>Order from my usual pizza pizza place because they have the best wings and pretty great pizza >get told it's trash in comparison to others in my city >decide to try something new >order from a place called "Pizza Hut" >Go through their website to build my own pizza because I stutter on the phone too much >it's a fucking shit show and fucking annoying just getting shit on my order >Finally get it finished >jalapenos, italian sausages, stuffed crust medium with garlic dip >Wait around for 45 minutes >guy shows up >know to check pizza's for any issues but there's so much cheese I can't see anything so I assume everything else is underneath >I pay and tip 15% ($5 fucking dollars because I'm a nice fucking cunt alright?) >no god damn dip >ask the guy if he can fix this and he tells me "they" didn't give him any >wants to refund me the 79 cents like it fixes shit >just bugged and tell him its ok. got to eat the pizza and find NOTHING except the most rancid cheese >Tastes like an orange brick after brushing your teeth >go to call literally anyone about this >the fucking receipt and site tells me it was what I ordered.
it's fucking expensive and I wanted this to chill the fuck out from my stressful god damn day and now look how fucked this turned out fuck this. I want to do god damn anything to get my fucking money back. cunts said they would refund me and haven't shown up obviously
if you got stories like this please let me know. why are pizza deliveries such brain dead fucking retarded cunts
Joseph Bailey
Jackson Harris
While you are clearly autistic i suspect part of the problem is that you were not prepared for pickled japaleno which is pretty standard on shit-tier pizza.
Nolan Morales
I actually ordered from dominos tonight because i was shitfaced and it never showed up. been about 4 hours. I’m not even mad because it stopped me from stuffing my face with garbage
Cooper Thompson
My social shyness is one thing but jalapeno can fix any shit pizza.
I actually wished this was my case
Isaac Hernandez
>Papa Johns has buy one, get one free on all pizzas a week ago >order a Buffalo Chicken pizza >pizza takes more than an hour to arrive >no Buffalo Sauce at all, just a few lonely pieces of breaded chicken on a ranch sauce and raw onion pizza >what the fuck >call up Papa Johns to complain >Pajeet manager bullshits me and says that they'll give me 40% off the next pizza I order never again
Adrian Walker
>pizza chains
Adrian Carter
try panago its pretty good
Bentley Williams
I used to work at the john, Shouldave pressed Bippin for a full refund
Oliver Martinez
My GF forces me to order from Pizza Hut when we get pizza. She also forces me to order sodas that cost $2 each. Last two times there are no sodas with the order.
Driver just says I have to call the store and go thru all this bullshit to get a refund. Just say fuck it and tip him anyway both times. I hat the HUT.
Connor Walker
>tfw GF refuses to eat local pizza and will only eat shitty Papa John's Stupid bitch can't even pick a decent chain.
Joshua Taylor
Pizza Hut is the only pizza place that consistently takes over an hour to get my pizza.
The pizza itself is definitely on a steep decline too.
Thought it might be the location but exact same experiences everywhere else too, even outside of my city. Shows up cold as fuck and soggy and my sister claims her friend that works there swears they literally add a large amount of butter to the pizza.
Bentley Miller
cheesy bread and garlic butter ya chud
Ryder Rogers
>hanging out with some friends >after 10 so the only things open are the 24-hour garbage (Denny's, McD, Whataburger, and so on) >we decide to get pizza delivered >call up the Domino's I used to work at, place our orders >show up promptly, talk with the delivery guy, he was pretty new when I worked there >open up our pizzas >mine is on garlic parmesan sauce >check the tag on the front >toppings are correct, no mention of garlic parm >the closest possible link is that I asked for no garlic on the crust, but that doesn't even apply to makeline, that's oven's duty >call the store, tell them about it >order was listed correctly in the computer, no garlic parm sauce >they remake it and send that out to me >open it up >now it's on marinara sauce instead of the regular sauce and there's garlic on the crust I don't know if they were screwing with me or what, but I wasn't very happy about it.
Camden Morgan
This is why you dont order delivery you fat lazy disgusting slob. also: >$5 fucking dollars >five dollars fucking dollars If youre too stupid to figure that out it was probably your fault
Lucas Gray
>order pizza >30 minutes later no pizza >finally phone rings >woman's voice >she's lost >i've ordered from this place before, nobody has ever had any problems finding my apartment >talk her around to the entrance >comes up >hands me pizza >check it >it's squished up against one side >so flat on one edge that it looks like she kept the box upright in her car the entire trip over
Owen Hill
>local pizza hut is pushing new "drizzles" sauce flavors drizzled over pizza >sheboon on phone really trying to upsell me on them >le fine, I'll have a vegie lovers pizza with balsamic drizzle >pizza comes >it's a cheese pizza that they dumped a literal salad on top of
fucking what?
