I want to make creme brulee but without milk/cream

I want to make creme brulee but without milk/cream

I fucked up would it turn out if I used orange juice instead> Is cream necessary?

Probably turn out fine

It should be fine. Post results.

Creme Brulee translates literally to "burnt cream"

I'm sure it will be fine.

Orange juice is a common substitute for milk and cream. Im not sure about creme brulee specifically but im sure it will be fine.

orange juice is a perfect substitute for milk.

to be fair, the burnt part refers to the sugar crust

you guys are scaring me. Will it actually 'be fine'?

Keep in mind that the acidity from the orange juice will cause the egg to curdle just like letting sugar sit on the egg would.

You might be the first person to ever try, so you'll have that at least

Totally. Just make sure you don't slop any water into your desert.

a) no
b) yes

I put orange juice in my cereal and coffee every morning. This will be fine.

>eggs curdle

oh. Well that explains why my last attempt at regular creme brulee was so watery. I thought only milk did that

Of course. I recently used churned orange juice to substitute butter in my cookies. It turned out just fine.

I recently substituted orange juice for cream in my mint chocolate chip ice cream. It was better than expected.

That could be curdling or condensation. Either one can fuck a creme brulee, not that they're hard to make.

Ok, time to be nice, on the off chance that this isn't just a troll. Creme Brulee is essentially a custard. The egg thickens the cream, and the cream keeps the egg from separating. It's a tag team effort that relies on the 2 proteins present to keep each other from coagulating.

Acidity will make this very difficult, which is why keeping hollandaise sauce from breaking is a trick until you learn how to do it.

So why not just just the hollindase sauce trick for the orange creme brule?

It's not going to be a creme brulee, but you could certainly melt sugar on top of a Zabaione.

Look up a Zabaione recipe with orange juice, you don't make it quite like a normal custard.

I really want to see someone try to whisk scalding hot orange juice into egg yolk.

Please someone try this shit and put it on youtube.

because you use very little lemon joice in hollandaise. Creame is a major component in a creme brulee.

Hollandaise is 4 egg yolks to 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and like 1/2 a cup of butter.

Creme Brulee will be like 5 egg yolks and a whopping 2 cups of cream. If you add that much OJ, you will have egg yolks curdled in hot orange soup.

I bet if you strained it afterwards, you would have the weirdest orange flavored egg mush. You could press it like a cheese. Maybe serve a poached egg over it.

There is prolly more baking knowledge in this single thread so far than on the entire board.

looking this up, it soulds a lot like what I want. Cheers, i'll try it instead

This is the way to go. I'd probably still add cream to it. Just fold in unsweetened whipped heavy cream to thicken it. But I have a 16 year old in the house that would be happy to make a special store run, just for a chance to drive.

i actually only had a pineapple and i had to make a custard for my bread and butter pudding
so i just used the juice from the pineapple instead of the cream

One time my grandmother made a cake with orange juice instead of milkit was pretty good

Unless you are speaking from experience, what you said is just hypothetical and you really don’t know what the outcome will be. Stop scaring op. I substitute things in recipes all the time.

I am speaking as someone with a fair amount of professional experience in both creme brulee and hollandaise.

You simply can not add quite that much acid to egg yolk and not have it curdle. The zabaglione will work fine as it uses 1/4 of the liquid as a brulee will.

Could you not use an actual alternative dairy or lactose free stuff?

I could, I wanted to use orange and not have to worry about it curdling cream. This was before realizing that the eggs would curdle too

I want to make bearnaise but without eggs and shallots.

I fucked up would it turn out if I used orange juice instead> are eggs necessary

Substitute cornstarch and sauce tartare for the cream and eggs.

>Creme brulee
>Hurr Durr does I need creme?

You could always use semen

Hey who replaced my Veeky Forums bookmark with allrecipes.com?


Side note: recently started using orange juice in place of cream and i have found that my whipped cream is leagues better than before.

And the cream part refers to cream

okay then, I need a recipe for Orange Brulee

same but i only have cummies
will it work?

Put sugar on orange

Try doing it with orange juice. also, here's another idea, try doing it without heat