Make pot of coffee

>make pot of coffee
>drink pot of coffee down to about 1/3 full
>refill with water
>pour back into machine
>replace grounds and repeat

I've been doing this for about 5 days straight now and things are getting weird. What's gonna die first, my coffee machine, or me?

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How did the second pot of coffee taste in comparison? Sounds kinda silly to be honest.

your coffee pot, probably, depending on your health and the model of the maker and how well you take care of it. don't see anything wrong with this.

whats getting weird?

Stronger. Each pot has been getting stronger and stronger, darker and murkier. Been cutting it with condensed milk in the cup

I haven't slept in 5 days. I've been up doing online surveys in exchange for ethereum, because I'm tired of being a nocoiner. Averaging about .002 ETH/day, which isn't too bad... the FOMO is keeping me going

>replace grounds and repeat

aren't you just watering down the coffee from full to around 2/3s strength?

No, I drink the pot until it's 1/3 full, top it off with water, and pour the coffee-water mixture back into the machine. So there's still part of the first pot that I made in there, somewhere...

Why are you doing this?

Like, I make a new pot using the water-coffee mixture instead of just water. Sorry if I'm not explaining this right, as I said I've been up for five days doing surveys for crypto. At this point I'm almost half-convinced that I actually am the asian-indian-hispanic tranny with 5 kids that I've been claiming to be

inb4 amerimutt

>ve been up doing online surveys in exchange for ethereum, because I'm tired of being a nocoiner. Averaging about .002 ETH/day, which isn't too bad... the FOMO is keeping me going
Which that kind of drive, y'know, you could just get a job

Eventually you're going to hit an upper limit of caffeine per cup that's way less than caffeine's ld50 so you should be fine

*With that

>Like, I make a new pot using the water-coffee mixture instead of just water.
oh, that's probably not that great for the heating element. you'll get some coffee particulates stuck on there and it'll eventually taste weird

Nah fuck that, then I'd lose my autismbucks. I also don't like paying taxes

Not to mention the taxable rate on long term gains like bitcoin are probably close to 0 for you my NEET friend

But why
Why are you doing it
For what purpose

I'm actually using the ETH i'm making to buy VEN in anticipation of the rebrand at the end of the month. The gov't of China is partnered with this blockchain, Jim Breyer is invested, there's no fucking way I'm missing out. 300 EOY easy.
I'll have to pay capital gains taxes when it moons, but at least I don't have to go sell my labor to a jew.

Man with a plan, best of luck with all that. Just be sure to have the suicide hotline on speeddial

Because this:
com (slash) vechain_national_government_partnership_guian_release dot pdf
China mandated the use of Vechain's blockchain for administrative use in an entire goddamn city, which is also their secondary tech capital. They're also using it to authenticate their tobacco, alcohol, and luxury goods. Essentially, any entity wishing to do trade with China will need Vechain tokens, priority in services given to big stakeholders. Shit is INSANELY undervalued rn.

As I said, Breyer's invested in it, and that guy knows more about investing in China than probably anyone on the planet. He's practically fucking royalty there.
VEN's at like $4 a coin rn, whales have HUGE sell walls on it

you are going to clog up your coffee maker

>not using a French press
>not allowing your beans to percolate properly
>not getting fresh delicious coffee every time

Isnt that a fake city though

enjoy your grounds
enjoy your murky coffee
enjoy your sour/metallic taste if you brewtime is off by one minute

I'm gonna give you a (You) just because Tomoko looks hella alluring on that pic

If not French, than what?

No sleep for 5 days? Are you seeing the shadow people? Also do you use EarnHoney? I can give you a referral link.

I tried the same with a moka post and it just tasted like shit.

Technically ethereum is the platform, the coins are just ether

the tube boy

interesting pls post back and let us know how its going

Are you planning on making more than 24K?

Dammit bro I came here to escape biz lol

Have one. But I read somewhere that the paper filter can affect the taste and that it aucks the oils out. Any truth?

post a pic of your murky coffeepot and I'll send you .1eth

Get an espresso machine already you weeb

This has literally never happened

You're doing this for less than $2 a day?

btw nothing's going to break, but the coffee grounds are likely moldy around the edges by now.

that's true of any paper filters, not specific to aeropress. Rinse the filters before use if you're concerned about affecting the taste, or purchase a re-usable steel filter if you want more oil to come through.

>condensed milk
fat fuck detected.

Jesus christ, why not just take the fucking money you'd spend on coffee and just buy some Ether?