I'm living off $1k for the year, any recipes that can stretch my dollar extra far? I'm thinking about making some stew or something that'll last me a few weeks. Also I eat once a day if that matters
I'm living off $1k for the year, any recipes that can stretch my dollar extra far...
>I'm living off $1k for the year
Why are you a neet or something?
>1k for the year
That’s like 13 dollars a week for food, certainly doable but that’ll be tough. I suggest bulk buys of rice and beans and when you can afford it a cheap protein or some veggies
>1K a year
You're either gonna die of malnutrition of go insane from eating the same shit every god damn day. Or both.
>Also I eat once a day if that matters
Why does almost everyone on Veeky Forums seem to have such fucked up eating habits?
Anyway I'm a longtime poorfag (kicked out at 18, 25 now) so I'll give you what advice I can. I'll assume you're in the United States and that that $1,000 is your budget for food and nothing else. What you need to do is recognize that you have $83/mo. to spend on food, or ~$38 every two weeks, maybe less depending on how much it costs to get yourself to the grocery store. Rice and dried pasta are good, eggs are good, frozen vegetables are good, especially broccoli, greens, carrots, and peas. These can generally be bought in quantity for very little money. Don't be fooled - canned vegetables are often cheaper than the frozen ones per unit but you get a lot less. Ground meat, block cheese, and canned tuna can be good too. You should also be able to at least keep salt and pepper on hand. Finally, It's important to plan out your meals for the 2-week period so you don't buy anything you don't need. Lunch or dinner for me is near always [something] over pasta or rice, and I just mix it up by changing what [something] is and as I slowly get more seasonings, but you might look different.
What you really need to do is to look around for non-traditional opportunities. I have a plot at a communal garden run by my church that I only had to sign up for (and attend church regularly, which I do anyway) to get. There's also food pantries, which I have occasionally had to go to. You may also qualify for state or federal aid, but as a young, single white male of sound mind and body what little I can get in my state (Ohio) is more work to get and keep than the token sum I'd get out of it justifies.
neet here
joust out of curiosity, how can you not get a part time job?
I do have a part time job. I'm a poorfag because I haven't been able to do better than 25 hrs/wk at minimum wage at McDicks. I live alone (have gf, don't live with her) and pay all bills for a small studio apartment I rent for $300/mo.
any luck finding another poorfag to share apartment costs with?
Some general life advice; food isn't the thing you should be skimping so hard on, there are almost certainly other things in your life that you can cut out or reduce the financial impact of.
$300/mo, that's pretty fucking good. In Denver you pay a 3 times that or more. The rental market here sucks even more than the housing market if you're buying, you've got it made if your selling.
where do you live? can you have a small garden? i grow/can most my own veggies and its basically free, i suppose you could freeze them since canning would cost too much to start. even if you cant, id invest in a herb window garden, nothing makes eating rice 6 times a week a little better then some additional flavors.
when i was dirt poor, i was lucky enough to have access to a small yard where i grew veggies and had got 2 chickens from craigslist and had lots of eggs, and chickens just ate grass, bugs and whatever scraps i had leftover, i never bought them food
get some spices so you can switch flavors up
If you're really on that low a budget then you need to seek out help from local food banks, etc.
I'd also suggest you download a browser add-on called qmee. It let's you fill out surveys and click on suggestive links for money, which can then be cashed out instanty to papal. You won't make much, but you can make £1-3 a day, for only 10-20 minutes of answering questions, which would contribute towards your food.
Cheapskate slavshit advice here: Are potatoes cheap where you live? They're quite versatile...
