Michelin star** sous chef here

michelin star** sous chef here

imagine my surprise when i came to Veeky Forums for the first time and found out people actually here rate cilantro

*rate or *hate? Some people have a mongoloid genetic defect where it tastes like soap to them? Some people even think the whole plant is called coriander, instead of just the seeds.


i r8 8/8 m8

Aaron really let himself go after that broken collarbone

I make a point to give cilantro a 7.5 on a daily basis.

>Some people even think the whole plant is called coriander, instead of just the seeds
Cilantro is just Spanish for coriander amerimutt

i would bash your skull into pepper. if you ever come to Wisconsin, visit my place and you'll get what you asked for.

>Rate cilantro
Wut like on a scale of one to ten?

yes. like, they are putting it on a map and it has no place there.

Cilantro refers to the leaves while coriander refers to the seeds spic

You're literally wrong. Look it up, it's another episode of "Americans use foreign words in misguided attempt to seem fancy"

>people actually here rate


>L I C H R U A L L Y

>michelin star** sous chef here
stick to cookery mate, you don't belong on Veeky Forums

t. faggot with soap genetics

Restaurant? I work very (very) close to the best chefs of Spain.

yes, restaurant. USA though.

what kinda cuisine is your restaurant?
what's your favorite dish to prepare in and out of the restaurant?
do you hate any of the dishes at your restaurant?
how did you work your way up to this point in time?
i'm sure you can cook whatever you want, but do you ever enjoy getting food from a food truck/food cart?
are you single/in a relationship/married/gay/straight?
do you like making pastry?

i'm too poor to ever eat a michelin restaurant kek

east or west coast

east coast for sure. I'm on the east coast and the slang of "rate" is popular where I live.