What is the appeal of Brad? Do people like him because YouTube food videos are all "prim and proper bitchy people...

What is the appeal of Brad? Do people like him because YouTube food videos are all "prim and proper bitchy people," "prim and proper uptight people," "relatable women," or "le edgy Vice tatted up fat fucks" and he's this tall goofy guy with Pennsylvania accent that does the kind of fancy cooking that doesn't seem so difficult viewers think they can't possibly replicate?

You can tell he's a great, authentic dude. His videos tackle fun cooking topics in a light-hearted manner.

they guy makes me laugh and smile naturally, he's just a likable unforced person

>tfw Bon Appetit's YouTube channel is turning into the Brad channel with them begging people to re-watch old Brad videos in the activity feed every day

Pretty much.

He's down to earth, makes fun of himself, isn't arrogant. He's a bro-dude. Someone you could chat with over a beer. Also, he's knowledgeable.

le whimsical nu-discovery wannabe.


What the fuck?

He's a sweet American boy doing videos with a big budget. That Bon Appetit office/test kitchen is the biggest parade of Jews and fags I've seen in a while though


I can hear the Evanescence playing as I read this.

I see a reddit post as I'm typing this

Brad and Claire is the only two people worth watching in BA and Claire only because I like thicc girls.

Brad is naturally likable and Vinny has developed a style of editing which gives the show a consistent comfy sort of fun. Just so long as BA keeps doing what they're doing with the release schedule and not overuse him they have a good thing on their hands.

So stop going on Reddit.

Because of reddit editing.

He has a great personality and knows how to entertain the audience in a natural way.

Because of that camping video.

>big strong man goes into the mountain to chop wood and build fire
>instead of doing predictable barbecue, finds morel mushrooms while foraging and cooks that up
>if you went with him, you could have just sat on your ass while he cooks series of $80/plate delicacies
>this is like the dream husband for women, the big tall resourceful guy who does manly shit all day then comes home to cook meals and all the house work

I live in New York and do freelance work for companies Bon Appetit and Vice and Saveur, Brad is the fucking man, super down to earth. Andy from BA is a massive fucking faggot and a prick. Claire is cool.

Jesus faggot, stick with john wayne for your fantasies, he's more masculine.


John Wayne is a draft dodging fag.

why are you going to reddit?