Which region of the US has the best cuisine?

Which region of the US has the best cuisine?

Southeast in general, Louisiana in particular.

Depends on what you are into. We have tex mex and southern.
New england is shit but the west has "some" good mexican.

Dutch settled areas

..and by dutch i mean Pennsylvania dutch.

And by Pensylvania Dutch you mean German, because early Americans couldn't into Deutsch.

And by German you mean Rhineland.

This, also certain parts of Florida.

And by Rhineland you mean the Reich.

Rural areas. Because of wild game and what not.

>And by X you mean Y & Z


There is no Z, faggot.

And by there is no Z, faggot you mean there is no Y, faggot.

ill end this right now.
>BBQ - fuckoff KC and carolinaniggers
>TEXMEX - so good its fucking named after the state
>AUTHENTIC MEXICAN - thanks based illegals
>GERMAN - yes, german especially around central TX/ SA

no, you FUCK OFF !!!!!

seriously fucking this is a joke right? turtle, frog gator? take your swamp food and go drown in one.
>pic related, its every single gas station in louisiana.

The average taco truck in SoCal has better food than what you can find in the majority of the South. Cajun cooking over-done and fancified in a restaurant by an actual chef is so far distant from it's roots in poverty-stricken swamp subsistence eating that it's not really comparable, at all. It's got some great ideas, but you've gotta throw some serious qualifiers on there.

That being said, boiled peanuts are god-tier and if you disagree you have absolutely no taste in anything.

t. I've lived in more states than you, including the various parts of the South, both Nor- and SoCal, and the Mid/South West.

Fuck off Texas. I currently live in you; your BBQ is a fucking joke. I can make a better brisket myself than the shit most of you slow cook; you've got absolutely nothing on Tennessee or the Carolinas. Your indigenous steak places aren't even that great. Whataburger is a slightly better McDonalds. TexMex is fucking garbage, and "authentic" Mexican from the Rio Bravo area is shit compared to authentic Mexican from Baja; the best Mexican food in this state is done by California transplants. The German food here is fine, but it's completely different than what you can find in California or the Northeast, so you can't really compare it.

Nothing your state does is done particularly well; you take the boring parts of the Southwest, Midwest, and the South, water them down, and then slap a vaguely Mexican sheen on them and call it Texan. The parts of Texas that aren't like that are really just Western Louisiana. Even Austin is just a shitty imitation of SoCal for the most part. The parts of this state that are distinctly Texan and that are great for it (like the national parks, the big open range, the people) are so underrepresented in even what you Texans consider good that it's a fucking crime.

Your schools are fucking top notch though, keep that shit up.

>lives in a college town
>thinks his small area represents the largest non-alaskan state in the union.
the fuck outta texas yankee, texas doesnt want you

I don't live in a college town fuccboi, I live in San Antonio. I came here because of the military, and stayed for cheap housing. Texas wants the fuck out of me, giving me all kinds of preferential treatment for being a vet, a property owner, and a business owner. And I'm not even a yankee, you slaver-wannabe; I'm originally from the Conservative holdout of SoCal, the Inland Empire, where we vote red and cook meth.

I've been all over this damn state, and have met people from all over this damn state. I probably know Texas better than you, fucko, and I've only lived here 8 years.

the only thing worse than a yank is hippie ass california homo. ever heard Dont mess with texas? Youre the litter.

Texas, houston & austin specifically, has good food across a wide range of cuisines

new york is a fine dining capital (obviously)

a few states leading the charge in cannabis cooking is interesting

You literally could not be more of a living meme. Nothing about you is what's good about Texas, Mr. Concrete Cowboy tryhard country-wannabe badass.

its what we all think bucko, we just aint rude enough to say it to ya.
you have a mighty fine day now ya hear?

South TX/Louisiana region

>Cajun cooking over-done and fancified in a restaurant by an actual chef is so far distant from it's roots in poverty-stricken swamp subsistence eating that it's not really comparable, at all. It's got some great ideas, but you've gotta throw some serious qualifiers on there.

you're fucking retarded

the elevation of food is the lifeblood for some of the best restaurants

>kid grows up poor
>works hard, goes to school while working as a busboy
>works hard again and gets a chance as a line cook
>pursues his passion
>works hard; maybe graduates eventually with classical training from a chef or culinary school
>realizes he can cook well, but the good cooking he found on the streets where he lived and what his grandmother made are too far to enjoy
>begins making it with scraps in his own kitchen when he's hungry
>takes the core ideas of what makes the food from his heritage "work" and puts a twist on it
>is now a world class chef and featured on netflix's "chef"

tl;dr youre a fucking retard

The region I live in

Why did you find a pic of the grossest looking enchiladas you could to represent texmex?

>seriously fucking this is a joke right? turtle, frog gator?
Have you ever tasted them? If not, you cannot definitively say they're bad.
Cityfags are such cancer.

>aint rude
Pick one

So your best foods are poor imitations of other nations food?

tell me more canada

At least Canada doesn't pretend that it invented every single culinary creation. American identity is obsessed with ownership, whether it be rampant consumerism, quantity over quality, taking collective credit for anything that currently exists within American borders, thinking you are the king of your suburban plot etc.

You can't really extrapolate your sense of of identity to other nations. America has had an incredible influence on modern civilization and is basically THE source for innovation over the last few generations. But culturally, it is declining. Mega Churches and the weird corporate-militant-patriotism are examples of the current state of American identity. It's no wonder you guys are so sensitive and defensive when it comes to your identity, while other countries simply know where they stand and don't have to justify their culture or identity to others.

please name me one fucking thing americans claim to have 'INVENTED' other than a hamburger and or hotdog?
yeah we invented spaghetti and pizza, we invented tacos and shit. gotcha

beer helmet

T. a fellow merican

Television and telephones tend to be the two.

>Your schools are fucking top notch though, keep that shit up.
Not compared to Californian schools they're not. They're good, yeah, but no university in Texas outclasses the likes of Berkeley, CalTech, or Stanford.

Gulf Coast.

Americans actually invented the modern concept of pizza though

Portland OR, unless you want Mexican. For Mexican, greater Los Angeles area.

Anything /dixie/

Stay butthurt, leaf fag.

the South

Not really a region, but yeah, PDX has the best food scene of any city in the country.

fuck off, Albertans wish they were texans.
If you piss off the US we'll cut off your Kraft Dinner supply