If dinotendies gets permabanned for roleplaying cooking endangered turtle eggs...

if dinotendies gets permabanned for roleplaying cooking endangered turtle eggs, why don't shoplifting threads get deleted and banned?

because you're too lazy to find a relevent picture to post with your thread, and the one you do find is 197x255 pixels.

did DT actually get banned?


those were chicken eggs. He literally dindu nuffin.

He was pretending to commit a felony.

If you run into a police station with a modified toy guy you can't wonder why you're in a holding cell or have been shot.

It's all fun and games until someine spills chocolate milk.

>meat is murder
>r8 my steak

He literally did nothing wrong

DT got b&?

based mods

if i can't pretend to commit crimes on the internet i don't want to live in this world any more

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Mods are retarded if they honestly think this doesn't apply to the whole site.

Attention seeking tripfags should all be banned. And pirating food is a victimless crime.

>use what is obviously chicken eggs
>get banned
ah I see, it's all coming together now

>people who's job it is to delete and report illegal content should not report and delete content that not only claimed but had photographic 'evidence' posted with it to assert its claim of being illegal
>hurr fuck dum modz r so dum!!
you haven't even turned 18 yet, stop posting

Serious question: Would there have been different outcome if DT had claimed to have been a spectator rather than a perpetrator of the illegal activity?

I mean /gif/rekt/ is full of webms showing murder, but nobody is posting a webm saying "hey watch me murder this person". It's all third party documentation.


what do you think a turtle egg actually looks like you fucking ding dong

>you haven't even turned 18 yet

>pretending to commit a felony
>Talking about how you actually commit crimes

this thread ain't shit without some kind of proof

proof got deleted

Fuck off dipshits. You see this text right here? This is actually an ascii representation of me fucking your mother when she was 14 years old.
What's that? This doesn't break any global rules? You're damn right it doesn't because it's not actually underage pornography and doesn't violate any local or US laws. Mods are fags who would rather ban and delete original content instead of doing their job.


at least it's not

to be fair dinotendies devolved to just copying howtobasic and breaking shit and trying to be epic
dinotendies is unironically one of the most reddit recurring threads

>tripfag banned

What's his name?
thats a cute boy


at least he tried to make people smile, what have you done?

Some of them are just the village idiots we love to watch. I miss Marisa.