The GOAT fruit
The GOAT fruit
>tfw can't eat any wild blackberries because they have probably been poisoned
I know they're a weed, but it's the only fruit that grows well here in the wild
but if they have been poisened why are they growing checkmate poisen
>grew up in a small town
>grandfather used to wake up early on weekends and come home with rabbits, squirrel, and wild mulberry
>now it's a meth-city and the woods are full of beer cans and there's no wild-life
Russia, could you do us a brotherly favor and start WW3? Maybe we could negotiate a treaty with Canuckistan and Britannia before fucking the rest of the world, hand in hand.
Every fucking city I've lived in, in every state, has been steadily deteriorating. If you want to make a stand for the love of food and vodka...
That picture looks like somebody took a huge SHITOLA know what I mean
Mountain Dew is the best fruit (it counts, check the ingredients).
Those are mulberries.
Are you from Brooklyn?
Used to eat berries from random bushes as a kid. No idea if they were poison or not. They tasted fine. As far as me or my cousin knew they were blackberry and raspberry bushes. We knew to avoid unfamiliar berries. Good times.
Blackberries are GOAT
i can't decide which stone fruit i like the most. i love peaches, plums, cherries.
good thing i don't have to choose. you can make hybrids!
FUCK normies
When I was in college, there was a beautiful line of mulberry trees than lined one side of the soccer/rugby field. Anyway, since my roommate and I were such poor college students, when the mulberries were ripe, we'd take a sheet and a piece of bamboo and shake down all the mulberries. It was glorious, uneven if people stared. We'd also walk around campus and the surrounding neighborhoods and collect all the ripe loquats.
why not just steal from a grocery store if being poor means you can take people's stuff...?
If you folk want to see something cool, go visit DC during the Cherry Blossom Festival, it's almost that time and one has to be quick to get the timing right.
Bring a girlfriend and have some fun, and don't let a park ranger pick a blossom for your girl.
That is, see you when you're picking a blossom for your girl.
Guess I'm a normie, I like going to the DC Cherry Blossom Festival and picking one for my girlfriend while nobody watches.
I'm real guilty you pathetic faggot.
If I'm a normie, what do you consider yourself? A lost clinton supporter still crying in it's closet because your anointed one didn't win?
I meant people that litter retards
Of course you did.
So you consider yourself to be a retard?
I don't ducking litter
You don't duck litter at all, you eat it and become a retard who hates everything. Do you go around wearing an A in a circle on a pleather jacket?
I wear an LA angels leather jacket thank you very much
I like money so fuck anarchy
That's why you're into duck litter?
Good times for you.
Do you the LA Angels pay you to wear their shit on your "expensive" "leather?"
Why do you wear someone elses team colors that unless you are an investor in, make no money from?
You really come across as an advertising goon, and you call me a normie. HA HA HA! What a fag.
Im going there with my boyfriend. Hes gay. But we dont cum plain :)
I love his head against my asshole when i fart on it.
Look at this fucking faggit. He has no interest in the team or some political movement, so he wears bullshit signs A's in circles on one side denoting anarchy and on the other sports teams.
This is stupid and if you people can't see that and yet he calls me a normie then you people are screwed. He's the normie for whatever that stupid term means.
Good times for you two, you must have a real butt boi there.
lmao wtf it was a gift from my sister
I like the team too
I can deal with that. I've gotten them from companies that I've worked for. I still with that I had some.
Hey, don't forget to give your sister some gifts too, mine died too young and I could never give her enough eventhough she used to hollar at me all of the time.
We should break off from this, this isn't /ck I thought I was on another board. Ooops.
star fruit is pretty good. its so light i coukd eat alot if it in one setting
I have a hat from a company I worked for
I hit her up with a tablet that's just as expensive
Dun worry this isn't one sided, she's got got mad art skillz and I'm facilitating that
It's a tablet just for drawing shit
I'm smart so I'm the first in my bloodline to get into higher education, I come from ghetto ass mofos
are you proud of me neonazis? die fgts
So what? Do expect a statue with pigeons shitting on you?
Do something for yourself and your family. Why do you care if some user cares or not?
strawman you fallacious mother fucker
hahaha faggot!
Who else freezes grapes here? It's like a delicious, diarrhoea inducing bowl of individual sorbets
Green seedless are best for that I think.
Don't try to deflect the fact that you're a faggot and you know it.
what's ur problem? I know you're female with a righteousness complex
Yeah, you must be right. I bet people people pay you for those opinions.
Move to an unincorporated town in wisconsin
not yet
Maybe I'm just a normie these days something that you can't define which I find pretty cool. Get over yourself and realize that I and a lot of others really don't need your approval yet have had really hot girlfriends. Get on with your live instead of being a little cunt.
Those are larvae
Your mom made larvae from my seed!
mah nigga
lol shut up
Mulberries are nice because it's fun picking berries from a tree and they can be very plentiful (at least before the birds arrive). But their flavor is not nearly as good as wild blackberries.
Not even the best berry.
Yeah, they've always tasted watery to me and they usually have tiny worms squirming in them.
We weren't taking other people's stuff, dumbass. No one was picking those, they were on public property (leeway and road shoulders). We weren't trespassing on anyone's property. So fuck off.
Last time I eat these with my grandpa.
I still remeber that taste...
cashew apples are good but you have to have chili salt on hand or else they are boring
what the FUCK is wrong with you people that you didn't already post a mangosteen
>Thorny as fuck blackberry bushes growing absolutely everywhere
what the fuck is the point of offering me all this fruit if I almost have to risk dying to harvest it
What the fuck are you talking about?
mangosteen is great
Cherry-plum hybrids havent impressed me. Most are 80% plum. Nadia is the only 50/50 cherry plum cross but i havent tasted it. Pluots have been a better tasting hybrib for me.