Ask for a coffee

>ask for a coffee
>get coffee flavoured water instead

Just tried my first Gregg's coffee today, tasted just the same as cheap non branded powdered coffee.

why would you expect anything special from greggs

You recognize that all coffee is coffee-flavored water, correct?

>order tea from Nutri-Matic
>get cupful of liquid almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea.

>Ask for milk
>Get milk flavored water instead

Its cost ninety nine dollars on sale.

greggs must be something very different in america

>ask for milk
>"sorry we only have soymilk here"

By definition, that is what coffee is. Moron.

>They don't get their coffee freshly milked from the Venezuelan Coffee Ant

Greggs in america sells appliances, I think user is saying he got a coffee machine from there.

Greggs in the UK is a place that sells savory pastries and coffee.

Great, soymilk has lest estrogen than regular milk. Not that I'm some retarded /pol/ beta whose T levels are low enough for those estrogens to effect me in any noticeable way.

Is it just a regular drip brewer? If so, why would expect anything special?

you seem to whine like one though

>ask for a macchiato, double shot
>waitress looks at me wide eyed
>"just give me a double shot with a bit of steamed milk"
>get the same thing as everybody else
>it's a fucking burnt-toast dark roast again

why can nobody in this fucking continent get coffee right

that explains a lot


fuck you pussies and your gay ass espressos and americanas


>ask for coffee
>get burnt toast water

Enlighten me. What method is this?


And bosnian and greek and macedonian and lebanese. Wog coffee, been around since old times.

It's still usually called Turkish coffee in America.

I know, I call it wog coffee and I hope that catches on.


>ask for water
>get water flavored water instead

gritty coffee

you'll know when you have some


That's why you press your own coffee, op. Tastes 100x better than any coffee

You don't drink the grits amerimutt

the booboo method

>be me
>at the county fair
> "one coffee please"
>he fills my cup halfway up with coffee
>turns around and fills the other half up with water from his tap

The coffee was so watered down I could see the bottom of the cup.

Incorrect. It is a bean slurry.

>doesn't know the definition of slurry
Sure is Reddit in here.

it was a shitty joke, brother

you have been unintentionally baited

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I like to eat coffee grinds and wash it down with water for quick energy.

Am I the only one?

>ask for tea
>get hot leaf juice instead