- boil them in skin, then peel (or leave as-is if spring potatoes) and eat with sour cream and salt
- fry some chopped onion in oil or animal fat, peel potatoes and boil them, drain them, add the onion and fat and squish together (don't make smooth purree, keep the texture rough). Can be made better with chopped parsley or green spring onion or more nutrious with bits of bacon (fried w/ the onion)
- peel them (or leave the skin on if nice potatoes), cut in wedges or dice, mix with a bit of oil and any suitable spices (grilled chicken seasoning, potato seasoning, curry powder...) or herbs you can grow (rosemary works great, also thyme, sage, oregano, summer savory or any combination of these), roast in preheated oven until nice and golden. Well-known side dish, but I eat it on it's own, with ketchup, seasoned sour cream (black pepper and garlic), ajvar or just as-is
- in stews with other inexpensive and long-lasting veggies (carrots, celery root, onion) - add cheap pork, some tomato paste, a spoon of regular yellow mustard, season with black pepper (whole, crushed or both), allspice and bay leaf and you've got a basic recipe for lithuanian "troškinys" (any other suitable and available seasonal vegetables can be added - zucchini, tomatoes, cauliflower, root parsley, aubergines, you name it...), eat it with bread
- the cheapest soup I know: peel and cube potatoes, boil in salted water with some caraway, add crushed garlic, spoon of fat (I use pork fat, oil or butter is OK if pork fat unavailable), black pepper (crushed), boil for a little while, then switch of heat and add some dried marjoram (rub it between palms for more fragrance). Can be made better with stock (boil potatoes in water, drain and add to simmering stock, then continue from garlic on), grated cheese, bacon or ham, bread croutons...
Go to the post office and offer them your body, you'll make more money and I'm pretty sure they are always hiring
>I'm a poorfag because I haven't been able to do better than 25 hrs/wk at minimum wage at McDicks
is getting another part time job or different job forever so hard? Not like you can't apply anywhere else when you have a job
go work at best buy you stupid fuck, it's the best entry level job
not that you shouldn't have above an entry level job by now
I worked there from age 17-20, I started off in sales at $9.50 and ended in geek squad at $14 with only 6mos minimum wage food service as prior experience
Go to the hardware store, garden center, nursery or supermarket.
Buy one of every packet of seeds.
Plant a veggie garden.
Have heaps of vegetables and fresh herbs for the whole year.
Buy rice and beans in bulk.
Buy a big fukken thing if soy sauce and cooking oil.
Drink water.
Potato guy continuing:
-beetroot soup: 1 part beetroot, 1 part onion, 1 part carrot, 3 parts potatoes (approximately, doesn't really matter that much). Peel beetroot, cut into small pieces, rough-chop onions and cut carrots into whatever shape you want. Heat oil in a pan, fry onions until translucent (or even edges slightly browning), add beetroot and fry a while, add carrots and keep frying. After a while, add some whole black pepper, allspice and bay leaves (and carraway - optional), a spoon or two of tomato paste, fry for a minute, then add water according to how much soup you want and salt it. Bring back to boil and boil until beetroot's almost tender, then add peeled and diced potatoes and simmer until potatoes are tender, too. Add vinegar until the taste is slightly sour (guess 1 tablespoon vinegar is about enough for half a gallon of soup), adjust salt and pepper level and that's it. Serve with bread (dark rye bread works best if you can be picky), if feeling fancy, add a dollop of thick sour cream to your plate and sprinkle with fresh dills. The soup can be thickened with a spoon or two of flour, added in the frying phase just before tomato paste, but usually doesn't need it. If I'm home alone, I make whole pot of this and can survive on it for 3 - 4 days, it's quite nourishing and fills you for a while.
BTW some of the tricks may not work for you that well, I'm a country guy and get lard, potatoes, onions and various pickles from my family that produces them, so for me most of the stuff I wrote here is basically free food. But even when I'm far from support lines, potatoes, onions and carrots should be like the cheapest things you can buy (not sure about beetroot and lard, which are dirt cheap here, too).
>cut soda tomorrow
>learn to cook with rice beans and potatoes, most any bulk veg will do.
>look for reduced anything meat, milk, veggies, etc. Just keep in mind how soon you need to consume or use them.
>don't eat out
>obtain a crockpot
Microwaved potatoes with whipped butter. Cheap, simple, fast. It (with some cheese as dessert) was my lunch for ten months.
I forgot to mention that it's also nutritious. Somebody please correct me if I'm wrong, but potatoes might be the most nutritious for its cost.
Buy 50 pound rice bags in bulk
Buy 50 ton ramen bundles in bulk
>Buy rice and beans in bulk.
Dis. They don't spoil and get dirt cheap when bought in bulk.
>Drink water. >cut soda tomorrow
Dis. If water's too bland for you, get a bottle of syrup to flavour it a bit
Also you work at McD, can you get some free food there? My roommate used to work at KFC here in slavshitland and she would bring a bucket of hot wings or chicken nugget every week, for free (guess it was food left unsold after closing hour).
