Make this Veeky Forums related

Make this Veeky Forums related


Cooking is for girls

hey i washed your cast iron pan / knife for u

what do you mean "have i ever sharpened this knife"?

The truth hurts.

it sure does

Fuck you imma eat 10 animals today just because you posted that.

Oh good. here come the black racists.

blacks can be racist about as much as whites can tolerate spices


Best one

>Oh good. here come the black racists.

Blacks can't be racist, retard. Only whites, asians, latinos, indians can be racist.



oh good a thread for forcing unfunny memes, just what we needed


lol. Your white liberal mental gymnastics is good comedy for the rest of the world.

>based oldfag

Of course, this place has to become just like /b/, /pol/, or /r9k/, because why wouldn't you want every board to be the exact same retarded shithole?




>this place has to become just like Veeky Forums

Who hurt you, user?


> complaining on Veeky Forums about how he's too good for Veeky Forums

lol. get some self awareness newfag



> "meat is for savages"

Why are white vegans so fucking elitist & racist?

>The truth hurts.

It's true. Every one of these niggers you donate to and feed will eventually grow up to eat more meat all his life. Killing potentially hundred or even thousands of animals for food.

Do the math.

Lett just one of these niggers starve will save thousands of animal lives.

Animal Lives Matter, senpai.

Who hasn't?

It's painful
for niggers

Anyone who has an in n out near them doesn't care. It's always flyovers or tourists complaining that are making the threads.

Face it. He blew you the fuck out.

>white people put so much effort into decorating their food
>it still tastes like shit
Eat something good, moron.



Hey that's bullshit. My parents love me. I'm just a terrible addict. At least I pay for my own apartment and make it to work.

I'm vegan and this cut deep.

You know nothing of our ways...


>people say indian food looks unappetizing

It's British food.
The world's objective worst.

British food is Indian food now.

>Worst look combined with worst flavour
Anti-Christ of food. No wonder Gordon Ramsay is so angry all the time. He has to cook French food all the time



Best post

based sipposter


Or californians bragging about it when they forget in-n-out is also in other states

how are you gonna get swole when your body is in a crisis trying to process that artificial crap


The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men

How can you get gains sipping when there's no calories?

preworkout breh



Can someone explain to me the weird cuckold fetish that took hold within the last six months?

>six months
it's been almost 4 years

It's gotten worse, way worse.

fuck i don't know why this made me laugh


It's true.
Look it up.

That implies I eat vegetables.

Fryer oil counts, user.

No, it's because I have a mental illness and a family history if alchoholism

So what are those made of and how do they taste?


emotionally damaged dudes raised by Veeky Forums have hit the age for serious relationships


I'm convinced this is true for many, not most

>emotionally damaged dudes raised by Veeky Forums have hit the age for serious relationships

pretty good


funny but not Veeky Forums related unless she's going to eat the cum

I dont earn youtube money chef dog from fooodwishes dot com, the closest I can afford is a tiny bag of pre shaved stuff

It started around 2011. I remember it was a little Breitbart flavored background noise as a forced meme around the time /b/ was too busy fapping to traps and freaking out about ponies to notice. Then over time it became much more annoying than either traps or ponies.

I stopped visiting /b/ when it became Porn General instead of Antics.

Top current threads are: FB fap, Nat's nudes, gore, recent shootings, vore, small tits, cleavage, first first base, best tits, hottest women, far right politics, sexiest celebs, have you jerked off to this celeb, and my drunken GF

This is not /b/ anymore.

there really needs to be a no porn threads rule, and for it to be enforced.


I'm okay with porn. /b/ has always been no rules. It's just that it has become nothing but a bunch of teenagers jacking it to amateur porn now. It's not Random, it's BEWBS.

Anytime it's not porn, it's /pol/. We just need to find a way to lure the children away from /b/, basically make another containment board.




I've never understood this joke.

millennials think it is just the best joke. see they can't read cursive because they have been retarded via public education. so they look at the cursive and make their best guess. they have been told over and over that it is just wrong but that goes against their joke, so they ignore it. in short, send these 'people' to another meat grinder world war.

Is this real? I know that they don't teach kids cursive anymore - and most kids are pretty much illiterate because they grew up texting/using spell check - but are kids really that stupid today?

Yeah, they are. Apparently you have to go to Yale these days to learn that a cursive 'r' slopes either upwards or downwards depending on how you are taught.

Bang's products have been around for over a century and no millennial is going to change that.


>Americans think this means something



You niggers have retard babies now

Literally the first time this has made me laugh.

>retard babies

forgot to put a fistacated cow-hole in the dog


they say you never forget your first successful meme.

>when normies try to understand psychology

>tfw splop o apit has been added to the Spam filter