>the cheaper the vodka the better
lmaoing @ retards buying expensive one
The cheaper the vodka the better
ugly girl detected.
You shouldn't need to spend more than $20 for a handle, but literally everything sold for less than $10 is absolute garbage.
You get what you pay for.
Personally I stick to the middle shelf (Svedka, Smirnoff, etc). I've had really cheap stuff and it's fucking horrible.
>not buying costco 'ka
This. Cheap stuff is absolute filth, expensive stuff is pretentious faggotry, mid-shelf is where it’s at.
Vodka doesn't really get much better than Smirnoff. Buy anything more expensive than that and you're paying for the image that bottle conveys, not the quality of the vodka in it.
Grey Goose is for rappers and tryhards.
What makes cheap stuff so bad? I'm not a huge drinker and I've only ever had midrange vodka.
Worse hangovers because it’s less thoroughly filtered and so contains more congeners, and it tastes like AIDS.
Oh, sounds terrible. I thought it was just the taste part.
People buy lots of things because those things convey an image they want to participate in. Sometimes those products with a specific cachet are a little higher quality than less expensive options. But that isn't the case with vodka once you get above the trash level stuff.
You might not like it, but this is what peak vodka looks like.
As several anons have said, the expensive stuff is pure meme since high quality vodka basically has such a mild/no flavor. There's only so much you can filter shit. On the other hand, the bad stuff is nasty as fuck and gives you wicked hangovers.
they have done blind taste test and there is little to no difference in taste from the high end shit to the middle of the road stuff.
sure skol will taste terrible, but buying anything more than 35 bucks a bottle is a total waste.
>wanting your vodka to taste good and not give you hangovers.
ya'll retards missing lmao, fucking plebs.
What did you try to say here before sharting out this non-sentence?
idk, don't drink kids.
You really need to rethink your punctuation
missing a comma from a direct address is a very common error and one that i think we have to accept in this age of monkeys writing everything on the internet
Is svedka considered cheap?
The cheapest vodkas generally are bad. I don't know what kind of turpentine they're cutting it with, but it's awful. There's no point buying expensive vodka. Go somehwere in the middle. I like Luksusowa.
Because cheap cheap vodka tastes like rubbing alcohol that had a sharpie soaking in it.
This is the ideal bottle.
Vodka is literally liquid potato/grain with alcohol mixed in, you can't fuck it up.
grey goose goes down smoother than most brands here, but so does a lot of polish stuff I got to try when i visited so its clearly not a price=quality thing.
New Amsterdam is great. It's just as good, if not better, than Smirnoff. Little less expensive by me.
A $8.99 handle of vodka doesn't give me hangovers, but Russian Standard and Grey Goose give me the absolute wost hangovers.
Friend says I cant drink his vodka with a mixer because its "expensive" vodka.
I laugh in his face and tell him there's no such thing and that he wasted his money.
He's got a point, though. Only an idiot would mix anything other than bottom shelf vodka with sugar water.
fukken nasty dog
does that include tax? if so where the FUCk do you live
cheapest i can get is 13$ for a handle of bartons and the hangover gave me the flu for a week
Its true, youre wasting vodka if youre just going to dumb cranberry juice on it.
Outside of martinis and specific cocktails you don't need the really crispness of quality vodka.
>youre wasting vodka if youre just going to dumb cranberry juice on it
what the fuck are you talking about nigger? Seriously! Pull your head out your ass.
If you're drinking vodka, you're drinking to get drunk. Not because you want some fancy ass drink pretending you're fucking james bond or some shit.
>if you're drinking mouthwash, you're drinking to get drunk
Just water down some everclear.
most bottom shelf handles are like 12-15 bucks though
>caring about price
>not just drinking whatever is cheapest
I'm not trying to look like P. Diddy or Jay-Z I'm trying to get fucking trashed. The most I ever drop on liquor is $25 for a handle of Amsterdam. It's usually enough to last me 2 days. I'll have enough left over to at least get buzzed on that 2nd day. Otherwise I usually just get whatever is cheapest for like 7.99 or some shit. I will admit my ex got me started drinking that cheap shit though, and while it makes sense, I can wholeheartedly admit it tastes straight up like hand sanitizer or some shit.
also, tito's is a total fucking meme, it tastes bad and is somehow more expensive than stoli.
your blood pressure will thank you once you decide you want to live past 30
Is that yours?
I can get a litre for around 5 ameribuxxx.
Drinking is s terrible idea, I’m in constant agony thanks to the poisonous shit.
>Is that yours?
Man you should be able to kick one into each leg every once in a while.
t. faggot
>tfw bourbon is decidedly more expensive but you live in Texas where only faggots drink vodka
to add onto this, only Kentucky Derby is the only shit remotely tolerable but it's not actually tolerable. I usually just go Evan Williams or Jim Beam. Jack Daniels is sincerely overrated.
Kentucky Deluxe*
I'm drunk senpai
>smirnoff is good
holy shit tastlet. Absolut > Russian Standard > New Amsterdam > Shit > Smirnoff
spotted the girl
Pinnacle is a pretty good cheap vodka - smooth with very little residual breath smell.
t. closet vodka drinker
it tastes less like paint thinner and more like ethanol
t. bartender