>buy cilantro for a specific dish
>use about 1/10th of the bunch (smallest portion you can buy
>never know what to do with the rest of it
>goes bad and throw it away
What can I do with a lot of cilantro, that I won't have to eat right away?
Buy cilantro for a specific dish
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Make chimichurri.
Make cilantro soup.
white bean chicken chili
I just put in a tapper and throw it to the freezer, been doing that for years.
Chop it and mix with little water than pour it in ice cube tray and freeze them. That way u can take any amount of cubes you need for cooking.
As in actually freeze it? How long does it hold like that?
mix with rice or beans
bean salad
other kinds of salad
top chili with it
chile verde
salsa fresca
also good in some soups
Here's a great bean salad recipe that's really good and easy to make.
Make Pico de Gallo.
I just toss it out or try to figure out some other mexican dish to throw together to use it for.
That Chipotle style white rice is pretty easy to make though, sometimes I'll do that. Make some white rice, squeeze a lime into it, chop that cilantro, throw that in there and mix it up.
Chopped cilantro in scrambled eggs is the shit. Add basil for best results.
Until there is more ice in the bag than cilantro.
Frozen herbs look pretty sad though. But if you mix it in a acidic salad there is not much difference.
Use it for a simple salad with only lemon, cilantro, salt, green onion, tomato and cucumber.
put it in a vase with some water in the bottom and then put it in the fridge. keep it upright.
I know this feeling. I grow my herbs, and what I don't end up using I either sell or give away. Whatever I'm left with just ends up going in the garbage.
Grow it yourself. Only pick what you need.
Balcony or Garden is enough. I think there are frost resistent varieties of most herbs so we snowniggers can grow them as well.
>not using all your herbs
fucking delete thyselves
This. Make a big batch and keep it in the fridge. With the acidity of the tomatoes and lime juice as well as the salt it won't go bad for a long time after you've used it up. If you're not using at least a pint of pico a week, you're doing something very, very wrong in your kitchen and by extension, your bedroom too.
I always leave my cilantro in the plastic produce bag from the store and my cilantro lasts 3-5 days. This last time i washed it as normal with plans to use it all but didnt. After washing i stored it in a covered tupperware dish and it lasted like 8 or 9 days. Having only done this once i cant say for certain if it was removing it from the bag but i can say after 10 years of buying cilantro it has never lasted this long. Did i finally get a fresh batch and the washing/tupperware had nothing to do with it? Maybe but i doubt it.
Wrap it in a damp paper towel
I usually end up making guac or having tacos al pastor where I throw on an exorbitant amount of cilantro. Wouldn't recommend unless you love the taste of cilantro as much as me
Chimichurri doesn't have coriander in it.
i made cilantro pesto once that was pretty goood
Dont be so american. Cilantro is the plant produced by coriander. Some cultures do not distiguish between the two words or use the interchangeably.
Er, it doesn't have either in it I meant. Cilantro/coriander leaves are not used in a traditional chimichurri sauce. Parsley and thyme or oregano are.
Make some salsa?
Cilantro is a great ingredient, I use it almost as often as garlic in my food
One way to use cilantro a lot is to make mexican soups, pretty much every mexican soup uses cilantro
Just eat it you dumb nigger. That shit detoxifies metals.
make a compound southwestern butter with cilantro and chipoltes in adobo
listen up cu/ck/s, this is the best way to keep cilantro alive for a long time, like weeks.
>take bundle and put it into an appropriately sized cup/glass so it sits in it nicely
>pour a few inches of water into the cup
>take the thin plastic bag it came with and put it over the cilantro and cup
>secure the bag to the cup with a rubber band if you feel like it
>store in fridge
Ive tried lots of different methods, promise this one works the best, try it out. Oh, and every time I use some I make sure to prune out the pieces that look like they might be turning bad, so it doesnt spread, also change the water so its fresh
This. I also put a plastic bag over it to keep it fresher.
i either lay it all out on a paper plate or two in a single layer and let it dry or just freeze it in a bag.
I have the same problem with green onions. They get bitter and dry within hours of chopping them up so i end up throwing half of them out.
put it in the microwave at 300kw between two paper towels for 3 min. Now you have dried herbs. Obviously they aren't the same as the fresh ones, but they keep for much much longer.
Only chop as many as you're about to use?
Honestly, grow some yourself. You'll always have some fresh around when you need it and it will never go bad. As long as you don't eat too much of it but that doesn't seem to be an issue.
>tfw never had success growing cilantro
weather here is so weird. winter alternates from single digits one day to like 50 the next. then we skip spring and go to super humid mid 80s.
a separate note on green onions, if you keep the bottom inch where the root is you can regrow it in water or dirt pretty easily. wont be quite as hardy the more you take cuttings though
Keep a pot in one of your windows unless all the windows are full with plants already.
will it get enough sun that way though? I think ive tried that too, but cant remember now
cilantro sandwich
macaroni n' cilantro
bahn mi my dudes
I haven't grown cilantro but some other herbs and plants. It should be fine, few plants are that picky but do put it in a window that gets a fair anount of sunlight.
this, according to Gordon Ramsay
Trim end of stems with scissors, place stem ends into small glass. Add about 1" of water. Place plastic bag over top and store in fridge. Will be good for a couple of weeks. Change water occasionally.
put it in your ramen
What kinds of foods do you usually make, and which is the main one you buy for using this small portion of cilantro you speak of? You've already got some great replies ITT, but I'm curious about how to further maximize your cilantro use with what you are already doing.
i just pull the mushy outside leaves off since they'll rot fast and then wrap the nice, clean, firm ones in a paper towel and leave them in a bag in the fridge. works great. same with cilantro, i just make sure to dry it extra good
Quote the wrong post there?
Just chow it down. That's what I do with all my supernumerary spices and condiments.
you know you dont have to buy the whole bunch, you can just take a little bit
Just make it into pesto. Spread it on anything.