.

hint: the phrase "white people" was not the slur in that sentence

Are you fucking retarded?

But all of those are the same.

That's what happens when you become a 56%er.

if describing the color of skin isn't a slur then so isn't blacks, browns, yellows, and reds