*ruins your breakfast*

*ruins your breakfast*

That's why, even if you're not scrambling, you crack it into a bowl first.

the trick is to finely crush the shells so they mix in well

>throw shells in blender until powder
>mix it with cream cheese or something
>spread it over whatever bread thing you're eating with your eggs
>taste and texture unnoticeable
>the extra calcium added to your diet with be noticeable and lead to a healthier body


>not just eating the shells
You're such a fucking baby, OP. Do you also cut your steak?

Isn't there bacteria and shit on the shell though? The reason why people say to crack the egg on a flat surface and not on the rim of the bowl/pan so that shit doesn't get inside.

You're the reason flu season has such a high death toll this year.

Gotta crack a few eggs if you wana make an omelette op

If you're afraid of the eggs shells that have been sitting in a loosely sealed container, in your fridge, with all of your other food, spreading disease then just wash them or cook them with your eggs after making them into powder


Why do people even whine about eggshells? Learn to crack
>Crack on rim of bowl with one solid thwack
>use fingers to peel open crack if it didnt split
>Pull apart and drop egg into bowl
>Discard shell

Its not fucking rocket science, how the fuck are you getting eggs IN the bowl?

But user you crack on a flat surface like your counter not the bowl

No? I don't need yolk all over the counter top. I crack on the bowl then split. Plain and simple. No mess, no shell. Literally git gud at breaking eggs if this is somehow a problem for you.

But you're wrong tho it's ok friend you do whatever you want

>my way is the only way!
You'll hit puberty some day, kiddo.

I didn't say only I said right. It's ok though user I'm not mad at you



>eggshells are somehow exclusive to Americans

why don't they just sell shell-less eggs


I don't understand how you fucktards get shells in your eggs so often to warrant these threads? How much of a brainlet are you? The same shit goes for all the threads about yolks breaking. It's not hard to fucking crack an egg.

>why don't they just sell shell-less eggs
They do