Can you get any free food from anyone? If so, do it.
Get leaflets from supermarkets or get a phone app that looks for sales in your area, use it to your advantage, esp. for bulk purchases.
Don't waste. The flip side of bulk purchases is you may not be able to consume it on time, so plan ahead and freeze whatever you can't use right now. Most shit can actually be frozen, including bread.
You don't have to eat the same stuff 4 days in a row if you divide leftovers from every meal into reasonably sized portions and freeze them. Then you can "cycle" meals more often. Freezer's your friend. If you can't afford tupperware boxes, use empty margarine tubs, or just plastic bags (you can freeze even soup in thicker freezer bags with careful handling).
Try to use every part of the stuff you buy. I.e. if you buy a whole chicken, you can cut off the meat for immediate use and freezing and then make good broth from the bones and skin for soup (or freeze it too, for later use). This needs some skillz, though, so if you think you'd screw up and waste more money, stay on the safe side.
Probably gonna move in with my gf or have her move in here soon. This place only has one bedroom.
$140/mo for one person isn't really skrimping where I am, especially since I don't eat out.
I live in the rural midwest. That's low for here but not that low.
That doesn't sound too bad, I'll look into it.
Nigger there are 4,000 people in my town. The only major retailer less than 40 minutes drive away is WalMart and that's an even worse deal than the Golden Arches.
Also I think people are confusing me for OP. I'm not OP.
>The only major retailer less than 40 minutes drive away is WalMart
i know it's a big undertaking but you may want to move
i live in central illinois and my rent is only slightly more expensive than yours ($400) but there are far more opportunities for employment
Bulks of the cheapest beans, rice, noodles and potatoes.
Oats for breakfast. (good luck triyng to not go insane)
Make cheap sauce out of packet soup.
Cheapest onions you can get and lots of them.
Flour for pancakes (taste like cardboard but get the job done)
Get meat and vegetables when they are cheap/on sale.
Same goes for fruit and vegetables like bananas, the cheaper the better.
Water instead of soda/milk etc.
Good luck trying to live like that for a year without going mentally ill.
Ah, so then OP should skip that McD advice...
>Golden Arches
I prefer "Yellow Asscheeks"
Eat tins of fish and oysters. Very cheap and good for virility.
where do these people even come from? who the fuck in the anglosphere, with the internet, electricity, a device, a home of any sort, lives on 1k a year?
this shit is so mundane. ima XYZ broke nigger than only has N dollars.
go beg on the corner and come back to this fast food board when you can afford a burger.
OP stated he is working no more than 25 hours a week at mcdonalds for minimum wage. He's trying to cut back in important things instead of working a tad bit harder to improve everything overall. He could see about getting more hours at his current job, take up another part time job, or look for a completely new job. Shoot I mean there are some rural places in the US but even gas stations need employees. Worst he could do is apply for EBT/Snap, he'd definitely got to be making the amount of money to qualify.
Again, I am not OP. OP doesn't seem to have replied to the thread yet.
yeah but even then, he's working at mcdonalds. just take food. otherwise it's gonna be just rice, beans, crockpot mundane shit.
we need a better sticky
Bulk dry dog food and tap water.
bachelor chow, would sell unironically. flavor it like fried chicken, or deli sandwich and pickle. a dried thing, add water, make slop or snack on it dry.
>consult Costco/Sam's Club
>bulk 50 lb rice bag
>bulk beans
>bulk 48 pound ramen
>last time I checked, they had huge jugs of soy sauce and peanut oil to suit the chinks
>in combo with that, frozen veggies, eggs, etc
>$1 dollar oscar meyer sausages
>50 pound bag of MSG (cheapest way for more flavor)
>bulk salt, pepper, other cheap spices (like paprika) also at sams
>bag of russet potatoes
Honestly pretty comfy. Garden would be even comfier, but for a neet that's basically trying to survive; it would suck if you failed in your garden endeavors and died of starvation because of it. Bulk food is the slightly more expensive but more convenient way to survive
>tfw rent for my place (2 bedroom apartment in the suburbs) is $520.
$520 per week.