Alexander Lewis
>Move to south side of the city >Old local place no longer delivers to that area online, but will make an exception for me if I call >Online has fucking awesome deals, won't honour them over the phone because online only >Sure man, we love you guys, you can order from us no matter where you live! Screw the website, that'll be 18.99 per pizza even though we offer 3 large for 18.99 on the website >Unable to love them that much
>Find new local place, it is awesome >Terrible/no vegetarian options >Start to realise it is 3 pizza choice, all of which are the same except no mushrooms and/or jalapeños >Depressed
>Girlfriend recommends papa johns >Pictures look good >Get served a sparely topped greasy disc >It is kind of cold >But has 3,000 jalapeños under the cheese >Bitch this is not a 1 pepper rating pizza >Also expensive >They never answer the fucking phone so you can't complain >never again
Juan Parker
You sound retarded and im not even sure you said anything other than gibberish. I didnt even get the point of your post. Btw, Papa John's is cheap cat food and wtf is a "1 pepper rating"
Zachary Gomez
I can't even believe I'm explaining, but on a menu when they use a series of small peppers next to the dish to indicate the prospective level of spiciness? Personally if you are going to render something inedible by hiding handfuls of whole peppers on every slice you don't hide behind a measly one pepper on the menu.
Also .. What the fuck. Place I like won't accept my new address as a valid delivery location online so I can't get the sweet deals that basically make the pizza 300% cheaper, but they are happy for me to order over the phone because they'll actually deliver to me?
And other local place has one vegetarian pizza option unless you think the same pizza without mushrooms and the same pizza without chilli peppers counts as a different pizza?
Blake Allen
sounds like you guys need new girlfriends
Parker Garcia
try sucking 'her' dick
Jason Rodriguez
The Domino's guy once gave me extra breadsticks; that was pretty cool.
Adrian Scott
Panago is my go-to when I order pizza. They have great wings too. I stopped ordering from them for a few months after one of their delivery drivers threw my receipt into the garden but Dominos just wasn't cutting it as a replacement so I shamefully went back to Panago.
Matthew Sanders
then say how spicy it is instead of fag terms like "pepper rating." Also Vegetarian pizza, you sound like a homo. Get normal pizza or nothing at all.
Eli Martinez
Liam Morales
lol no spiciness = "white" and they say niggers cant meme
Lincoln Jackson
fucking retard, have you never seen dip before?
it isn't like tomato sauce, it's a small container with delicious as fuck garlic flavoured cream inside for when all you're eating is crust. wherever the fuck you are, go find the equivalent of a rusty bike and shove it up your ass.
David Thomas
the pizza hut near me never has any of those problems except getting worse and worse and being soggy sometimes
Jayden Smith
Luis Foster
>paid cash like a retard You got exactly what you deserved
Elijah Gutierrez
Next time make your own pizza or order from a brick and mortar shop. Also never order from a franchise.
Grayson Sullivan
>all these Pizza Hut stories should've gotten Little Caesar's
Oliver Allen
>pizza hut is a 5 minute walk away >takes over an hour to get delivered
Carson Ramirez
>Live in St John's Newfoundland >Local chains are so garbage that Dominoes is the best Pizza here, and actually for whatever reason pretty good especially their Pan Pizzas. >Am recognized as a regular now by the full time employees there who work on Fridays which is when i order a pizza typically and most of the time I get free stuff with my order.
Good stuff.
Nicholas Edwards
>Whataburger is garbage depends on which one honestly
>attempted to order pizza from a place close by >voice mail answers with staff being gone because of a hurricane >hurricane was several months ago >what the fuck?
Julian Butler
>order a plain cheese pizza from papa John's >live close by, so takeout order >20 min later walk into PJs >Pizza wasn't made, wait 5 mins >check it before I leave, appears to be correct >half is regular tomato sauce >other half is garlic butter as the sauce on pizza >what the fuck? >call to complain, they say they'll remake it >walk back to PJs, sauce is red all over >it's BBQ sauce