Taco Bell

Fucking bastards never have Carmel apple empanadas ready so I have to get cinnamon twists instead. I got fed up with it last time. The employee asked if I wanted to wait 4 minutes for them to finish and I said "I thought this was supposed to be FAST food" and peeled out of the drive through.

I like it when fast food takes a little longer because that means they made it fresh and it wasn't just sitting under heat lamps or whatever

I suppose, but when you are in the drive through it is more of a hassle. I am not going to sit there 4 minutes and delay everyone behind me. Taco bell does not have the spot to pull ahead like McDonald's.

>wait a little bit for "fresh" made empanada
>instantly get one that's been sitting under a heat lamp for a couple fo hours

the absolute state of fat fu/ck/s

>go to taco bell
>order three frito burritos
>they tell me they're out of fritos

Listen here
When they are fresh they are painfully hot. Also the filling settles and is less runny after it cools.

You really showed that large corporation by being passive aggressive with a minimum waged cashier.

They make a fair wage, don't get mad at me that I expect my food to be ready at a drive through.

So wait to eat it on the way home/work whatever. You retarded?

Waiting ruins the experience, and it's called "fast" food not "wait" food.

I eat it in my car in the parking lot like a real American.

I hope you neets choke on your empanadas.

You achieved nothing. The cashier didn't give two fucks, and probably forgot about the interaction within a half hour.

I bet he forgot my bmw I was driving too. If he gave a fuck at all to begin with he wouldn't be working at Taco Bell.

>Muh fine German auto
>Sure its a 1999 325i with 360,000 miles on it, lots of fender rust, two of the doors don't match and the sunroof leaks when it rains, but still
>He should have respected my obvious wealth and status
Please don't procreate.

LMAO kid you don't even know what you are talking about. Maybe I will go talk to the manager and get that punk fired next time.

The manager is the one making the decision to not have your shitty empanadas ready, fat fuck.

Neck yourself. Please. You will be doing the world a favor

Which is why that bitch working for him needs to kiss pavement.

>YouTube video
>Fat guy loses it at Taco Bell - gets btfo by manager and other customers - Must watch!!!1

Well that is debatable. I think it is the moron at the windows fault. If I lowered myself to do that kids job I bet you the empanadas would be ready.

they tell you to park and bring the food to you

This. This is common anywhere that doesnt have dedicated pullover spots.

i usually grab 5 or 6. i keep them in the fridge and they taste the same after microwaving them

Nice, a fellow fan of the empanada. I bet the jerks in this thread don't like them and that is why they are getting so mad.

W/e stay fat fatties

>loses argument
>I didn't care anyway
Ok buddy. Next time I get an empanada I will think of you, while I listen to coast to coast am in my bmw.

No you won't. You are nothing but a busrider larping.
