>eat spicy food
>start sweating
Eat spicy food
>eats spicy food
>get worst stomach cramps imaginable
>diarrhea all day long
fuck off, buy a fan
Should have used some aardvark hot sauce!
>eat too many sour skittles
>cry and start sweating uncontrollably
is Aardvark made by professionals?
>eat hot wings
>not even hot enough to be comfortable
>hickups for remainder of night
When the top of my head sweats when eating spicy that's my fav
Is this a lib baiting thread?
>eat insanely spicy food
>literally BURNS in your mouth, hot flashes, sweating, addiction to the PAIN
>dont feel a single thing when taking a shit
whats going on here?
>eating spicy food
>don´t feel the spiciness
>add more spice
>"fuck i can´t eat it now"
>be white
>sunday lunch
>decide to be naughty and add a pinch of black pepper to my mayonnaise and cucumber sandwich
>the heat is unbearable
>spit it out into my napkin and wipe my lips
>can't help but feel embarrassed when my family have a good chuckle
>have a pint of milk and laugh it off
things get wild over the weekends at my household
>go through hell trying to build a tolerance to spicy food
>one day eat food with bird's eye chili
>only die after a few seconds
I think I'm making it guys!
>be white
>larp as a nog on Vietnamese pot roast forum
>go to England for the first time
>Like spicy food
>Like Indian food
>Used to white people spicy
>Want something better, am excited because England is supposed to have great Indian food
>get vindaloo because of Red Dwarf
>almost die
English/Indian people are fucking crazy man.
>accidentally eat a tiny piece of a jalepeno
>sit there red faced drinking milk and eating icecream
being white sure is suffering
I hate that, it always reminds me of when you're about to vomit
I like the horseradish burn of wasabi though, although thats more back of my head than the top
>eat food that is a little spicy but tolerable
>haahaha user your face is red don't try to act like it isn't spicy as fuck
>eat spicy food
>start sweating
Vindaloo isn't especially hot. It's mostly garlic and vinegar based. Go for a phall if you'd like to tingle.
>eat spicy food
>start sweating out of my eyes
>not getting jokes
>autism / retarded
you must be fun at parties or have you ever been invited to one?
>eat spicy food
>feel satiated and eat less
I genuinely don't get the joke. You're going to have to explain it.
>be white drink water
>family dares me to add a cube of ice
>do it
Drank all the milk in the house that night
>eat spicy food
>find it enjoyable
>wife tells me to sleep on the couch because she can smell the spices even though i took a shower and brushed my teeth
Do they put a shot of black in each batch?
>eat spicy food
>stuffy nose ia now cleared
>20 minutes later and it hurts in my chest when I breathe.
>eat spicy food
>get hiccups and almost throw up
>but never throw up from spicy food
Seriously I've had Carolina reaper extract and it was hell, but I just don't understand how I get hiccups every time I eat something reasonably spicy.
I do this, it's less dishes to clean man
I have the same thing happen to me. You have to eat the Chilis to get the insane asshole burn shits. If I eat a hot sauce it doesn't do anything to my shits
vindaloo = in the loo
Should I force myself to eat spicier food, or am I just never going to like it no matter what?
Eat slightly spicy food. Put a small amount of hot sauce on something you already like. The ideal amount of spyciness adds flavor without being painful.
Alright, I'll try that, thanks.
>eat something spicy
>back of the head starts itching
what does my body mean by this?
If I enjoy spicy ethnic food made in U.S. restaurants (Indian, Thai, Jamaican, etc), should I expect the same food to be 10 times as hot in their respective countries?
Nice /diy/ meme
me too, and then I always look like a disgusting freak scratching my scalp at the table
>eat spicy goodness
>like a boss
> Eat something temperature hot
>nose starts running
Pretty much same, it happens whenever I eat some spicy red gravy
>be gay
>suck dick
>eat spicy food
>mucus starts pouring down from my nose
>eat sweet food
>start sweeting
such is life
you're weak and I'll kill you
>live in the whitest part of canada
>love spicy food
>all i can get is jalapenos and banana peppers most of the time
Why not have dried peppers sent to you?
because im a uni student without much extra cash, only go out to eat once a week
back home near toronto i have an 2nd or 3rd gen indian friend who gets that shit imported, great but help my fuck is it hot lmao
This. I can eat terribly spicy things, and I'll sweat a bit and whatnot, but the only time my butt burns is if I eat the actual peppers themselves. Hot sauce is fine, other pepper sauces and pastes are fine, but eating a bunch of whole fresh or dried peppers will cause me some asspain. Doesn't stop me, though.
Can you not even get Tabasco? It's cheap and available everywhere.
That's what it's all about. Go to a Korean lunch counter some time and watch all the Asian dudes sweating over a bowl of soup. The sweat is what completes the seasoning.
Don't know about this. Spicy food is a go-to when I'm sick. A nice bowl of hot and sour, extra spicy. Clears the sinuses, makes me feel better.
Why bother doing something you don't like? If you want to learn to like it, just keep trying it now and then, but unless it's what your family or SO cooks, don't feel obligated. There's nothing magical about spicy food if you don't enjoy the experience. It's not particularly beneficial or detrimental.
Depends. Some foods are supposed to have heat but not be super hot, and aren't generally eaten super hot in their home countries, but spiceheads ask for it as hot as possible. Sometimes they just don't want you to send it back or make a scene because you overestimated yourself.
Do what you enjoy.
Do not do unnecessary things that you do not.
At some point, that will change.
Old age.