No pleb tea (PG Tips, Tetley etc.)
Best tasting breakfast tea?
Earl Grey is alright
i have a greenhouse to grow my own tea. people who buy tea are drones. i avoid participating in the economy, which is a scam to me.
You know I really thought Veeky Forums would be jumping to share their tea tastes. I guess all of you a plebs.
stfu nerd
If your idea of discussing tea is people listing off their favorite brands then the only pleb here is you. The fact that you think one brand of packaged tea is "pleb" but another is not just shows how little you know.
Oh ok so by your logic any supermarket brand is extremely tasteful and not dishwater garbage?
There is a difference in quality and taste in every tea, they are not all equal.
Best fucking breakfast tea, and I've tried manymanymany
And yet, you're on the internet. So, you're still participating in the economy fucktard.
Try reading my post again you retard and think really hard. Put that 5th grade reading comprehension to the test. When user says something like
>The fact that you think one brand of packaged tea is "pleb" but another is not just shows how little you know.
is he making a statement about all packaged teas and if so, what is it? Could he possibly be implying that all packaged teas are garbage and that you're a dumb fucking nigger for acting like some sort of tea connoisseur because you stopped buying PG Tips in favor of some other brand that cost 20% more?
Way to blow a simple "Best TASTING breakfast tea" post out of proportion user, well done.
I just want the tastiest tea you retard, I don't care about brands I simply listed the ones that tasted like shit to me.
I'm happy with 2 bags of decaf twinings english breakfast in a 12 oz mug steeped for 2-3 mins. Yum
tea pigs chai tea with condensed milk.
I don't fuck around in the mornings
but i also drink coffee, i like 2 hot beverages in the morning
Yorkshire Gold.
tea with milk?
shit tea indeed.
only shithole countries have tea without milk
Eh? Milk is a requirement when its a black breakfast brew.
yet you have greenhouse, which is made of carcass which is made of wood or aluminum, and isolating material which is made of glass or film; which also may require heating, ventilating and irrigating systems. which i doubt you have produced with your own hands.
you cannot avoid unavoidable.
Yorkshire Tea
Greenhouse? HAH! I collect stinging nettles from the forest and turn it into a tea, many health benefits AND I don't have to dilly-dally around with a silly greenhouse. Feel sorry for you chumps who fall for the "grow your own tea and live free" tripe.
adding milk or sugar to tea conceals its unique flavor.
strong black tea pairs well with bread and butter or sour cream/creme fraiche. adding milk destroys le mariage.
tung ting oolong
Shou pu'er, nigga
Clearly you are trying to disassociate yourself from the working class background which you grew up in. Good luck with that, but keep in mind that we will always welcome you back with open arms when you choose to return to normalcy.
Bit expensive but this is legit the best tea you will ever taste. Black or with milk.
it isn't even the best irish breakfast tea
there is no normalcy in matters of taste, only education and habits. there is no normalcy in matters of opinion about taste, only majority, which is frequently driven by its habits.
it's impossible to dissociate oneself from something that does not exist.
For me, it's Twinings
>he thinks we live in a post-class society
"he" thinks we are talking about tea.
also, it's not where we are, it's where we will be.