*steals your wallet*

*steals your wallet*

I used to just steal saffron but now it’s behind the service counter at my local grocer and you have to ask for it

This is not a thing at any other grocery store. They put it behind the counter solely because you're a piece of shit

Fucking love saffron

i have my persian relatives just bring it in bulk when they come to visit


Persia doesn't exist anymore dude

Says you.

i've never used saffron. what am i missing?

I too, am curious as what the deal is with saffron.

my grocery outlet sells it in little vials that contain a few grains for like $2.

Is it worth it? What does it taste like?

Persian is a race, culture and language too. Everyone from Iran and who speaks Farsi says Persian not Iranian.

according to chef ramsay, using saffron is eating on a budget

it doesn't taste of anything, it just colors the food

Shame the lizard-eaters took over.

Why is saffron so expensive?

It has to be hand-harvested. It's too fucking delicate for machinery so far.

Calm down satan. It's very common to put the small expensive stuff behind the counter.
Like those ridiculously expensive Mach 3 blades. And condoms

Condoms aren't expensive. People steal them because they are afraid of being seen buying them

Saffron threads are the stamens of the crocus, a high-maintenance flower whose climatory pickiness is matched only by its fickle yields. Each flower, which blooms for one week of the year, produces about three stamens which must be picked by hand (with the greatest delicacy, of course) and dried (delicately again!). 150 flowers and substantial labor are needed to produce a single gram of saffron; it's only as affordable as it is because harvesters aren't paid much at all.

hope this little guy will save afghanistan.

Haha moron.
Saffron is incredibly aromatic.

Condoms really. They are cheap. You are scum and a theif.

>worth it?

Just buy some and add it to a steak, see if you like it

>being this much of a tastelet

i hope you're trolling.

You're an idiot, Persia was just the Greek way of saying Iran. The country is the same, Iran is just the name of the country in Farsi.

Not at a grocery store you filthy nigger

I Remeber back when I was about 10 )18 years ago) and I found my dads soap bar hash and him and my mum tried telling me it was saffron

I got a ton of high quality (negin) shit and have no idea what to do with it apart from cream sauces for seafood pasta and sweeter vegetable purees

>it's common
Not in white areas, Jiliquan De Hulos.

are you fucking kidding me
someone who has never had saffron (or has no sense of taste or smell) right here folks

wish my dad hid weed around the house :(

I live in a pretty rough neighborhood where the gas station clerks and restaurant clerks are behind bulletproof glass and saffron, condoms, etc. are still out in the aisles

You must be 18 years or older to use this site. Even the blue boards, kiddo.

There's other people in Iran, besides Persian. It's like somebody referring to their Bavarian relatives, and you correcting them to German. There's a difference between ethnicity and nationality.

You do not want soap bar hash even if it is free, trust me on this.

>such a ghetto that clerks are behind bulletproof glass
>selling saffron of all things

It's the one thing that doesn't get stolen. Retail is all about lowering that shrink ratio famiry.

I'm just mad about saffron.


No see... You have had boxed saffron rice ...some rice a roni shit. That is not saffron.

saffron on a steak?

This fucking board is garbage

Saffron in iranian tea

Imagine being the guy who figures out how to machine harvest hydroponically grown saffron in a climate controlled warehouse in the middle of nowhere. You would become filthy rich, make saffron a more accessible spice to people allover the world enriching cuisine everywhere, and you would deal a massive blow to the economy of Iran which pretty much makes all the worlds saffron. The dutch east india company used spices to run the world. There is still power in spice. The spice must flow.

Same here. I would steal
It too.

stealing nigger detected

>tfw planning to visit Iran in spring just so that I can know what real saffron taste like instead of all the fakes I've been getting in Canada

My grocery store still has saffron in the spices section ripe for the stealing since it's nicer part of town. But I don't steal because I'm not a dickhead. I'd get it if you were stealing food if you're poor, but saffron is a luxury item that you don't need to steal.

Its been done, other Iranian comoanies would insist that your saffron was fake.

I saw that fucking video and couldn't believe it

If only niggers knew the worth of it. They could sell it to suburban housewives at half price and still make a buck, while selling them antidepressants.

ha ha yeah
also jews are white and hispanic whites are a totally real ethnicity

thats because niggers dont know what either of those things are

Got a small flask with a few strings here somewhere. Bought it with the plan of making saffron rice some time. Never used it because afraid I'd make a mistake and ruin it.