rate my dinner
Rate my dinner
who puts salt in their pepper shaker psycho
Looks fine, and I'm sure it tasted good, but since this is Veeky Forums I feel inclined to tell you what you did wrong.
If you want to char the outside of your meat, you shouldn't season it so heavily. I mean you shouldn't season it that heavily to begin with anyways, but that char you have is just burnt seasonings, not browned meat.
>He doesn't reuse things when he can.
Typical dumbass.
ain't nobody got time for that
Australian or super poor?
It was almost like blackened
no malt liquor today?
Looks like shit m8. Check out this beauty
It's almost like he's never heard of Prudhomme's technique for blackened meat and fish. Absolute plebe.
>inb4 muh blacked memes :xDD
seasoning a steak with anything other than salt/pepper
how did you learn to gut your fish? when you catch one do you have a way to remove any possible parasites, or is that fish store bought?
Where's the malt?
Your flatware and plate look like they'd be rejected by a thrift store
My dad taught me when he took me fishing as a young boy. Maybe if you weren't a nigger you'd wouldave had a dad to teach you to buy fish.
Did you reaaly put all of those spices on that sandwich? Looks nasty
reported for hate speech
Like this?
Dont be a douche.
Now off to your safe place.
the internet is safe once more... thank you for everything that you do, you fucking faggot.
when i woke up this morning and was browsing on my phone i thought that was a ham sandwich
now it's even worse my dude
>canned spinach
your onions grew ovaries
you on windows 98 nigger?