If you want to improve your diet for cheap, look no further.
If you want to improve your diet for cheap, look no further
What are those?
Can i buy these in bulk online, i live in the us.
FINALLY! canned food NOT from China.
smoked herring fillets. Alot better than tuna if you ask me and if you can find in hot sauce their even greater.
What’s with the all seeing eye pyramid on the logo? Why is that everywhere?
Brunswick brand definitely ships to the US. Not sure if you can order a case online, though.
>for cheap
how much were they?
It's the logo of the Canadian illuminati Society.
$2 a can, but I think they're more like a dollar something at Walmart.
That's clearly a lunar excursion module.
I've researched this extensively for the past half hour, and if I'm not mistaken, that's actually meant to be a fish rather than the eye of providence or illuminati symbol.
well i would have to ask, what the fuck is it. but looking at it i'm pretty sure their is zero chance of me being able to get it.
Had kippers for the first time this morning. I think I prefer deenz, but they were OK.
At the grocery store the fancy local mackerel was on clearance. I'm a huge fan of black pepper so I'm excited to try this.
Kippz are so superior to deenz it's not even funny bro
In what way will these salty oily fuckers improve my diet
Smoked food isn't really healthy. You'd be better off with unsmoked, unsalted sardines packed in oil or water.
you realize that aint cheap at fucking all... ground beef is cheaper than that.
Where's my real trill ass /deenz/ niggas? Kipper snacks is the shit.
Kips are all around good. Those omega-3 fatty acids, tastes great, easy to prepare, perfect for outdoor activities/emergencies
simple packaging, naturally smoked, leaf caught fish from yarmouth to your mouth
it's all there. never seen them before, desu
Just walked through the door from walmart, cheapest kippers I saw were $1.44, for Polar brand. Im in commiefornia btw
>Smoked food isn't really healthy. You'd be better off with unsmoked, unsalted sardines packed in oil or water.
how about you fuck off?
>She fell for the smoked meat is bad for you meme!
Which mommy blog told you that one, deary?
Omega 3s out the ass.
I've heard good thgs about Polar. Check them out.
Why does Japanese food have English on it?
Why does a Japanese website have Americans on it? English is the language of business.
Why do Famicom games have English?
Why do they have English?
To make the balls curve in FIFA '86
kippered herring filets > sardines >>> canned salmon
>> canned tuna >>>>>>>>>>>> canned chicken
Eating out of tin cans is bad for your health.
You are a gentleman and a scholar.
Put the fish on a plate, then.
>ate a can of kippers other day
>used it in fried rice (homemade obv, with tons of veg) as a protein
>had the worst rancid farts for days
>didn't even taste good, should have just used tofu
Nah fuck that shit. Only good pantry-stable fish is jarred anchovies.
Lots of random engrish in Japan. They think it's fancy. Sort of like when americans put french words on something. You can sell it for 50% more money.
That's not cheap.
For good fish it is. And in Canada.