Mom made grilled chicken breast fucking again

>mom made grilled chicken breast fucking again

how do I punish her for this

this is actually unacceptable

sneak razorblades into her mashed potatoes

its fucking unseasoned too

literally just slapped raw chicken onto a fucking propane grill


At least you got grilled chicken breast, my mom made tomato sauce pasta again

Get out
Free food. Quit your bitchin

heh you don't even know the meaning of the word bland kiddo, try microwaved steak or boiled chicken breast

punphact you can apply topical emergency seasoning to your chicken once it is done forging

>be me
>grilled chicken with greek spice blend
>made tzatziki sauce with english cucumber and fresh dill
>chopped up romaine and other veggies for a salad with homemade balsamic vinaigrette
>pita bread on the side
>kalamata olives

Do your mother a favor and cook her a meal for once.


try recommending something different or offering to help by making a dish that the chicken can be mixed into. Fucking useless autist

Just sprinkle some Tony Chacheres or Lowrys or something on top and quit bitching. It's free protein.
The rock ate it plain with unseasoned white rice 7 times a day to become hercules




teach her how to boil it, at least some moisture will let it be chewable

kiss her on the cheek

post instructions

>Season chicken
>Make a salad
>Chop up chicken and throw it on the salad.
Wa la, a use for shit grilled chicken.

>grilled chicken breast
Best diet food there is.
You should thank her for keeping you healthy, you dick splinter.

>wa la

You're a dumdum.

Have you tried not being a freeloading NEET?

Tell her to get chicken thighs. My mom's chicken is bomb.

Rape your mother

If she actually loved you she would have cured your inceldom for you already

Then season it, you fucking sperg.

I generally go with Frank's Red Hot.
Or put it on a bread/roll with lettuce, tomato, pickles, avocado and dip it in ranch.
Make rice, get some teriyaki sauce on it.

Stop being a pouty little bitch.
Every grown man wants to slap the fuck out of you.

Thank you for having a functioning brain, unlike the OP.

Then make it yourself you limp docked little shit.
If you're too lazy to cook, get the fuck off Veeky Forums.

>it's so good I had to cover it in hot sauce before tasting it!

>le hot sauce means food is bad meme
Did you just arrive here from reddit?

Learn how to cook. Prepare the family meals yourself and surprise everyone with exquisite fine dining. Everyone becomes happier and less stressed - thereby triggering a series of events where the dinner strengthens your family ties, opening up for reflection and positive criticism. Before you know it, your family and yourself will work on self-improvement, improvement of the community and in the end, improvement of the country. You will thereby live a rich and fulfilling life .. all because you learned how to cook. :)

The ripples from your cooking will spread and touch shores unseen and unknowable, grasshopper. Be the cooking!

>how do I punish her for this
Just outcook her you ungrateful neet. You'll both favor from a good cooking if you think it's lacking.

burn all the coupons she saved, no mercy.

Just accept the fact that moms suck ass nowadays and eat whatever she slops in your trough or starve. Pay her back by confining her to the cheapest most rundown nursing home when she gets dementia.

If I wanted to get my sperglord offspring to move out, I'd probably do the same. I can give your mom a solid, gray porkchop recipe too.