Fried oysters poboy
>50 pound bag of MSG
For a whole lifetime and more...?
>Also I eat once a day if that matters
are you fat? even if you arent you can do alternate day fasting .
chek out the fasting gen on
Arepas/Gorditas/Corn-Flour based flat bread+Queso Blanco/Pot Cheese/Farmer Cheese+assorted veggies so you don't die of fucking malnutrition.
t. Venezuelan liven making it out with about 3$ a week.
Pinto beans
Oil of choice
Cheap cuts of chicken
Ground beef
Fruits in season
Other cheap vegetables
Slow cooker will also help
You are a true professional poor fag.
>I'm living off $1k for the year,
Fucking why
Rice, beans, eggs, hot sauce. You'll do fine.
If you worked as hard at a job as you do being poor, you wouldn't be poor
>Poor people are poor because they are lazy.
>Rich people are rich because they work hard.
Yeah right child. Did you absorb politics at the dinner table listening to either "I'm not racist but .." grandfather or "thanks for the top up, ahh I love a good full bodied burgundy, now let me tell you why the world is the way it is" white collar dad?
>50 pound bag of MSG
$450 of rice, $450 beans, $100 various spices.
>i'm not racist but
no i'm just racist. kys nigger
I live in Sweden so our cheap produce is maybe a bit different but potatoes, cabbage, carrots and onions are all like 1 €/kg. In our grocery shops there's also usually something different on sale every week that you can pick up, just to get some extra flavour so everything isn't the same. Then there's usually some kind of meat product on sale that you can pick up, also look for some more obscure meat products to try out, like heart, liver, maybe tongue it's got potential. I need to add though that my experience with chicken heart is that if you can't cook it right it will taste like ass. Then again, dosen't seem like people in this thread can afford to be picky anyway.
TLDR: buy local, in-season produce and look for sales, aside from bulk ricebabgs á 50 pounds or w/e
i've been eating 1 meal a day with """"light"""" snacking and i weigh 60kg vry skinny
how could you get fat eating 1 meal a day dont fuck with that metabolism meme 1 meal still should be less than ur daily intake no matter how shit ur metabolism
$5 for a big bag of tates here, fry some up. Salt and pepper. You got a solid meal with big boy calories but not much nutrition.
Since this is the grocery thread let me point out that its easy living cheap if you dont buy shit. My groceries for this week was $60 for 2 people and thats in aud. Just make your own food for fucks sake
there's a severe lack of appreciation in this country for people who make it from poverty to the middle class on their own
I wasn't poor because I was lazy, I was poor because I was born into an immigrant family who came here with nothing
but when I grew up I didn't go get a job at mcdonald's and stay there my whole fucking life, I got a job washing dishes when I was 16 and constantly looked for more opportunities because I wasn't content where I was
that's the issue- being poor is comfortable for some people. they make enough money (or receive enough gibs) to buy their shitty fast food, and their cigarettes, and their shitty fucking light beers and that's enough for them
never be comfortable where you are. fuck complacency. mcdonald's user get your ass out of whatever shithole you live in and go do something with your life, you're wasting it
gib bag of oats
>50 pound bag of MSG
>this is actually a thing
Thats entirely too much motivation to pull together for a lot of people.
Dude, listen to me. Start a hydroponic garden. Look up the kratsky method.
It's increasingly difficult for a random to do that and anyone over the age of 30 has their head stuck too far up their ass to realize that.
Nobody gets a decent job without a college degree anymore. Nobody "works their way up from the bottom" because the old fucks aren't retiring, because of longer life expectancies and unions driving up retirement ages in relevant fields.
>I got a job washing dishes when I was 16
Nobody hires people under 18 anymore because the penalties for slipping on your bookkeeping aren't worth the risk. You let some kid work an hour too late on a school night? Maybe he worked an hour over the limit allowed in a week? $10,000 fine. All the restaurants in my city stopped hiring kids for shit like that after one of them got busted.
>penalties for slipping on your bookkeeping aren't worth the risk
that's crazy dude, when I was 16 I worked exactly 32 hours every week and was regularly kept until midnight during weekdays and nobody batted an eye
I guess the changes (or changes in enforcement?) are for the better but that sucks for all the kids who have to drive to school, I wouldn't have been able to go to the high school I did without a car