>eats pig anus
mmmmm OH MMMMHHH WOW OH YEAH, so spicy and sloppy, this is what dreams are made of!
Eats pig anus
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Did you not garner the response you were seeking when you posted this yesterday?
seriously fuck you for posting this twice
wh*te people eat hot dogs so you really have no room to speak on the issue
jeeeeezus christ not this thread again
what is this term "wh*te"? do you have a learning disability or something?
How much does he make from youtube?
Seems like on average he gets 1m views per video.
More than you'll ever make in your life
Classic /int/ memery.
Next Christmas I'm going to wait around the airport in Richmond for Trev and Ting and give a big TAI HAO LA to them.
As a general rule, you make $2,000 for every million views. He makes one like once a week so 8k a month, 96k a year. He supplements that with shirt sales and guided tours/hosting gringos.
I imagine after taking care of his disgusting wife and occasional cameraman he does quite well for himself financially, considering he lives in a place where everything is so dirt cheap. His biggest expense is probably flights and even that can't be much since he's already over there
I'm happy being me and not a faget, thanks.
I got 100k starting so uhh, I don't think so.
Why is everybody on Veeky Forums so rich super intelligent and attractive?
I imagine the income thing is a lot of lies but the other thing is people who have autistic qualities like introversion, few friends, and like technology also tend to do well in STEM fields. Independent traders, math PhDs, radiologists, engineers... those people use Veeky Forums. I myself am an anesthesiologist but that's about all I've got going on for me. Remember dude money isn't everything, it's not even close to the most important thing. I'd rather be Trevor
not true, i am attractive but dumb
This having money doesn't stop you from being miserable.
Remember your are here forever.
t. newfag
ive successfully left this place behind
>ive successfully left this place behind
>he's still in here
yeah na m8 youre a cunt
Who is the other youtuber with the asian wife always carrrying around the baby? I swear pairing these two would make for some extra awkward videos.
>no matter what board, theres always someone SEETHING about some youtuber
People love e-celeb shit.
Also, dr.disrepectyourson did nothing wrong.
If you're gonna shitpost at least come up with a new joke. Sloppy pig anus is literally the same thing as last time verbatim.
this is like the Veeky Forums equivalent of the kid who keeps repeating the joke, not understanding that it gets less funny each time and also that nobody laughed the first time, not because they didnt hear it, but because they just didnt like it
Mark Wiens. Also, they've done videos together.
Imagine being so upset by a minor youtube celebrity that you had to post on Veeky Forums.
>Also, dr.disrepectyourson did nothing wrong.
>*eats a fat pig anus and laughs at you for having shit taste*
For me it's the pig anus.
Stay at home programmer shut in with extremely autistic behavior.
I can vouch for this. The money is great, but my only friends I hang out with are people from former jobs in the industry before I landed the stay at home gig. They all have kids now, and I am forever alone hanging out in/ck/ every night at 41.
>stupid fucking white boy, eat pig ass. I make in back room with food I drop on floor! Hahaha fucking white piggu, eating piggu hahaha
/pol/, in the future when you LARP, can you at least make it somewhat realistic? Thanks.
>Not the pig's tail
absolute pleb
Fuck that guy, can't stand him.
This faggot and the strictly dumpling guy are the same. Making faces and exaggerating like hell to get more views.
This is an example of what happens when you put someone next to them who isn't a youtube whore:
sean is also a fag.
He makes the strangest faces when eating. His eyes get so big.