Refined sugar and HFCS are bad therefore all carbs are bad
Refined sugar and HFCS are bad therefore all carbs are bad
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>Cavemen and almost all of our ancestors throughout the entirety of human history, from whom we evolved and whose diet is expected from us by our bodies, ate the occasional few grains of wheat while hunting animals, picking fruits and primarily non-starchy vegetables, eating a few nuts, seeds and eggs, and as such it's perfectly healthy to eat nothing but wheat, sugar, corn, starch and AIDS
Diets of bread, wheat, pasta, chips, biscuits, cereals and ludicrous amounts of other complex carbs are a plague. Stick chiefly to monosaccharides instead and you won't be such a flailing, diseased, fatass fucking fagmaster
I hope there's a special place in hell for those responsible for pushing carbs so hard and demonizing meats. It has caused generations of unhealthy people.
Trans fat and hydrogenated oils are bad therefore all fats are bad
all cavemen are also dead. checkmate atheists.
you forget your >
East Asians and Meds are the longest living people and they eat tons of carbs
>putting sugar through a machine that grinds it somehow adds poison to it
>liquifying corn somehow adds poison to it
If you're not eating carbs that are fruit or whole as fuck bread, you are doing it wrong. Rye berries and steel cut oats are where it's at.
Corn is inherently fucking terrible.
Rice can't really be compared with tendies and cheetos, plus they eat a lot more fish. They do have more IBD though iirc, which i imagine is thanks to all the starch.
Today's food pyramid is a disaster. It's pretty much upside-down. People are only now starting to catch on. This was published 2 days ago...
Tendies and cheetos are bad for you, therefore all carbs are bad for you
I hope you realise I'm not giving you a more full response because it's simply not worth it...
>I emulate cavemen who died at 34
>meat good, fruit bad
Cavemen ate whatever they had available anyways.
You know why?
It astounds ketoniggers literally cant comprehend what a bunch of slope headed fags ate thousands of years ago is irrelevant to our own biological needs
>non-diet related illnesses, natural predators, and accidents don't contribute at all to that number
>is irrelevant to our own biological needs're literally built from their...
yaknow what, nvm. this is just a thread for kids to scream at eachother. i'm sure you're right, what your ancestors ate is irrelevant to you, and modern diet is just as healthy.
>walks off
They ate whatever was available to them, which included monkey shit
Youre free to freshen your breath but don't be a fat fuck idiot and assume "das wat dey eight!!!!" is some reasonable argument to actually concluding what is biologically healthy for us.
>modern diet
You mean the one with agriculture? Plentiful food? Yeah that one is fine.
But hey enjoy the shit sandwiches, fuckface
this is generally true. Fruit is loaded with sugar, and while fruits aren't as bad as drinking soda or shit that is straight sugar, they aren't that much better
fuck you this is delicious.
And in July in Indiana you just need to warm it.
>monkey shit
You realize they make coffee out of this and sell it for hundreds of dollars?
Can anyone actually imagine being this fucking stupid? Jesus christ dude lay off the ketones
That's civet and they make it from the seeds (beans) extracted from the coffeeberry shat out by the civets
he's right tho???
No youre not, retard
Yes he is, retard
He's probably one of the retards who thinks keto is drinking straight bacon grease and butter. Even we ketofags hate his kind. Fruit is perfectly healthy, and contains important nutrients and antioxidants we can't really get anywhere else. The misconception about sugar comes from the correlation between added sugar and obesity.
Carbs aren't inherently bad. There are good carbs, and there are bad carbs. Just like there are good fats and bad fats.
Whole foods are always the best.
What makes people so eager to play armchair dietitian and argue about their preferred dietary factoids?
No one said fruit is bad you retard. Too much fruit is bad for you, and it shouldn't be a big part of your diet. That's the entire point of the comment.
Why am I seriously responding to a grogposter?
>tries to redeem himself with ultimate brainlet "le moderation is key xD" faggotry
>follows it up with fruit shouldn't be essential
Did you take too many vaccines, shithead? I'm actually starting to believe the nonsense about every generation getting dumber
>Oh shit, he's making sense. I better call him stupid.
>fruit bad, eat like gayvmen
>strawmans while posting some dumb meme thinking he's being clever
>gets called out for being stupid
>damage control mode engaged
No more (You)s for you.
>im not an autistic manchild, how do i prove it though? le no (You) xD thatll show him!!!!
Why are ketoniggers so fucking stupid?
I swear, every single person on planet Earth reads a separate nutritionist blog, and whenever they get to talking about nutrition, it's just an endless back-and-forth going "No, ACTUALLY-" with whatever shit they read on their blog.
I've been on minimal 20-40g total carbs a day for the past 3 weeks and already have lost 8 lbs of weight. Just saying, they aren't bad for you, but overabundance of them isn't good either.
He's right on both counts tho???
>im on a caloric deficit and not eating big macs with french fries anymore #fuckcarbs
The difference being there's fat enough of retards to actually say stupid shit like fruit is bad because sugar and GMOs while simultaneously glugging butter from aldi because le cavemen ate it xD
No youre not tho???
It honestly saddens me there's heaving fat fucks like you unironically trying to brainwash people into thinking fruit is bad for you. I'm guessing your nose length is the invert of your microcock
>not eating big macs with french fries anymore #fuckcarbs
>glugging butter from aldi
How many man-hours of thought have you put into this image that exists in your head?
Yes he is tho???
what is a whole food? without using the word processed
Thats a fair point, user
Oranges, not orange juice
Whole grains, not white breads or white rice
Eating coconuts, not coconut oil
Actually I've been type 1 my whole life. Only recently was I told to limit down to 40 min. I don't even touch fast food period.
>Whole grains, not white breads or white rice
and these are bad because?
>Eating coconuts, not coconut oil
you think people just eat coconut oil?
Coconut oil is perfectly fine, and has a ton of health benefits that go amazingly with weight loss programs. Coconuts are of course better, but coconut oil is not bad.
Because they're usually stripped of any nutritional benefits, ripped of any fiber, carbohydrates become very simplified?
>you think people just eat coconut oil
They consume it, you stupid fucking retard. Are you just being intentionally obtuse because I called you stupid before?
Not him but white bread is awful for you due to starch and sugars, Its also pointless once you've had good bread. Why anyone would choose plain white bread over rye or sourdough is beyond me, and then Honey wheat and multigrain breads are just incredibly filling and delicious
Its good to put on your head, its not good to put in your mouth. It cripples endothelial function
so you lose less than 2g of fiber and complain about nutritional value being lost
>they consume it
so people drink coconut oil as a replacement for fruit?
Its more or like 5-6 grams per slice and yes that makes a difference considering the benefits of fiber and its digestive benefits especially when it comes to carbohydrate rich foods and no that's the only nutritional benefit
>so people drink coconut oil
At this point youre just caricaturing your own existing level of stupidity. Enjoy the rest of your day with those coffee enemas
>At this point youre just caricaturing your own existing level of stupidity. Enjoy the rest of your day with those coffee enemas
then why bring up two foods that provide completely different macronutrients?
Do you just want (You)s at this point, little boy? Have another
>I have no argument for my mom science
Have another